Stay connected with Drake ITS

Want to keep informed about ITS updates and know when there’s maintenance, or be alerted when services are unavailable? There are a few ways to stay in the know.

ITS updates
ITS posts project updates on the ITS website and IT service portal, as well in the OnCampus email. We also place some notifications of planned service outages on the systems themselves (especially myDrake and Blackboard Learn).

Maintenance schedule
Our scheduled maintenance nights and our change freezes (times that ITS avoids making any changes to our systems, except for emergencies), can be found at

Text notifications
Opt in to receive ITS outage notifications by texting DrakeITS2021 to phone number 226787. You first need to be signed up to receive Bulldog Alerts by text. Check your Bulldog Alerts Settings in myDrake.

Follow us @DrakeITServices

— Carla Herling, ITS