Drake news: Week of Nov. 23

New documentary on the horizon for Jody Swilky
Jody Swilky, the Ellis and Nelle Levitt Professor of English and writer and co-producer of the award-winning documentary A Little Salsa on the Prairie: The Changing Character of Perry, Iowa, is working on a new project documenting the history and evolution of the Iowa State Penitentiary. The documentary is tentatively titled Serving Time: The Long Life of Iowa State Penitentiary.

Kathleen Richardson to be recognized
The Iowa Supreme Court will honor School of Journalism and Mass Communication Dean Kathleen Richardson for her strong voice in support of justice at a recognition program today. Drake Professor Emeritus of Journalism Herb Strentz will recognize Kathleen for her 15 years of service on the Iowa Freedom of Information Council, a coalition of journalists, lawyers, educators, and other Iowans devoted to open government. Kathleen served as council’s executive director from 2000 to 2015.

Student opportunities at the #demdebate
In case you didn’t know, Drake hosted the nationally televised Democratic Presidential Debate last week. Go behind the scenes and check out one student’s experience working with CBS News.