All posts by Ashton Hockman

Reminder: Submit your commencement photo/video by May 4

Graduates: As part of the virtual commencement experience on May 16, we want to feature an image of you to recognize your achievements. Please email one photo or short video clip of yourself to no later than Monday, May 4.

Five things to keep in mind with your submission:

  • Please include your full name.
  • If submitting a video, film it horizontally with no sound and keep it to five seconds or less.
  • Formal attire is preferred but not required. We fully understand that most graduates do not have caps and gowns, so any nice photo will do.
  • For large files, we suggest using to upload and send your file for free. 
  • Please adhere to the May 4 deadline. We hope to feature as many graduates as possible.

Additionally, we are planning to launch the virtual commencement hub in early May. This will be where the virtual commencement celebration will take place, as well as a single location where you can view all commencement information and specific content from your college/school. Keep an eye out for an email with more details, which will include a link to the virtual hub.  

— Drake University Virtual Commencement Committee

Move-out for residential students May 8–24; Review procedures

Students who had been or are still living in Drake residence halls received an email April 17 regarding move-out procedures. Students will be able to move out of their residence hall beginning May 8 with all move-outs to occur by May 24.

Students will sign up for a two-hour move-out time slot through the Housing & Meal Plan Selection Portal. Each two-hour time slot will be limited to five students per residence hall, with the exception of Goodwin-Kirk which we will limit to ten students per time slot. Time slots must be reserved no later than noon on May 7.

Time slots will be made available each day as follows: 7–9 a.m., 9–11 a.m., 11 a.m.–1 p.m., 1­–3 p.m., 3–5 p.m., and 5–7 p.m. You must move out only at the time you sign up forDo not travel to campus until it is time for your assigned move out time slot. Hall access will only be granted during your designated move out time slot.

To sign-up for your move-out time slot

  1. Login to  
  2. Click the fork & knife icon to open the Housing & Meal Plan Selection Portal
  3. Click on Move Out Time Slot Form tab
  4. Choose the Academic Year 2019–2020 Term, Save & Continue
  5. Sign up for your Move Out Time Slot, Day and Time

Please review all move-out instructions online at

If you would like to discuss individual concerns not addressed above, please contact the Residence Life Office by email at

J-Term 2021 travel seminars deadline extended to May 15

Drake has currently restricted all international travel due to COVID-19. However, J-Term 2021 travel seminars have not been canceled at this point given that January is many months away. Due to the ever-changing situation, please know this could change in the future. Please carefully review the following information if you are interested in going abroad or on a domestic program for J-Term 2021:

  • Deadline Extended: You can still apply to study abroad J-Term 2021. The J-Term travel seminar priority deadline has been extended from April 15 to May 15. Applications will be reviewed at that time and students will be accepted or waitlisted by June 1. To apply go to:
  • Deposit: After acceptance, to secure your spot on a travel seminar, you will need to commit to the program in Terra Dotta, pay your $500 deposit, and complete Terra Dotta post acceptance steps. Given the impact of COVID-19 on students and families, we have temporarily revised our deposit refund policy. If you choose to independently withdraw prior to Sept. 1, your deposit will be refunded. As always, if Drake cancels a travel seminar, your deposit will automatically be refunded.
  • Availability: Some travel seminars already have more applicants than we can accept. If you haven’t already started an application, we encourage you to check out these options:
  • Finland: Perspectives on Education
  • Italy: Forks and Farms in Italy: Global Food Security and Sustainability
  • Kosovo: Repairing and Rebuilding
  • Panama: Place-based Integrated Science
  • South Africa and Zimbabwe: Religions of Africa
  • Spain and Morocco: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics and Culture
  • Thailand: Research, Exploration and Reflection
  • On campus registration back up plan: In addition to applying for a travel seminar, we ask that you also register for an on-campus course at Drake as a backup plan (if you need J-Term credit regardless of the travel component). Please register during the regular registration process and timeframe. If you have questions about registering for on-campus courses for J-Term, please reach out to your academic advisor.
  • Independent withdrawal: We want you to be clear on the financial implications of committing to a J-Term travel seminar. Given the impact of COVID-19 on students and families, we have temporarily revised our deposit refund policy. If you choose to independently withdraw prior to Sept. 1, your deposit will be refunded. If after Sept. 1 you decide you want to withdraw from the program, you will be subject to Drake’s withdrawal and refund policies. Because of this, we strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with our withdrawal and refund policies which can be found in Terra Dotta. In addition, we strongly recommend you purchase ‘Cancel for Any Reason’ travel insurance through an insurance carrier.

