Snow and ice on campus parking lots and walks

Facilities Planning and Management along with President Martin and Provost Mattison have been receiving several emails and calls in regards to safety concerns and the well-being of faculty, staff, students, and visitors with the snow and ice on pavement around the campus.  FPM has the same concerns and is committed to ensuring that snow and ice are cleared to the best of our abilities with a staff of 10 dedicated employees responsible with clearing over 11 acres of parking lots and 13 miles of sidewalks.

This winter in central Iowa has been a record breaking one for snow fall and cold temperatures. Often the staff are starting early in the morning between 3–4 a.m. and working a 12–18 hour shift.  Most of the snow storms this winter have not completely stopped by the time the majority of people arrive on campus, which affects the parking lots once cars start to compact the freshly fallen snow.  The temperatures have also been too low for salt to be effective and sand is being used for traction. Our crews continue to clear drifts from walks and parking lots, and as it has been typical this winter, getting ready for the next storm to make its way to central Iowa.

FPM would like everyone to be aware of the conditions around them as they travel across the campus and remember these 10 tips to avoid winter injuries.  Hopefully there is some warmer temperatures ahead as spring nears.  Our staff would be the first to agree that this has been a long, cold February. We are looking forward to getting the campus lawn green and flowers growing for the track events ahead.  

Kevin Moran, Executive Director, Facilities Planning and Management