Mastering student communication

The first of a new series of EdTech workshops on mastering student communication will take place Thursday, Oct. 19, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in Olmsted Center, TMR 132. The workshop series is designed to support faculty in the innovative use of educational technology in teaching and learning.

Taught by Karly Good and Clayton Mitchell, the first session on Oct. 19 will cover Blackboard, Office365, Remind101, and other technology tools to help make communicating with students easy and effective. Attendees will leave the workshop with tips they can implement right away. Visit the EdTech web page to register and to learn about future workshops.

Need help sooner? Visit the IT Service Portal and request a Blackboard consultation or a technology adoption consultation or search for answers in the Teaching and Learning section of the Knowledge Base.

Karly Good, ITS