Category Archives: News & Achievements Archive

A&S news: Week of Dec. 14

Joan McAlister, associate professor of rhetoric, with editorial assistance from Drake students Ana Salgado and Hanna Howard, produced the most recent edition of Women’s Studies in Communication, the premier journal addressing the relationships between communication and gender. You can peruse the journal here.

—Submitted by Emily Kruse, Assistant to the Dean, Arts & Sciences

CBPA news: Week of Dec. 14

The Department of International Business is celebrating another successful semester, including the following accomplishments:

  • The department has seen a 23% annual growth in International Business majors over the last three years.
  • Study abroad among CBPA students has seen 28% annual growth.
  • Drake International Management students worked with Iowa-based organizations such as the Greater Des Moines Partnership, Principal Financial Group, and DuPont-Pioneer on internationalization issues.
  • Professor Kappen received honors for best international dissertation research at the Academy of Management and was named program chair of the largest national Academy of International Business chapter.
  • The department signed an agreement with Universidad de los Andes and visiting Chile with Dean Terri Vaughan to expand internship and study abroad opportunities.

DUSCI upcoming events

As the semester inches close to the end, the Drake Undergraduate Science Collaborative Institute (DUSCI) extends a big THANK YOU to all who attended and/or supported the Colloquium Series and also the Life After Drake Series this Fall semester. It is because of you that DUSCI continues to grow as an institute that enhances collaboration among the students and faculty in the sciences.

On behalf of DUSCI, allow me to bring your attention to and also to invite you to our upcoming events in spring and summer 2016. The complete information of these events is available on our website.

  • 13th Annual DUCURS Conference will be on Thursday, April 14
  • 2016 Summer Research Program application information is now available.
  • Colloquium Series: We will host three speakers on Feb. 12, Feb. 26, and March 4. Titles and abstracts will be available on the website very soon.

Lastly, DUSCI wishes you a successful end of the semester and a very enjoyable holiday season.

—Submitted by John Gitua, Director of DUSCI

University Book Club

Join faculty and staff from all corners of campus to read The Kind Worth Killing with the University Book Club. Borrow the book from Cowles, read over your holiday break and through January, then meet with your co-workers on Tuesday, Jan. 19, to discuss the book (time and place TBD). Learn more here: Additional Book Club information

More information to come in a future OnCampus!

—Submitted by Randy Boelkes, Student Loan and Collections Specialist

Office of Alumni Relations welcomes three new staff members

The Office of Alumni Relations is excited to share the addition of three new staff members to our team.

Heather Hendrix is the administrative assistant/receptionist to the Alumni Relations team. She is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa, with a degree in elementary and early childhood education. Prior to Drake, she served as a patient service representative at UnityPoint.

Kim Jones joins the team as the assistant director of alumni relations. Kim returns to Drake having previously served on the publications team from 1985 to 1992. Her responsibilities include student and campus engagement and working with young alumni and the Young Alumni Committee. She holds a B.F.A. from Arizona State and previously served as the head women’s softball coach at AIB College of Business from 2012 to 2015.

Nicki Kimm is joining the Office of Alumni Relations following 10 years in the Dallas Center – Grimes Community School District. She serves in the role of administrative assistant supporting the Alumni House team.

—Submitted by Blake Campbell, Director, Alumni Relations

2016 Baby Bowl

Drake women’s basketball will host the 2nd annual Baby Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016, during halftime of its game versus Missouri State. Children 12 months and younger are eligible to compete. This is a crawling-only competition.

We invite you to register your baby or encourage friends and family to do so. Be sure to sign up early, as space is limited. Registration is open now until Jan. 8, or until all slots are filled. Contestants will be notified on Jan. 11. Racers will receive two complimentary tickets to the game for parents/guardians. The winner of Baby Bowl 2016 will take home $125; 2nd and 3rd place will take home $75 and $50 respectively. All contestants will receive a Drake Bulldogs baby bib for their efforts.

Visit for more information.

Questions? Please contact Tom Florian, assistant director of ticket sales, at 515-271-4949 or

—Submitted by Tom Florian

College of Arts & Sciences news

Renee Cramer, associate professor and chair of Law, Politics, and Society (LPS), traveled with four LPS students to San Quentin prison to attend a LiveLaw event in early December. The trip follows these students’ successful efforts to bring LiveLaw, a legal storytelling event, to Des Moines for the first time in spring 2015. Students partnered with national producers and oversaw story curating, event planning, grant writing, and publicity of the event, which was featured on the Life of Law website and podcast. Their efforts led to an invitation from Life of Law Executive Producer Nancy Mullane—a journalist and author of Life after Murder: Fine Men in in Search of Redemption, which the students read in class—to join her and 300 inmates and civilians for LiveLaw San Quentin, which will be podcast on Christmas day. They will bring their experience at San Quentin back to class and will also put on a public program in the spring to discuss what they observed and learned.

The trip also complements students’ ongoing learning about the nation’s correctional system and social justice issues. Students ahve engaged in ride-alongs with Des Moines police and made a trip to the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women in Mitchellville.

—Submitted by Emily Kruse, Assistant to the Dean

Drake news: Week of Dec. 7

Wells Fargo makes $200,000 commitment to Drake
Wells Fargo recently renewed its longstanding commitment to Drake University’s College of Business and Public Administration with a five-year, $175,000 grant to the Professional and Career Development Center. The grant enhances Drake’s efforts to prepare students to be remarkable leaders and team members in the professional world.

An additional $25,000 grant by Wells Fargo to the University’s new Data Analytics program honors the career contributions of former Drake President David Maxwell and his wife, Madeleine Maxwell. Read more in Drake’s Newsroom.

Junior Dylan DeClerk honored for philanthropic contributions
The Central Iowa Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals honored Dylan DeClerk, a junior marketing and finance major, with its Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy award during a Philanthropy Day Awards program on Friday, Nov. 13. Dylan is executive director of Opportunity on Deck, which has benefited hundreds of students. Learn more about Dylan’s work.

SJMC news: Week of Dec. 7

Drake grad places third in national writing contest
Kayli Kunkel, JO’15, received third place in the 56th annual William Randolph Hearst Foundation’s Journalism Awards Program. A record 159 feature writing entries were received in the competition from 83 schools across the nation. Kayli’s competition in the contest included entries from Penn State, University of Missouri, and Arizona State University. Drake was the only private school among the top 20 finishers.

Kayli’s article was an essay about her father’s death and handling grief in college that was published in Paste Magazine. The article previously won a first-place award at the AEJMC national contest this summer. She is currently a graphic designer at Lexicon Content Marketing in Des Moines.

Advertising senior advances in national media fellowship contest
Advertising senior Megan Leverenz has advanced to the semi-final round of the competitive IRTS Summer Media Fellowship program.

Thirty students will eventually be selected from the national applicant pool to intern in New York City for nine weeks this summer. Winners receive a salary, round-trip airfare, free housing, and a living stipend. The original application included seven pages of essay questions and challenges.

—Submitted by Kathleen Richardson, Dean, SJMC

University Communications welcomes Justice Simpson

Join us in welcoming our newest member of the University Communications team, Justice Simpson! Justice comes to us from the Kansas City area where she has been engaged in video production and presentation work in the private sector. She will be our digital content specialist, managing video and photography production, overseeing the Drake Student Photo Bureau, and working with our website and email marketing communications systems. We are all excited to expand our video production capabilities and bring that expertise to enhancing the image and reputation of Drake.

—Submitted by Jeremy Sievers, Director, Web Communications