Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

Beware fraudulent calls

Drake staff members have received a number of fraudulent calls in the past several months with a caller attempting to sell them toner or to obtain P-Card numbers to buy toner. They know enough about our program and names of individuals on campus to appear as though know what they are talking about. Please do not give out your P-Card number to anyone over the phone for toner or anything dealing with Multi Functional Devices or printers. All supplies are included in our current contract so we do not buy them separately. Please also transfer all calls to me in regard to toner purchase requests. The caller will likely hang up before they are transferred as they are scams. Thank you!

—Submitted by Caron Findlay, Director, Purchasing and Business Services

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 18

In honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday, campus buildings will be operating on a holiday access schedule. Faculty, students, and staff will need their Drake Card (ID) to access those buildings they are authorized to enter throughout the day. Cowles Library, Carnegie Hall, and Athletics facilities are on a separate schedule and not affected by this holiday closing.

—Scott Law, Director, Drake Public Safety

Policy update

A change has been made to the existing University Closings, Delays, and Class Cancellations policy to recognize that when classes are cancelled, conditions are such that travel is difficult. Situations may vary based on where someone lives and proximity to plowed roads or public transportation. In those cases where classes are cancelled, but offices remain open, we want to ensure that employees are able to make decisions about personal safety without having to unduly worry about taking a vacation or personal day.

The updated policy is posted on the University-wide policy website for your review. Please forward comments and concerns regarding the policy to In keeping with the policy on Policy Development, Approval and Communication, the comments will be submitted as a part of the president’s review and approval process.

You can view the existing (not updated) policy here.

—Submitted by Andrea McDonough, Senior Administrative Services Specialist

“Spring”ing forward with action

In the fall of 2015 Drake released the results of the Campus Climate survey. Among the many areas of strength and opportunities for growth, we quickly noted a need for additional support of efforts aimed at achieving meaningful diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus. Since the release of that report, multiple students and student organizations have continued to elevate the discussion regarding the need for a strategic commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Division of Student Life and Academic Excellence and Student Success are excited to announce several changes in response to those needs. The changes are immediate; you will see them beginning in spring 2016.

Through the efforts of the Dean of Students Office, STIL has restructured an existing position to become: director of student engagement, equity, and inclusion. This position will report directly to the associate dean of students with the primary job duty of advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in Student Life. Tony Tyler, currently the director of Olmsted Center and student organizations, will be transitioning to this role during J-Term.

Marina Verlengia, currently director of campus programming, will be transitioning to a realigned role, director of new student programs. This position will operate out of the associate provost’s office, and will focus on supporting the success and retention of all new students through programs such as Welcome Weekend, New Student Orientation, and Transfer Orientation. Marina will continue to office in STIL and work collaboratively with student life colleagues.

STIL will also appoint a coordinator for student organizations and activities. This position will advise student organizations and the Student Activities Board; we hope to fill the role during the Spring 2016 term. Until this role is filled, Marina Verlengia will stay as SAB’s primary advisor.

Finally, Student Involvement and Leadership will now be known as Student Inclusion, Involvement, and Leadership (STIIL). It is important to note that all these changes will be implemented within the existing budget. No additional/new funds are being expended to facilitate this restructuring.

Students who have been advocating for a more inclusive and equitable experience at Drake are central to this transition. This realignment is an important step, but we acknowledge there is more to be done and look forward to supporting the continued work of the climate assessment project. We are eager to more fully support the exceptional learning environment of students at Drake and to equip students for professional accomplishments and responsible global citizenship.

If you should have any questions and/or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact Melissa Sturm-Smith, associate provost for academic excellence & student success, and/or Jerry Parker, acting dean of students.

—Submitted by Jerry Parker, Acting Dean of Students

Operations updates

Electrical shutdowns over winter break
A scheduled electrical shutdown for the campus will occur during the Winter Break time. This scheduled shutdown is part of the pre-construction phase prior to the construction of new School of Education and the Science Connector Building.The electrical shutdowns will be on Dec. 28 and Dec. 29. The work will begin at approximately 7:30 a.m. each morning. The following is a list of the affected buildings:

  • Dec. 28: The electrical shutdown will affect The Knapp Center, Fieldhouse, Bell Center, Shivers, and the Greenhouse. The power outage will last approximately 12 hours. Once this work is completed, the power will not be reconnected to the Greenhouse.
  • Dec. 29: The electrical shutdown will affect Jewett Hall, Olin Hall, and Cartwright Hall. The power outage will be approximately two to four hours.

The communication duct work will be completed on Dec. 30 and Dec. 31. This may interrupt telephone and Internet services to Olin, Fitch, Harvey Ingham, Medbury, and Cline halls; Facility Services; Environmental Health & Safety; the Fieldhouse; and Bell Center. DTS will be sending out more information on the communication duct work next week.

—Submitted by Jolene Schmidt, Director of Operations & Support Services


Building hours and access over break
Door schedules will change for the holiday break. We will adopt “administrative hours” for most of the buildings following commencement. Buildings will be open on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dec. 21–23. Doors will then be locked for the holiday break from Dec. 24 to Jan. 3.

Faculty and staff will still be able to utilize their authorized access plans (for example, 24/7 access to their office buildings), but student plans will be shut off during this time. Regular building hours will resume at the start of January Term, Jan. 4.

