DU What Matters—that’s the theme of this year’s Campus Climate Survey. At Drake we seek to create an environment characterized by openness, fairness, and equity for all students, faculty, and staff.Please take the Campus Climate Survey to help us better understand the current climate at Drake University. The survey is open through Nov. 26 and should take about 20–30 minutes to complete. Your participation is an opportunity to DU What Matters.
This confidential survey is designed to gauge the current attitudes, beliefs, and experiences of students, faculty, and staff at Drake. We will use survey responses to identify opportunities for making improvements and taking tangible steps toward creating a more positive and inclusive campus climate. Please be assured that all of your answers will remain confidential, and the results will be reported in the aggregate.
Creating change
Five years ago, when we collected data through the last climate survey, a host of positive steps were taken to make our campus community more inclusive and equitable. Here is a list of the top ten initiatives to come out of the project:
- Creation of the Bulldog Foundations course
- Creation of the Equity Action Partners
- Adoption of the preferred name policy
- Adoption of the employee leave policy
- Creation of Drake’s Commitment to Equity and Inclusion statement
- Requiring Haven training on equity and inclusion for all incoming students
- Development of the Flight program
- Overhaul of the EthicsPoint reporting platform
- Development of the CORE pipeline program
- Overhaul of the Title IX office
Win a prize!
When you complete the survey, you will be directed to a different page to submit your name into a drawing for a variety of prizes. The two sites are completely separate, so please be assured that confidentiality of survey responses will be protected. Prizes include:
- Drake parking pass
- Starbucks gift cards
- Drake apparel
- Pizza party for residence hall floor/office
- $200 in funding for a research assistant
- Drake Relays tickets
- Basketball tickets
- Griff socks
The Campus Climate Survey has been acknowledged as an exempt study by the Drake Institutional Review Board. Additional information about the project is available at drake.edu/duwhatmatters. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the future of Drake University.
— Erin Lain, Associate Provost for Campus Equity and Inclusion