United Way/Iowa Shares Campaign begins Oct. 30

Join your colleagues and the All Staff Council for a fun kick-off event on Friday, Oct. 30, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pomerantz Stage in Olmsted Center. This is a terrific opportunity to learn about and connect with a few of the Drake Neighborhood organizations that we donate to. Our partnerships with local community agencies are key to helping us provide learning opportunities for students. Many Drake alumni serve as United Way and Iowa Shares’ most generous and active donors, volunteers, and advocates.

While you’re learning, enjoy a delicious $5 lunch featuring chili, spiced pumpkin soup, and cornbread.

Stay for a short program at 12:15 p.m. featuring the talent of local poetry slam favorites RUN DSM.

All attendees will be entered to win a Drake parking pass good for 2016–2017.

—Submitted by Renee Sedlacek, Interim Director of Community Engagement and Service-Learning