Tag Archives: seminar

Learn how to unplug and improve your life

Join Human Resources on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. in Olmsted, CR 312-313 for a wellness seminar, “Unplugged.”

It can be difficult to unplug living in a world of constant connection and perpetual multi-tasking. If you feel like your day is a series of alerts, notifications, and reminders, you are not alone. The average person checks his or her phone 150 times a day, which makes it difficult to concentrate on tasks, projects, and those around you. Several studies show that we need time away from our personal devices in order to refresh and recharge. Learn how unplugging a bit each day can be beneficial to your personal relationships and increase productivity in the workplace.

Presented by Johanna Determann, wellness manager at Employee and Family Resources. Participants will receive one credit towards the Excellence in Learning and Development Certificate.

Space is limited, so please reserve your seat today by emailing laura.schwarz@drake.edu.

—Submitted by Cindy Adams, Associate Director, Human Resources