Storage and keeping items safe

At most universities, space is a scarce and valuable resource. Here at Drake we try to utilize every square foot available. Storage rooms can be found in every possible location across the campus.

That has also brought up a concern lately with items being stored on floors. Even though they are climate controlled, it is not always a good idea to store items on the floor as the items can become susceptible to getting dirty, incurring water damage, or taking up an unnecessary amount of storage space.

We encourage everyone to organize items, so that items can be found easily when needed, and create walkways to make for easy access. If you are going to store items on the floor, be sure you take every precaution to protect items from damage. It is recommend to raise items off the floor several inches or place on shelving units, use plastic or other containers to protect valuable stored items from getting damaged or wet.

Facilities Planning and Management thanks you in advance for your cooperation and support.

Manny Toribio, Facilities Planning and Management