Category Archives: News & Achievements Archive

Get your glow on

Improve your personal wellness by participating in the GLOW RUN on Friday, Nov. 20 at 6 p.m. in Helmick Commons hosted by Residence Hall Association and Drake Wellness. The first 60 registrants will receive a free water bottle and glow accessories! This 2K on-campus run will help you improve personal fitness and help you gain awareness of Drake Wellness Center services before the holidays begin. Register by emailing or by completing the waiver.

Student media win national awards

SJMC students once again made an impressive showing, including two first-place awards, in two national contests whose winners were announced Oct. 30-31.

In the Associated Collegiate Press awards:

  • Amanda Horvath, JO’15 and Faith Brar, JO’15, won first place for multimedia story of the year for a story on nitrates in Iowa’s rivers for Urban Plains. Both graduated in May; Amanda was a Broadcast News major, Faith a Magazine major.
  • Greta Gillen, a senior Magazine and Graphic Design double major, won first place in magazine spread design for “Traffic Trap” in Drake Magazine.
  • Rachel Collins, a Radio-TV Producing major who graduated in May, won honorable mention for environmental portrait for Drake Magazine.

In the College Media Association Pinnacle Awards:

  • Melissa Studach and Kendall Wenaas collected three Pinnacle awards for Drake Magazine.
  • Drake Magazine won second place in best feature magazine, third place for photo illustration (Cole Norum), and third place for photo package (Morgan Cannata).
  • Urban Plains won second in best viral video, for Drake’s world-record Nerf gun fight.
  • KDRA won third place for best podcast.

The awards were announced at the National College Media Convention in Austin, Texas. Drake’s competition included publications from Northwestern, Stanford, and Temple, among others.

Also at the convention, Associate Professor Jill Van Wyke led three sessions on livestreaming with Periscope, ethics and accuracy in breaking news, and live-blogging.

—Submitted by Kathleen Richardson, Dean, School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Faculty and staff accomplishments

Sarah McCoy, assistant professor of graphic design, is featured in the November/December issue of Midwest Living .

Katherine Lincoln, University archives associate, has earned the Society of American Archivists Digital Archives Specialist certification. The certification is earned through a sequence of required coursework and comprehensive examinations. It is built around the core competencies needed to understand, organize, preserve, and develop digital archives containing electronic records across multiple generations of technology.

Wade Leuwerke, associate professor of education and department chair, and two longtime colleagues recently published a textbook on college student success. Connections: Empowering College and Career Success is a textbook that helps first-time and returning college students develop the skills, attitudes, and behaviors critical for success in college and into their career. The book empowers students to take responsibility for their education through increasing self-regulation, critical thinking, positive thinking, goal setting, and intentional career planning. The authors also created the Academic and Career Excellence System (ACES) a norm-referenced, self-assessment of non-cognitive and college skills. Students utilize ACES and the text to determine strengths and build personal success plans to bolster skills critical for strong performance in college and beyond. Learn more about Wade and his book in the Drake Newsroom.

Anne Murr, coordinator, Drake Adult Literacy Center, received the Outstanding Educator Award from The Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa (LDA IOWA). LDA is dedicated to identifying causes and promoting prevention of learning disabilities and to enhancing the quality of life for all individuals with learning disabilities and their families. The award is given to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution in the field of education to children, youth, and/or adults with learning disabilities.

Renee Cramer, associate professor and chair of law politics and society, published a new book about the cultural obsession with celebrity pregnancies. Pregnant With The Stars, published by Stanford University Press, examines the American fascination with, and judgment of, celebrity pregnancy and exposes how our seemingly innocent interest in “baby bumps” actually reinforces troubling standards about femininity, race, and class, while increasing the surveillance and regulation of all women in our society. Read more about Renee’s book here.

Drake Relays Parade survey

As a result of declining participation in the Drake Relays Parade, a committee has been formed to identify ways to generate renewed excitement as well as campus and community-wide participation. In order to re-evaluate the purpose, goals, and outcome of the Relays Parade, we are asking faculty, staff, and students (as well as neighbors and local businesses) to provide us with feedback and ideas for the future of the parade. We understand what a big part this long-standing tradition played in the week leading up to the Drake Relays and want to be sure we consider the support, sustainability, and impact of this Relays standby.

We appreciate your opinions as we move forward. Follow the link to complete the brief survey:

—Submitted by Marina Verlengia, Director of Student Programming

Foreign language conversation hours

Do you want or need to keep up your foreign language fluency? Drake’s Department of World Languages and Cultures wants to help.

