You’re invited to Griff I’s birthday party

Griff II is throwing a birthday party for the OG (Griff I)! Students, faculty, and staff are invited to drive through the Olmsted Lot anytime between 9 and 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 8, for a socially distanced celebration of Griff II’s mentor and beloved predecessor as he turns 9 years old. Both dogs will be there, party hats on. We encourage wearing Drake blue, decorating your vehicles for the occasion, and bringing lots of enthusiasm as you wish the OG a HBD from your car. Walk-up student visitors are welcome as well, as long as social distancing measures are maintained. Like last year, the OG is requesting that instead of gifts for him, he would like you to bring non-perishable food and personal care items for the Little Free Pantries in the Drake Neighborhood. Let’s honor the OG by helping our neighbors!

— Erin Bell, University Communications and Marketing