Please contact Public Safety (515-271-2222) if you have a door access emergency during this time, or contact the Student Services Center (515-271-2000 or if you have a general card access question or concern.

Happy Holidays!

—Submitted by Sara Heijerman, Manager, Campus Card Office

Construction Update

27th Street will stay open until construction starts on the new School of Education. 27th Street usage will change once construction starts. Please read OnCampus in late January/early February for more information regarding the usage of this street.

—Submitted by Jolene Schmidt, Director of Operations & Support Services

Inauguration update

A few weeks ago you saw the Save the Date announcement for President Martin’s inauguration—Thursday, April 28, 2016, 1:30 p.m. in The Knapp Center. I am announcing now that all classes will be suspended from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on that day. Normal class schedule will resume at 3:30 and evening classes will be held.

The inauguration of a president is a rare and important event in Drake’s 134-year history, one that has happened, at most, just 12 times previously. It has been 17 years since we last welcomed a new president. We want to make it possible for all members of the Drake community—faculty, staff, and students—to honor Marty Martin at the formal initiation of his presidency, to witness this historic moment, and to celebrate with him the start of something big.

During the coming weeks and months there will be more announcements about events and schedule pertaining to the Inauguration. There will be pomp, there will be circumstance, there will be a good time had by all.

—Interim Provost Joe Lenz

Electrical shutdowns over winter break

A scheduled electrical shutdown for the campus will occur during the Winter Break time. This scheduled shutdown is part of the pre-construction phase prior to the construction of new School of Education and the Science Connector Building.The electrical shutdowns will be on Dec. 28 and Dec. 29. The work will begin at approximately 7:30 a.m. each morning. The following is a list of the affected buildings:

  • Dec. 28: The electrical shutdown will affect The Knapp Center, Fieldhouse, Bell Center, Shivers, and the Greenhouse. The power outage will last approximately 12 hours. Once this work is completed, the power will not be reconnected to the Greenhouse.
  • Dec. 29: The electrical shutdown will affect Jewett Hall, Olin Hall, and Cartwright Hall. The power outage will be approximately two to four hours.

The communication duct work will be completed on Dec. 30 and Dec. 31. This may interrupt telephone and Internet services to Olin, Fitch, Harvey Ingham, Medbury, and Cline halls; Facility Services; Environmental Health & Safety; the Fieldhouse; and Bell Center. DTS will be sending out more information on the communication duct work next week.

—Submitted by Jolene Schmidt, Director of Operations & Support Services

Nominate a Global Practitioner in Residence

The nomination deadline has been extended to Jan. 4, 2016, for The Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship Global Practitioner in Residence. These experienced professionals will engage with the campus and community through teaching, public lectures, and joint research projects while drawing upon their professional networks to help our faculty, students, and the institution as a whole develop new and fruitful external collaborations.

Global Practitioner candidates should be nominated by the academic unit to which they will be attached. Nominations must be accompanied by appropriate supporting materials, including a nomination letter that discusses the qualification of the candidate and the expected contributions the candidate would make to the life of the University; biographical information about the candidate; a letter of interest from the candidate; and a letter of support from the dean. Nominations should be directed to the vice provost for international programs, who will review nomination packages in consultation with the Global/International Programs Academic Council. Upon the vice provost’s recommendation, the University president will send a letter of invitation to successful candidates. Units considering a nomination are encouraged to consult with Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship’s director, David Skidmore.

Among the criteria to be considered are:

  • A record of recognized international leadership and distinguished professional accomplishment in any field
  • A documented commitment to international understanding and global citizenship
  • An ability to bring unique perspectives and experiences to bear in relation to engaging with Drake faculty, staff, students and members of the local community
  • A willingness and ability to offer courses that complement the existing curriculum and meet rigorous academic standards

Nominations are due by Jan. 4. Additional information is available on the CGC site.

—Submitted by Drake International

Sports and Recreation Complex winter break hours

Drake University Sports and Recreation Complex winter break hours:

Friday, Dec. 18
Bell & Knapp Center: 6:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tennis Center: 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Pool: 6:30–8 a.m. & 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
Underground Fitness: CLOSED

Dec. 19–20—All Facilities CLOSED

Dec. 21–23
Bell Center & Knapp Center: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tennis Center: CLOSED
Underground Fitness: CLOSED

Dec. 24—Jan. 3—All Facilities CLOSED

^Specific facility hours will change on basketball games days: Dec. 22
Jan. 4–22*

Bell Center & Knapp Center: 8 a.m.–8 p.m. ^
Tennis Center: 11 a.m.–1 p.m. & 5–7 p.m.
Bell Center Pool: 11 a.m.–1 p.m. & 4–6 p.m.
Underground Fitness: CLOSED

Bell Center & Knapp Center: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. ^
Tennis Center: 11 a.m.–1 p.m. & 4–5:30 p.m.
Bell Center Pool: 11 a.m.–1 p.m. & 4–5:30 p.m.
Underground Fitness: CLOSED

Bell Center & Knapp Center: 1–5 p.m. ^
Tennis Center: 2–4 p.m.
Bell Center Pool: 2–4 p.m.
Underground Fitness: CLOSED

*All facilities will be closed Monday, Jan. 18 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)

^Specific facility hours will change on basketball game days: Jan. 6, 15, 17, & 20

Schedule subject to change—Drake Card required for entrance
For specific facility availability, call the Bell Center at 515-271-3173.