Category Archives: HR Information Archive

Peerceive discontinued; ways to recognize colleagues

The Peerceive Employee Recognition Portal has been in place since April 2017.  Over that time, many of you have taken time to recognize colleagues with a kudos or ecard.

Unfortunately, budgetary adjustments related to COVID-19 have made it necessary to discontinue Peerceive for FY21.

Although faculty and staff will not have access to the portal, there are other ways to recognize employees. It could be as simple as sending an email, or better yet, a handwritten note. Give a “shout out” during a virtual staff meeting or Teams chat. For a more formal recognition, nominate a staff member for a Called to be True Blue Award or faculty and staff for one of the Madelyn M. Levitt awards.

Find a creative way to stay connected and recognize others this academic year.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Microsoft Teams support groups and resources

A great way to stay connected while telecommuting is through chat groups. The All Staff Council created three TEAMS chat groups this spring for staff employees.

 Staff—Remote Work Support Group.  This group shares remote work best practices, obtains crowd-sourced responses to remote work inquiries, and connects staff from across campus. If you are a staff employee and interested in joining, please send an email to

Parents Group. One of the biggest challenges for parents is juggling work and parenting while telecommuting. This TEAMS chat group shares resources and ideas to help support each other at home. To join this group, please send an email to

Wellness Group. Taking care of yourself can often be a challenge. Throw in a pandemic and social distancing and your well-being can take a hit. Fortunately, there are resources to help, including a Wellness Group TEAMS chat. To join this group, please send an email to In addition to the chat group, Drake’s Recreational Services department also offers Group X virtual workouts.

Other resources. Check out the Drake Coronavirus Website and the Drake Health & Wellness Guide for additional resources to assist you as you continue to work from home.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Five tips to reduce eyestrain

With more employees working on laptops from home, eyestrain can become a real problem. Symptoms such as dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches often occur after long-term use of computers and other digital devices.

Although most individuals can’t avoid long-term screen time, there are some simple things you can do to help prevent eyestrain.

Take a break. It is not easy to break away from your computer. Working from home you may find yourself spending more time staring at your screen. Nevertheless, taking breaks is not only good for your eyesight, but also your mental health. Set a timer to go off every hour.  Then step away from your computer for 5 minutes. Stretch, take a walk, or get a glass of water.

Check the lighting and reduce glare. Bright lighting and too much glare can strain your eyes and make it difficult to see objects on your monitor.  Consider turning off some of the overhead lights and instead using lamps that provide indirect soft lighting. Close blinds or shades if the sun creates a glare on your screen, and avoid placing your monitor directly in front of a window.  If necessary, place an anti-glare cover over the screen.

Adjust your monitor. Position your monitor directly in front of you about an arm’s length away so that the top of the screen is at or just below eye level.  It helps to have a chair you can adjust too.

Adjust your screen settings. Enlarge the type for easier reading and adjust the contrast and brightness to a level that is comfortable for you.

Try some eye exercises. One cause of computer eyestrain is focusing fatigue.  To help with this, look away from your computer at least every 20 minutes and gaze at a distant object (at least 20 feet away) for at least 20 seconds.  Some call this the 20-20-20 rule.  Another exercise is to look far away at an object for 10-15 seconds, then gaze at something up close for 10-15 seconds.  Then look back at the distant object.  Do this ten times.  Also, remember to blink frequently during the exercises to reduce your risk of computer-related dry eye.

Other ideas include using eye drops such as artificial tears, wearing proper eyewear, and if the indoor air is dry, trying a humidifier. Finally, if you experience eyestrain that is severe or lasts a long time, discuss the condition with your doctor.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Employee and Family Resources June webinars

To help us navigate these stressful times, Employee & Family Resources is offering a weekly webinar series. Join EFR on June 10 at 10 a.m. for Back to the Workplace: Managing the “New Normal” with Skill & Grace and on June 24 at 2 p.m. for Peaceful Mind in the Midst of Uncertainty.

Register here. All webinars are live, but will be recorded and available for later viewing if these dates and times do not work with your schedule.

EFR has also created a series of podcasts called Emotion Well Podcast.  The podcasts are available on their website, as well as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

If life is weighing you down, EFR offers a variety of Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) resources to help you now, or anytime. You can reach EAP by phone (800-327-4692) or visit their website at All EAP benefits are confidential and available 24/7/365.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

National Bike Month, Global Running Day

If you have been sitting in front of your laptop these past few weeks, now is the time to head outdoors for a walk, run, or bike ride—while maintaining social distance.

Normally we celebrate National Bike Month in May. As with everything else, this year looks different due to COVID-19. To adjust, Bike to Work Week has moved to September 21–27, 2020, with National Bike to Work Day scheduled for Tuesday, September 22.

Despite these changes, you can still dust off your bicycle and get pedaling now. If your bicycle needs a tune-up, a number of local bike shops are open for business. There are also mobile bicycle repair trucks that will come to your home to service your bicycle while maintaining social distance.

If you are not a bicyclist, how about heading outdoors for a walk or run? Do you need a nudge? The first Wednesday in June (June 3) is Global Running Day. It can be a stroll around the block or a 5-mile run. Do it alone or with your family.

If you would like to participate in a formal event, Fleet Feet is hosting “My Big Run Virtual Race” on June 3. You can choose from five distances: 1 mile, 5K, 10K, half marathon, and full marathon. Simply pick a distance and submit your results. The $10 registration fee will get you a virtual race-day kit, training tips, and chance to win some prizes. Find more information.

