Go Phish

Between Nov. 1 and Dec. 1, ITS is holding a Phishing Derby, a contest where faculty, staff, and students can take a quiz to learn more about how to identify phishing emails and fraudulent websites. Taking the quiz enters you for a chance to win a Bluetooth speaker or headphones. Visit its.drake.edu/phish to enter starting tomorrow.

Watch for information in the Nov. 7 OnCampus about the PhishMe phishing simulation scenario we’ll be sending out later that week. Receiving emails that look like phishing but cause no harm is an effective way to educate about the dangers of fraudulent emails without any actual risk.

The goal of these ITS initiatives is to empower campus to be able to keep both their personal data and our institutional data secure.

Learn more about IT Security at our ITS Security blog at its.drake.edu/category/security-blog/

—Carla Herling, ITS