Land acknowledgement to honor Indigenous Peoples

Yesterday, Oct. 12, was Indigenous People’s Day—a day to celebrate and honor Indigenous people, while recognizing the issues of persecution and discrimination they have faced for centuries.

In support of this day, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion would like to draw attention to Drake’s Land Acknowledgement web page.

A land acknowledgement is a formal statement presented at the beginning of public events and gatherings that recognizes and honors indigenous peoples as traditional stewards of the land. If you are planning to give a formal presentation, lecture, or speech on campus, please consider adding this land acknowledgement statement to the beginning of your speech.

As stated by the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, “Acknowledgment is a simple, powerful way of showing respect and a step toward correcting the stories and practices that erase Indigenous people’s history and culture and toward inviting and honoring the truth.”

For more information on Indigenous and Native Peoples in Iowa – check out the Office of Native Americans, an Office of the Department of Human Rights of the State of Iowa.

— Tony Tyler, Associate Dean of Students