Please be assured that your health and safety is of utmost importance. Given that this is an ever-evolving global situation, applicants will be notified if we make a change to the policy regarding J-Term travel seminars. Should you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to

New J-Term Timeline:
May 15: Priority Deadline
June 1: Accept/waitlist Students who applied by May 15
June 15: Students Commit in Terra Dotta and pay a $500 Deposit to secure their place in the program
May 15–Sept. 1: Students can still apply if travel seminars have openings; deposits are due within two weeks of acceptance
Sept. 1: Final day to apply and final day for deposit refunds

— Maria Rohach, Drake International

Employee retention credit program

Congress recently passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to address the significant economic impact of the pandemic. Drake University has continued to provide full compensation to individuals who are available to work but don’t have enough work available to fulfill their regularly scheduled hours. The CARES Act now offers Drake the opportunity to receive a tax credit for the provided compensation for those non-worked hours.

What should employees do first?
First, contact your manager to find out if there is work available for you to do. The work may include helping your own department or another area with a project that needs assistance. Leaders of each area have been asked to identify projects where additional resources would be welcomed, so consider these as you have time available. If you’re assisting another area simply record those hours on your timesheet as time worked.

I’m not working my full schedule—what should I do now?
In order to qualify for the tax credit Drake needs employees to track the hours they are being paid for time they’re available to work without having work to complete. Even recording small amounts of time is helpful in securing the credit. Exempt employees may record time in increments of one hour and non-exempt employees may record time in 15-minute increments.

  • Non-exempt employees will record the hours in the new Employee Retention Credit area of the bi-weekly timesheet.  Submitted time will count as “worked hours” for purposes of compensation.
  • Exempt employees will record the hours in the new Employee Retention Credit area of the monthly time report. The monthly time report is located on the left margin of the home page of myDrake and is used to track use of vacation, personal leave and sick time. The report is to be submitted by the 15th of the next month following each month’s end, and managers are to approve it by the 20th of the month. A quick reference guide is available for employees and managers.

What time qualifies for the credit?
Compensation that qualifies are any wages paid to employees for time they are not providing services as a direct result of COVID-19.  Time for vacation or sick leave does not qualify, even if as a result of the virus. 

How does this information help?
Employees are expected to submit this information to assist Drake in qualifying for the federal tax credit. The credit allows Drake to receive a credit against employment taxes for retaining employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The credit will improve Drake’s financial situation, which benefits all faculty, staff, and students as we continue to achieve our important mission.

Questions may be directed to the HR Partner who supports your group or to the Drake HR email at

— Mary Alice Hill, Human Resources

Fiscal year 2020 vacation use extension

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many activities, including the cancellation of vacation plans due to travel and event restrictions. It’s unknown when travel and gatherings may be resumed and there is limited time remaining to use FY20 vacation time. Given these unusual circumstances, Drake is extending the timeframe to use FY20 vacation to September 30, 2020.

How it will work:
In July any remaining FY20 vacation time will be loaded into the system in a field called FY20 Vacation Extension. The time will be available to be taken through September 30, 2020.

  • Non-exempt employees will record use of the time in the FY20 Vacation Extension area of the bi-weekly timesheet.
  • Exempt employees will record the use in the FY20 Vacation Extension area of the monthly time report.

Any remaining time will expire as of October 1, 2020. Drake does not provide payment for unused vacation or other forms of leave at the end of employment.

FY21 Vacation 
The FY21 vacation time will be loaded into the system in July and will be available to use through June 30, 2021. Any remaining FY20 vacation time should be taken prior to using FY21 vacation. FY21 vacation is to be recorded in the usual Vacation field of the timesheet or monthly time report.

Continue to work with your manager to schedule your vacation to enjoy upcoming time off to relax and recharge.

Questions may be directed to the HR Partner who supports your group or to the Drake HR email at

— Mary Alice Hill, Human Resources

National Volunteer Week April 19–25

Participate in National Volunteer Week April 19–25 from wherever you are. There are many ways to support our neighbors, even during social distancing. Let’s continue to give back and support our community in a time when it is most needed.

Help make a difference in your community by participating in some of the activities on the volunteer bucket list. Track your service by checking off the activity completed. Snap a photo completing that activity and post it on social media using #DrakeServes.

For every activity you complete, you will be entered in the National Volunteer Week’s prize raffle April 19–25. Learn more.

