Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Lunch & Learn

Our second SoTL Lunch & Learn is on Friday, Nov. 20, noon–1 p.m. in TMR 133 Olmsted (lower level across from the student workout facility). This is an opportunity to share information about a current project, think about future projects, find out about SoTL, or simply engage colleagues in thinking about teaching and learning practices. You do not need to register to attend, but if you would like us to provide lunch, please sign up at

—Submitted by Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Military social

Faculty, staff, and students who are veterans and military family members are invited to a meet & greet on Nov. 12.

Faculty, staff, and students who are veterans and military family members are invited to a meet & greet on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 8:30 a.m.–9:15 a.m. in Cline Atrium. Use the southeast entrance door to Cline Hall and proceed towards Harvey Ingham. The Atrium is the large gathering space between the buildings.

President Martin (Air Force) will make a few remarks recognizing the community of students and employees who share a common bond along with their Drake connections. Light refreshments will be available.

—Submitted by Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Student Success

Faculty development opportunity

The spring writing project is an opportunity for Drake faculty to work with Coordinator of Writing Instruction Jody Swilky on methods for improving student writing. Read more about the Call for Spring Writing Project 2016 here. Participation is limited to 10 individuals. If you are interested in participating or want additional information, please contact Jody Swilky (

—Submitted by Art Sanders, Associate Provost

J-Term sessions

There will be a session for faculty and staff leading J-Term travel seminars for the first time in J-Term 2016 and 2017 and for those interested in leading a J-Term travel seminar in the future on Tuesday, Nov. 10, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Cowles 201. If you plan to attend, please contact so we can be sure to have sufficient materials available.

There will also be a session for those teaching on-campus J-Term classes for the first time in 2016, and for those thinking about developing a class for J-Term 2017, on Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Cowles 201. Please note that the call for proposals for on-campus J-Term 2017 classes will be sent at the end of November.

—Submitted by Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Take part in the United Way/Iowa Shares campus campaign

Drake University is proud to partner with United Way of Central Iowa and Iowa Shares for our 22nd campus giving campaign! Drake employees have consistently supported the efforts of United Way and Iowa Shares, making Drake’s campus giving campaign No. 1 in participation among central Iowa universities and colleges. With your support, we’ll continue this trend and support the great work of United Way and Iowa Shares.

Consider giving to the campaign between Nov. 2 and Nov. 13. Payroll deduction is an option, as is making monthly payments. Our goals this year are to raise $52,000, to increase campaign participants by 100, and to increase leadership giving ($1,000+) to 14 individuals.

Click here to give to the United Way of Central Iowa.

Click here to give to Iowa Shares.

For more information regarding this year’s incentives, which include a parking pass, gift cards, and tickets to a men’s or women’s basketball game, please visit or contact Renee Sedlacek,

—Submitted by Renee Sedlacek, Interim Director, Community Engagement and Service-Learning

Faculty Senate meeting recap

The October meeting of the Faculty Senate included presentations from:

  • President Martin, who presented a continuous improvement plan, which draws on the strategic plan and the University accreditation process
  • Gary Johnson, director of human resources, who discussed the work of the faculty salary administrative review group and progress on meeting benchmarks for faculty salaries
  • Michelle Rogers, assessment coordinator, who shared the process and measures used to assess the Drake Curriculum and Areas of Inquiry (AOI)

Also, the senators discussed processes leading to potential revisions of the Drake Curriculum.

—Submitted by Nancy Geiger, Student Information Analyst