Category Archives: For Staff Archive

Town hall meetings to discuss Revised Drake Curriculum

Two town hall meetings to discuss the Revised Drake Curriculum (RDC) proposal will take place today (Sept. 26) and Wednesday, Oct. 4. Both meetings will be held in Sussman Theater at 3:30 pm. Faculty who plan to attend should fill out a brief survey on the topic as that will be the mechanism for faculty to vote on the proposal. The proposal can be found on the faculty senate webpage under Meeting Information, labeled RDC for April Senate.

—David Courard-Hauri, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Mentors in Violence Prevention looking to partner

Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) is a group of student leaders who facilitate discussions on harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, bullying, and other forms of gender violence. Drake’s MVP student facilitators are looking to partner with campus professionals and organizations.  MVP peer facilitators can come to groups and classes to present 30–90 minute sessions on bystander intervention. MVP is most effective when participants receive multiple doses; they are always looking for partners with ideas or time for multiple sessions. Also, depending on the audience, professional staff can be partnered with student facilitators.

If you or a group you are part of is interested in partnering with MVP, contact Tess Cody at A sample of topics that MVP facilitators have covered in the past, include:

  • Bystander intervention basics
  • Gender stereotypes
  • Sexualized rumors
  • Sexual harassment
  • Healthy relationships

More examples and session descriptions available online.

MVP aims to inspire leadership by empowering individuals with tools to lead and with concrete options to effect change in their peer cultures and across campus.

—Tess Cody, Prevention Coordinator for Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct

Procurement card program changes

Drake will be transitioning its procurement card program from Wells Fargo Bank to PNC Bank. This is the first of several communications on the transition––watch for additional information in the coming weeks.

What prompted this change?
The University recently issued Series 2017A bonds to assist with the financing for STEM@DRAKE. As part of that bond issuance agreement, the University is required to move its procurement card program to PNC Bank.

When will the transition happen?
Implementation of the new PNC procurement card program for all users will begin the week of Oct. 16. Finance and a small group of users are currently in a piloting phase of the new program. The pilot phase has allowed for setup of University specific coding, testing of the PNC online portal, formulation of user guides, and updating of current University policy and procedures to conform to the new program.

What does this mean for users?

  • Cardholders will be issued a new procurement card. Allotted times for card pickup will be scheduled and communicated to cardholders in the coming weeks.
  • Procurement card transactions will be accessed via PNC Bank’s Intellilink website. Each user will receive instructions on how to access and login to the site. The site will house all card transactions and will be utilized to complete required cardholder and approver reviews.
  • When picking up a new card, cardholders will be required to sign an updated Purchasing Card Agreement. For reference, a copy of the agreement can be found online.

What changes in the new program will impact users?

  • Procurement Cards will be a Visa rather than a MasterCard. Therefore, any card information you have on file with specific vendors will need to be updated accordingly.
  • Users will access their transactions via the PNC Bank’s Intellilink website. Access to the Wells Fargo site will be removed after the new cards have been distributed. Users should gather any information they may need from the Wells Fargo site by the end of October.
  • In an effort to support the University’s sustainability efforts and improve efficiency in procurement card processing, the new program supports electronic receipt imaging as well as electronic transaction approvals. The University will require users to utilize these electronic modes to submit supporting documentation and complete required monthly transaction reviews. The accumulation of supporting documentation and/or review of such documentation will no longer be sent as hardcopies to accounting.
  • Transactions can be reviewed and approved at any time during the reporting period. Users will no longer have to wait until the end of the reporting period to complete and submit their review and approval of transactions.
  • Any fraud or transaction disputes will need to be reported by the cardholder directly to PNC Bank within 60 days of the posting of the transaction. This will require cardholders and approvers to be diligent in their review of transactions and proactive in reporting any suspicious card activity.

What resources will be available during and after the transition?

  • PNC Bank customer service representatives are available 24/7, including holidays, at 1-800-685-4039.
  • University Finance staff are available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at extension 3392 and 2041 or
  • The Procurement Card policy will be available online.
  • User guides will be distributed and available to assist with training on the new PNC Intellilink website and the new electronic submission of receipts and approvals.

—Meghan Settje, Financial Reporting Manager

From the office of Associate Provost Art Sanders

The first of the monthly Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lunches will be Friday, Sept. 29, at 12 p.m. in the Olmsted Center, TMR 133. The discussions are open to those engaged in SoTL projects, at any level, from just thinking about starting one to almost complete, or those simply curious about SoTL. Participants are encouraged to share ideas, seek advice, or ask questions of colleagues engaged in this process.

This year, members of ITS will attend to provide information about SoTL projects that might involve technology usage.

To receive a lunch, register here by Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 10 a.m. For questions, contact

—Art Sanders

Spanish and German language conversation hours

German Conversation Hours
All faculty, staff, and students interested in using or strengthening their German speaking skills are welcome to join a bi-weekly Stammtisch (a German word meaning an informal group or friendly get-together). The group will meet at the Drake Diner biweekly on Thursdays beginning Sept. 28 at 6:30 p.m. The Stammtisch welcomes all people at all levels of the German language experience.

For more information, contact Associate Professor Marc Pinheiro-Cadd at

Spanish Conversation Hours
All levels of Spanish speakers from all areas of the Drake community are welcome to participate in Spanish Conversation Hours, a free, informal setting for practicing Spanish. Spanish Conversation Hours are scheduled four times a week and are held in Meredith Hall, Room 204:

Mondays, 1–2 p.m.
Wednesdays, 2–3 p.m.
Thursdays, 10–11 a.m.
Fridays, from 12–1 p.m.