National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to celebrate the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers to come together to tackle tough challenges and build stronger, more resilient communities. Each year during this week, a focus is put on the people and causes that inspire us to serve, recognizing and thanking volunteers who lend their time, talent and voice to make a difference in their communities.

—Amanda Martin, Community Engaged Learning

Important commencement announcement from President Martin

Watch the video for an announcement from President Martin regarding May 2020 commencement.

A virtual commencement celebration is scheduled for May 16 – Save the date!

The following message was sent via email from President Martin to May 2020 graduates on April 14.

Drake University will hold a virtual commencement celebration on May 16 to recognize and commend graduates of the Class of 2020. In addition, graduates are invited to attend December 2020 commencement exercises in tandem with December graduates. 

The University is working hard to create a meaningful online experience that recognizes the many, well-deserved achievements of the Class of 2020. The specifics of the celebration are still being determined. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks, including a link to a virtual commencement web page. 

For now, mark your calendars for May 16 and invite your family and friends to tune in at any time and from any location (there will not be a specific start time) to celebrate this remarkable milestone.

For questions, see a list of FAQs regarding spring commencement.

Temperature self-monitoring and face mask requirements

In an effort to help minimize the spread of COVID-19, Drake will soon require temperature self-monitoring for faculty and staff who must come to campus, in accordance with the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Polk County Health Department (PCHD). This new process is not because of any case or concern specific to the University. In Iowa, residential colleges and universities fall within the state’s definition of long-term care facilities for communal living as long as we have students staying in residence halls; as such, PCHD has directed that Drake University take additional steps.   

Beginning this Wednesday, April 15, all Drake University faculty and staff members (including sub-contracted employees) who must come to campus to perform their job functions will be required to measure and record their own body temperature from home or at one of several self-serve stations on campus for indications of a COVID-19 like illness. This step will be required before each work shift or work session on campus.

Additionally, PCHD directed that Drake faculty and staff who come to campus be required to wear fabric or cloth face masks. The University will provide essential employees in Facilities, Mail, Public Safety, and Student Life with masks; other Drake employees will have the option to choose from a University-provided mask (as supplies last) or one they already own. 

Students and visitors to campus (other than delivery drivers) are exempt from the temperature self-monitoring and face mask requirements.

See complete details of these new guidelines.

University travel suspension extended through May 31

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the University has extended its travel suspension policy through at least May 31, 2020. The policy states: Any travel outside of the state of Iowa on behalf of the University is suspended, unless deemed critical and approved by the senior administrator in your area. The suspension applies to all University-sponsored travel, including international, academic, athletic, conferences and workshops, and research-related travel. If you are seeking an exception to this policy, please work through your direct supervisor, who will escalate the request to senior administration.

For the latest updates, please visit

Temporary COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Leave plan

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a Supplemental Paid Leave plan is now available to all benefit-eligible employees. This plan offers employees enhanced time-off benefits to be used for personal health situations or to care for children or other dependents as a result of the current pandemic. The plan is effective April 1, 2020.

View the full plan.

Read a list of FAQs regarding the plan and other time off provisions:

Q. How long will the Supplemental Paid Leave plan be in effect?
A. The plan is designed to address the immediate challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and will be in effect until at least May 31, 2020. An end date will be determined when more is known about the evolving pandemic and associated public health risk.

Q. Do I have to use my vacation or personal leave first before applying for Supplemental Paid Leave?
A. No. Supplemental Paid Leave is available once sick leave accruals are depleted, regardless of whether you have vacation or personal time remaining. You do not have to use your vacation or personal leave before applying for Supplemental Paid Leave.

Q. I am a faculty member. How does the Supplemental Paid Leave plan apply to me?
A. The Drake University Faculty Short Term Disability Policy provides pay continuation when a faculty member is unable to work due to illness. In other situations, where circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic require time away, including to care for a family member, the Supplemental Leave Plan provides added paid time off options.

Q. How do I apply for Supplemental Leave?
A.  If you need to use supplemental leave for a qualifying situation, please complete the Qualtrics form.

Q. How do I record Supplemental Paid Leave on my timecard or monthly leave report?
A.  You and your manager will receive an email response following submission of your request to use the leave. Non-exempt employees will record the time off in the Supplemental Paid Leave area of the timesheet, and exempt employees will submit the Supplemental Paid Leave on the monthly leave report.    

— Mary Alice Hill, Human Resources