Tag Archives: wellness

Learn how to unplug and improve your life

Join Human Resources on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. in Olmsted, CR 312-313 for a wellness seminar, “Unplugged.”

It can be difficult to unplug living in a world of constant connection and perpetual multi-tasking. If you feel like your day is a series of alerts, notifications, and reminders, you are not alone. The average person checks his or her phone 150 times a day, which makes it difficult to concentrate on tasks, projects, and those around you. Several studies show that we need time away from our personal devices in order to refresh and recharge. Learn how unplugging a bit each day can be beneficial to your personal relationships and increase productivity in the workplace.

Presented by Johanna Determann, wellness manager at Employee and Family Resources. Participants will receive one credit towards the Excellence in Learning and Development Certificate.

Space is limited, so please reserve your seat today by emailing laura.schwarz@drake.edu.

—Submitted by Cindy Adams, Associate Director, Human Resources

Staffing changes in Drake Wellness

Earlier this year, several open positions in Drake Athletics and Recreational Services, including the assistant director, wellness, prompted an evaluation of interrelated functions and duties, including wellness programming and support. The result was a realignment of staffing to reflect both duties of the position and constituencies served with one position focused on student wellness and one on employee wellness and engagement.

This summer, Ellen Lowe was hired as assistant director of recreational services, wellness. Ellen is responsible for supporting student wellness programming and services, managing group exercise, and supporting Recreational Services in related programming. Ellen reports to Lisa Murphy, director of recreational services.

The other wellness position vacated by Jana Peterson will be part of the Human Resources team. This alignment reflects the close working relationship between wellness staff and human resources since the inception of the wellness program and also provides the opportunity for cross-collaboration on issues of work/life balance and employee engagement.

Both positions will continue to work collaboratively on programs that can be offered to both students and employees. A variety of wellness related programming is available to faculty and staff this fall, including:

  • Group Exercise Classes—A list and schedule can be found at www.drake.edu/recservices/groupexercise/
  • Workshops and Learning—Various programs will be offered throughout the year. The first session, “Unplugged,” is scheduled for Sept. 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Olmsted Room 312-313.
  • Flu Shots and Blood Pressure Checks—Watch for information about upcoming flu shots and blood pressure checks for faculty and staff.
  • Life Coaching—Drake contracts with EFR to offer confidential life coaching to help you set goals in wellness, communication, time management, job performance, work-life balance, and other areas in which you wish to make progress. For more information, contact EFR at 800-327-4692.

If you have an employee wellness related question, please reach out to Cindy Adams, associate director, Human Resources, at 271-3676.

—Submitted by Venessa Macro, Chief Administration Officer