Can I Kiss You? program comes to Drake

We are proud to bring to campus a renowned anti-violence program, “Can I Kiss You?”,  a sustainable approach to prevention. We intend to use the Can I Kiss You? (CIKY) program to spark interest in sexual assault(SA)/gender violence awareness, increase the dialogue surrounding healthy relationships on campus, and to create ambassadors to this cause.

CIKY helps students answer their personal questions they and provides them with the knowledge to take positive actions on campus and in the community helping others. This program helps students develop solutions in contexts of SA/gender violence through leadership.

The CIKY program will be held on Thursday, Oct. 1, from 7–9 p.m., in Meredith 101, in which the first hour is a large lecture with the CIKY founder/programmer, Mike Domitrz, open to our campus community.

Mike will also conduct talk-back session with selected student leaders from various organizations with the hope that they will commit to becoming ‘healthy relationship advisers’ to the CIYK program. As advisers, these leaders would conduct forums and internally lead student organization meetings/check-ins throughout the year.

If you want to also join a talk-back session and become an adviser, please email Alysa Mozak at; We will provide the materials for selected student leaders to be successful at being their group’s designated adviser.

More information about Mike and his project can be found here.

—Submitted by Alysa Mozak, Coordinator for Sexual Violence Response and Healthy Relationship Promotion