See you—from a distance—on the trails!

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Healthy eating tips to boost your mood

Many people turn to food to cope with emotions. If you find yourself struggling with emotional or stress eating during this unusual—and often stressful— time, you are not alone.

Allowing yourself to enjoy an extra dessert or some sweet or salty snacks is understandable. However, if you cannot seem to step away from food, the quick fix of cookies or cake can ultimately make you feel worse, both physically and emotionally. This can drive anxiety and worsen your mood. Here are five tips that may help.

Make a schedule or daily meal plan. Just like scheduling your work routine, you can schedule your meals. This includes times for your main meals and snack breaks. If it helps, post it on a calendar. Select a location to eat your meals and snacks like your kitchen table and keep that place separate from where you work and relax. Finally, prepare your snacks in advance to control portion size and select healthier options.

Become aware of your triggers. When do you most often reach for food?  When watching TV or scrolling through social media?  When working on a project?  Next, ask yourself how hungry you are.  Are you eating from hunger or emotion?  Keep a record of your triggers in a journal.  By understanding what prompts the eating, you can learn to anticipate these moments and find a healthier way to cope.  Maybe it is calling a friend, deep breathing, journaling, meditation, or taking a walk.

Keep temptations out of the house. Make the healthy choice the easy choice by surrounding yourself with nutritious options. Buy fewer processed, high-salt or high-sugar snacks. Load up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Do not forget your beverages. Skip the soda and replace it with flavored water.

Get exercise and plenty of sleep. Both physical activity and rest are important for managing stress and emotions. The better you feel, the less likely you are to make poor eating choices.

Get support when needed. Sometimes you cannot do it alone. When this happens reach out to a friend or family member for support. Registered dietitians and counselors, including Employee & Family Resources, can help.

The bottom line: increased anxiety can cause you to abandon your healthy eating intentions. But, with a little thought and planning, you can continue to make good food choices and maybe even boost your mood and immunity.

—  Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Des Moines Corporate Games Virtual Challenge

The Des Moines Corporate Games is an annual company-based competition normally held June 1–July 31.  Events range from team-based to individual and competitive to recreational.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced the Iowa Sports Foundation to adjust this year’s games. They are developing plans for alternative activities that allow employees to have a positive experience while maintaining social distancing. This includes launching a Des Moines Corporate Games Virtual Challenge to allow companies to compete and earn points while keeping safe. Some of the virtual events include the fitness walk, yoga, fitness class, and trivia. Other events could move later in the summer (if possible). They are also adding additional opportunities for employees to earn company points.

Corporate Games is still working through the changes but are anxious to get teams put together to start the process. Activities will be held in the evening and on weekends, are free (except cart rental for golf, if this event remains on the schedule), and are open to all full-time and regular part-time employees, interns, and retirees.

If you are interested, please send an email to

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Welcome new Bulldogs

Please join the Human Resources department in welcoming five new full-time Drake University employees for the month of April.

Leroy Douglas, Facilities Planning and Management, Facility Maintainer III
Alma Ortiz, Facilities Planning and Management, Facility Maintainer III
Terri Schlak, University Advancement, Assistant Data Specialist
Henry Becker, Public Safety, Public Safety Officer
Nathan Jacobson, Drake International, Education Abroad Coordinator

— Laura Schwarz, Human Resources

Microsoft Teams chat groups

In March, the All Staff Council (ASC) created a chat group in Microsoft Teams called “Staff—Remote Work Support Group.”  This group was formed to share remote work best practices, obtain crowd-sourced responses to remote work inquiries, and connect staff from across campus. If you’re not part of this group, here is a sample of what’s been shared. If you are a staff employee and interested in joining, please send an email to

Working from home. What seemed impossible has become the daily routine for many. Thanks to technology, including ITS remote best practices, we are creating a blueprint that will serve us well going forward.

Taking care of work and your children. One of the biggest challenges for parents is juggling work and parenting, while also taking on the role of teacher. Websites such as and National Geographic at Home offer online education tools. For those wishing to focus on this topic, the ASC recently created a Teams chat “Parents Group.” To join this chat group, please send an email to

Wellness tips. Taking care of yourself can often be a challenge. Throw in a pandemic, closed gyms, and social distancing and your well-being can take a hit. But there are a multitude of resources to help, starting with Drake’s Group X virtual workouts. The ASC recently created a “Wellness Group” Teams chat for those who wish to focus on this topic. To join this group, please send an email to

Other resources. The “Staff—Remote Work Support Group” has become a repository of helpful, and sometimes just plain fun resources. Whether you want to use a video background in Teams, are looking for some free entertainment (online classes, games, movies, etc.), or are simply trying to find some 20-second songs to sing while washing your hands, this chat group has it.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Mental Health Month and EFR resources

May is Mental Health Month, and given the challenging circumstances we are all facing, it is an important topic to address. While one in five people will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health.

The good news is there are practical tools that you can use to address your mental health and reduce the amount of anxiety you may be feeling with COVID-19. With so many factors out of our control right now, focus on what you can control such as eating a healthy diet, exercising, getting enough sleep, following the CDC guidelines, and limiting the amount of news you consume, while still staying informed.

If you are taking steps to manage worry and anxiety during this COVID-19 pandemic, but they don’t seem to be helping, there are additional resources available.

Employee and Family Resources (EFR) is offering weekly webinars to help address stress and anxiety during the pandemic. Past topics include All about Attitude, