‘Help Your Shelf’ initiative

As we approach the end of the semester, we want to extend an invitation to students, staff, and faculty to donate items to the Help Your Shelf Initiative, a campus resource for students who need school supplies or personal care items. Feel free to bring the items listed below to Sofia Turnbull, 515–271–4615, sofia.turnbull@drake.edu. Items will be stored in Meredith Hall, Room 104. Whenever the room is not scheduled for an event (a weekly schedule is posted on the outside of the room) students may go in and retrieve the items they need. We greatly appreciate your generous support of this campus resource.


 (men’s and women’s)

Cough DropsPens/Mechanical Pencils/HighlightersWater BottleSticky Notes (various sizes)
Hand sanitizerNotebooks/3-ring BindersMini first aid kitsWhite OutBatteries ( AA and AAA)
Tissue2-pocket portfolio foldersBackpacksBasic PlannerToothpaste/Toothbrush

— Hannah Clayborne, Dean of Students