All posts by Heath Henderson

Spring 2019 edition of DUSSJ now available

The spring 2019 edition of the Drake Undergraduate Social Science Journal (DUSSJ) is now available. Check out the DUSSJ website for online versions of the papers. Also, consider browsing past editions for interesting research previously published in DUSSJ.

Congratulations to all authors for their fantastic research, and a special thanks to the editorial board for all of their hard work.

Heath Henderson, Assistant Professor of Economics

All Staff Council election results

Please congratulate the newly elected members of All Staff Council. Their willingness to serve for the next three years in this capacity is appreciated.

Governance Committee
Kelly Read

Recognition Committee
Drinda Williams
Dani Peters
Dianna Gray

Special Events Committee
Tyler Spoon
Kim Jones

Special Interest Committee
Jenny Reitano
Laura Bjurstrom

ASC Chair-Elect
Sara Heijerman

Chuck Sengstock, School of Education

Drake Innovation hosting T-shirt screen printing with the Side Garage

The Innovation Studio is happy to bring the Side Garage back to campus on Friday, April 26. Stop by Meredith Hall between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to print your own limited-time-only, specially-themed shirt. There is a limited number of T-shirts available, so it is first come, first served. The event is free, but students are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food or personal hygiene item for the campus Little Pantries project. For questions, email

Stephanie Cardwell, Buchanan Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership

Free Mango languages training

As our world becomes more and more connected through technological advances, learning another language is a skill that gives you the opportunity to engage with the world in a more immediate way.  If you would like to expand your boundaries, Drake offers online Mango Languages.

From Spanish to Swahili and Shakespeare to Ancient Greek, Mango has virtually everyone’s language and culture curiosities covered. Whether studying abroad or strengthening a particular language skill, Drake employees can achieve their language-learning goals with Mango in over 70 languages.

For more information, go to myDrake and click on Mango Languages under Learning Resources.

A full list of Drake Employee Perks & Discounts can be found in myDrake by clicking on the Human Resources App (top of page). Next click Benefits, and then Additional Benefits, and finally Perks & Discounts for Drake Employees.

Linda Feiden, Wellness & Recognition Specialist, Human Resources

Retirement party for Donna Blunck

Please join us for a retirement reception in honor of Donna Blunck, risk and insurance director, on April 24 from 9–10:30 a.m. in Old Main, Suite 316. If you are unable to make it, you are invited to stop by at another time prior to April 24 to wish Donna well. We are grateful for Donna’s incredible service to the University.

Venessa Macro, Chief Administration Officer

Chris Ditter recognized for lifetime achievement

Chris Ditter, associate director, Student Financial Planning, has been recognized by the Iowa Student Financial Aid Association with the John Heisner Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award, its highest honor.

This award requires significant contributions over an extended period of time. The recipient of this award exemplifies the ideals of service to the profession, support of colleagues and advocacy for students. Please join us in congratulating Chris for this honor and in thanking her for many years of faithful service to Drake.

Ryan Zantingh, Director of Financial Aid

Update: ITS offsite data center move

Earlier this month, ITS shared that its next step in the data center move was to perform maintenance on campus connections to the Internet. ITS successfully completed the Internet bandwidth and redundancy work on April 13.

The next and last step for this move is to relocate equipment to the new offsite data center. This will be done between April 29 and May 2. While we do not expect any interruption to campus, it is always a possibility. In the event that any outages occur, we will notify campus through our regular communication channels.

Kris Brewster, ITS