Tag Archives: student senate

From the desk of the Student Body President

Last Thursday, the Drake University Student Senate approved its Vision Statement for the 2015-2016 academic year, which will guide actions of the Student Senate and better student life at Drake. The Vision Statement is as follows:

In an effort to create meaningful and relevant change at Drake University, we, as student advocates and allies, strive to build a campus and a Student Senate that is more:

  • Personally, politically, and culturally engaged
  • Proactive in creating a healthier climate for mind and body
  • Transparent and responsive in its actions
  • Representative of all Drake University students

Each member of the Student Senate will work throughout the year to make significant and tangible improvements to campus and student life based on this statement. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out at kevin.maisto@drake.edu.

—Submitted by Kevin Maisto, Student Body President