Spanish Conversation Hours
Spanish Conversation Hours are scheduled for Mondays, 2–3 p.m., and Thursdays, 12:30–1:30 p.m., in Meredith Hall, Room 228. All levels of Spanish speakers are welcome. The group supports participants with an opportunity to practice Spanish, and no long-term commitment is required to attend. A native speaker facilitates the conversation in Spanish in an informal setting.
For further information, contact Visiting Assistant Professor Inbal Mazar at

Arabic Club
Arabic Club offers the opportunity for students, faculty, and administrators to practice speaking in Arabic on Wednesdays in Medbury Hall, Room 219 between 1:15 and 3:15 p.m. All levels of speakers are welcome. In addition to practicing speaking, the group explores history, geography, culture, and others topics of interest to the group. Drop-in attendance is welcome.
For further information, contact Adjunct Instructor Nahed Waly at

—Submitted by Drake International

Drake faculty/staff days

All Drake University faculty and staff are eligible to receive up to four complimentary tickets to the events listed below. Tickets may be picked up at the Drake Athletics Ticket Office Monday–Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or at the ticket window on game day. Must show valid Drake Card (ID) at time of pick up.

Women’s Basketball
Drake vs. Creighton
Nov. 24 at 7 p.m.
Knapp Center

Men’s Basketball
Drake vs. DePaul
Dec. 9 at 7 p.m.
Knapp Center

Men’s Basketball
Drake vs. Bradley
Jan. 30 at 2 p.m.
Knapp Center

Women’s Basketball
Drake vs. Wichita State
Feb. 5 at 7 p.m.
Knapp Center

—Submitted by Tom Florian, Assistant Director of Ticket Sales

SJMC news: Nov. 2

Drake SJMC and Iowa Public Radio hosting “NPR Presents: Michel Martin”
National Public Radio journalist Michel Martin will bring her traveling program to Drake’s Sussman Theater on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 7:30 p.m., hosted by the Drake School of Journalism and Mass Communication and Iowa Public Radio. The program will focus on political engagement by young people and will include music by the local band Canby and a panel discussion featuring current and former Drake students. The program will be live-streamed and recorded for future broadcast on NPR.

News professor Jill Van Wyke’s audio reporting class recorded interviews with Drake students that will be incorporated into the program as well.

Drake students win local advertising challenge

Katherine Rousonelos and Zachary Allen (team Magitive) recently won Audience Choice and Client’s Choice awards at the American Advertising Federation of Des Moines GRIT contest for Iowa ad students. They created a campaign for the Diamond bike brand from Ruster Sports. Students participating in the event also visited agencies and participated in networking.

Public relations students and alumni honored

Drake public relations students and alumni were honored at the PRSA of Central Iowa annual fall institute. Laura Plumb, JO’15, won PRSA Central Iowa Student of the Year and Abby Delaney, JO’13, was named Outstanding New Member. The following students won PRIME awards for their work in last semester’s PR Planning class: Courtney Fishman, Jenna Sheldon, Lizzie Maassen, Rebecca Brown, and Ashley Beall; Adam Graves, Kimberly Hennen, Garrett Carty, and Katia Degtyareva; Alison Felsenthal, Abbey Schoenrade, Katie Ramsey, and Hope Waggoner. The contest was judged by the PRSA chapter in New Mexico.

—Submitted by Kathleen Richardson, Dean, School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Massage therapy for faculty, staff, and students

Drake Wellness is again making massage therapy available to Drake faculty, staff, and students in the Bell Center Room 113. Special Drake rates are offered at $30/30 minutes, $50/60 minutes, and $75/90 minutes. Add-ons and gift certificates for massage are also available. Contact massage therapist Anne Boal directly at 515-988-8760 or visit to schedule an appointment. Extended morning and afternoon appointment times are available.

—Submitted by Anne Boal

Join a site visit to Findley’s Dreamer Academy

As part of our United Way Campaign we are highlighting I Have a Dream Foundation and invite faculty, staff, and students to join us on a site visit to learn more about how they can get involved with our partnership at Findley Elementary. Drake has partnered with the I Have a Dream Foundation to adopt the 1st grade class at Findley in an effort to create a strong culture of pursuing college and careers among Dreamers at an early age. Throughout the year we will facilitate programing, learning opportunities, and support services for students and families. Every student at Findley Elementary is a Dreamer!

Two visits will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 8:15 a.m.  and 12:15 p.m.. Transportation will be provided, but each visit will be limited to 10 participants, so sign up today. Participants should meet in the Olmsted Parking lot 30 minutes prior to the start of the visit they signed up for.

For more information, please contact Renee Sedlacek, interim director of community engagement & service-learning at x2454 or

—Submitted by Renee Seldacek