Task force seeks input on senior administrator job description

As Provost Sue Mattison stated in her September message to campus, building an inclusive and welcoming campus is one of her top priorities. The provost is now working to fulfill the second Strategic Diversity Action Team recommendation, which is to hire a senior-level administrator; the goal is to have the right leader hired by the start of spring semester.

Sue has formed a task force to define the responsibilities for this senior-level administrator— who will be responsible for leading and coordinating a holistic institutional commitment to equity and inclusion—and to prepare the position. The task force appointed by the provost has been hard at work developing a position description.

Members of the campus community are now invited to review the position description for the associate provost for campus equity and inclusion and offer feedback. Click here to review the position and provide feedback. The feedback survey will be open until Monday, Oct. 17.

—Melissa Sturm-Smith, Academic Excellence and Student Success