Faculty advisers: Attend the Global Opportunities Expo

The annual Global Opportunities Expo will be held Thursday, Oct. 8, 2–5 p.m., on Helmick Commons South.

Drake International sponsors this annual event. Representatives from Drake’s exchange partners, affiliate program providers, and short-term faculty programs will be available to inform students about study, volunteer, service-learning, intern, and work opportunities abroad. Additionally, faculty and students with international experiences will be on hand to answer questions and provide insights.

Advisers are welcome and encouraged to attend this event to explore different models of international experiences including J-Term; May Term; spring break; and summer, semester, and yearlong opportunities for students. As we approach the open period for spring registration, students may be asking advisers questions about international experiences. Attending the Expo is an excellent way to gain an enhanced understanding of the international opportunities available to Drake students.

—Submitted by Drake International