The group warmly supports all participants with opportunities for practicing Spanish; no long-term commitment is required to attend. A native speaker facilitates the conversation in Spanish in a casual atmosphere. Don’t worry if you haven’t spoken in Spanish for a decade, or ever; all participants are on the language-learning journey.

For more information, contact Assistant Professor Inbal Mazar at

—Dorothy Pisarski, Associate Professor of Advertising

All Staff Council welcomes staff back with treat bags

The All Staff Council Special Events and Community Service Committee, with assistance from the council’s committee members, delivered more than 650 welcome back gifts to staff on Sept. 8. This is the second year of the event, which continues to be a great success for connections around campus.

Check out upcoming All Staff Council events on the card you received with your treat or below:

  • Sept. 11–16: DU Good Week
  • Fall Book Club Meet-up:
    Oct. 16 at 4:45 p.m.—Louie’s Wine Dive
    Oct. 18 at 11 a.m.—Mars Café
  • Oct. 30: Chili Cook-Off
  • March/April: Spring Wellness Event
  • April: Sapphire Awards
  • April: Spring Service Event
  • May 23: Annual Kickball Tournament

New this year, we will be collecting donations to stock The Little Free Food Pantries around campus at our events.

Find more details on events by visiting the All Staff Council Special Events & Community Service website. If you are interested in becoming part of our email distribution list, please email us at

—Dianna Gray, All Staff Council

Exclusive: Faculty/staff basketball season tickets

Drake Athletics is excited to announce an exclusive pre-sale of both men’s and women’s basketball season tickets available to faculty and staff. Faculty and staff can take advantage of discounted pricing with a valid Drake Card. To purchase season tickets, contact the Drake Athletics Ticket Office at 515-271-3647 or

Season tickets go on sale to the public on Thursday, so be sure to take advantage of this special offer to lock in the best seats.

Men’s Basketball
Premium Center (C,D,E,N,O,P)—$124 per seat plus $250 Bulldog Club donation
Premium Outer (A,B,F,G,M,Q,R)—$124 per seat plus $150 Bulldog Club donation
Reserved Center (3,4,5)—$124 per seat plus $250 Bulldog Club donation
Reserved Outer (1,2,6,7)—$124 per seat plus $150 Bulldog Club donation
General Admission (8-25)—$75 per seat plus no Bulldog Club donation

Women’s Basketball
Reserved Sideline (A-G, M-R)—$60 per seat
Reserved Baseline (S-T)—$50 per seat

Questions? Call 515-271-3647 or email

— Tom Florian, Ticket Sales and Donor Management


Nominate a student for Principal Community Scholars Program

Nominations are being accepted for The Principal Community Scholars Program, which is a collaboration between Principal and Campus Compact that supports the leadership development of undergraduate students seeking a business or business-related degree. Students are selected through a competitive process to receive a $1,000 scholarship, participate in a civic leadership learning community, and complete a community-based experiential learning project. The curriculum and project help students develop critical skills for their careers.

Students can be nominated by any faculty or staff member willing to serve as their adviser. The Drake Office of Community Engaged Learning will oversee the nomination process for Drake. Please submit nominations of students to Amanda Martin at no later than Sept. 25. Scholars must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have a major or area of concentration in a business or related field, and be available to attend a virtual retreat on Nov. 10 from 12 to 2 p.m.

Faculty or staff wishing to nominate a student, please submit a paragraph describing why you are nominating the student, how this program would benefit them, and what the student’s idea for a community project may be. Students wishing to be nominated should identify a faculty or staff member willing to nominate them and contact them to submit the nomination.

—Amanda Martin, Community Engaged Learning

Faculty/Staff social + learn more about HLC accreditation

Faculty and staff are invited to attend a town hall meeting on Drake’s institutional accreditation review by the Higher Learning Commission on Thursday, Sept. 14, beginning at 4:15 p.m. in the Shivers Hospitality Suite. Kevin Saunders, director of institutional research and academic assessment, and Craig Owens, professor of English, will present a brief but compelling summary of our case for reaccreditation.

Please note the time of the social has been adjusted so that faculty and staff can also take in two other campus events: The Constitution Day lecture and reception from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Law School and the Women’s and Gender Studies social from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

During the social hour immediately following the presentation, guests can enjoy a beer, glass of wine, or non-alcoholic alternative, and reconnect with one another as we embark together on the beginning of the academic year. Worried about running out of things to talk about during the social? We’ve got you covered. An array of posters will bring the accreditation process to life and celebrate our many collective achievements since our last HLC review, nearly 10 years ago.

In addition to complimentary beverages, there will be snacks and popcorn. Parking is available nearby. There is no cost to attend.

Save the date: Future town hall and social events 
Each event will begin with an informational town hall, followed by a social.

  • Thursday, Oct. 12, 3:30–6 p.m., Shivers Hospitality Suite
  • Wednesday, Dec. 6, 3:30–6 p.m., Shivers Hospitality Suite
  • Tuesday, Feb. 6, 3:30–6 p.m., Shivers Hospitality Suite
  • Thursday, March 8, 3:30–6 p.m., Shivers Hospitality Suite
  • Wednesday, April 11, 3:30–6 p.m., Shivers Hospitality Suite

— Drinda Williams, Office of the Provost