Six Days of Wellness March 21–26

The newly formed Student Wellness Advisory Committee is hosting Six Days of Wellness. Each day will highlight a dimension of wellness. The week will be full of social media posts and engaging webinars. Check the Drake Calendar for details and links to events.

March 21 – Social Wellness: Sandbox Chats (virtual and in-person options); think speed networking. You will be paired up with someone and given a prompt to discuss. What a fun way to connect with new people and step out of your comfort zone.

March 22 – Physical Wellness: Rec Services will be hosting an outdoor Group X class (weather permitting). You will also find an array of fitness focused student groups in Helmick throughout the day.

March 23 – Emotional Wellness: The Counseling Center will be hosting a webinar on wellness and self-care.

March 24 – Wellness Fair in Helmick, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
Swing by to see all the wellness opportunities available throughout campus! Fun prize giveaways. (weather location: Parents Hall)

March 24 – Spiritual Wellness: Community Engaged Learning will host a webinar on Civic Engagement. There will also be virtual and in-person mediation classes throughout the day.

March 25 – Intellectual Wellness: Join the Access and Success team as they present the webinar, Test Anxiety: Breath.

March 26 – Occupation Wellness: Professional and Career Development Services is hosting the webinar OccYOUpational Wellness: Learning to improve your wellbeing at work.

We are excited to highlight all of the student groups and professional office throughout campus who are dedicated to providing wellness opportunities. Keep an eye on the calendar and social media for all the details.

— Lynne Cornelius, Violence Prevention Coordinator