Get involved in campus sustainability

April is Earth Month and Drake is going all out. Events are being put on by DEAL, Student Alumni Association, Student Activities Board, Epsilon Eta, Drake Grounds, and the Office of Sustainability. Take a minute to see what is going on!

April 16th, 7–9 p.m.: Relax and enjoy a movie in Sussman Theater courtesy of DEAL and Epsilon Eta.

April 17th, 5–7 p.m.: Meet at the Sprout Garden to learn all about soil on campus.

April 18th, 5–7 p.m.: Learn more about soil at the speaker panel at Pom Stage.

April 18th, 6 p.m.: Decorate a tumbler for Earth Day with SAB at Pom Stage.

April 19th, 11:30–1:30 p.m.: Help Drake maintain its Tree Campus Higher Education designation by joining DEAL and Grounds for the annual tree planting. Meet between Howard and Sheslow. Supplies will be provided. Sign up here.

April 20th, 10–12 p.m.: Join SAA at the Harkin Institute Parking Lot to pick up trash for Paul Morrison Spruce Up Day. RSVP here.

April 20th, 4–9 p.m.: Finish out the week strong by rocking out and celebrating the earth at the Earth Jam concert. There will be games, food, prizes, and live music of course!

–Hannah Remke, Sustainability Coordinator