Pull the plug on phantom load

Facilities Planning and Management is responsible for all utilities (electricity, natural gas, and water) on campus. Therefore, the department is continually evaluating different ways the University can save money in regards to utility costs. One cost-saving method is to stop phantom load, which can increase monthly electric bills.

Appliances, electronics, and chargers use electricity whenever they’re plugged in—it doesn’t matter whether the device is in use or not. This wasted power is called phantom load. Please read this pdf from MidAmerican Energy to learn more about phantom load.

Everyone on campus can play a role in reducing phantom load, and thus saving the University money, by simply turning off and unplugging what you can. This is especially important if you are planning to be gone from campus for an extend period. 

Items most likely to create phantom loads are stereos, Blu-Ray and DVD players, window air conditioners, and TV’s.

— Jolene Schmidt, Facilities Planning and Management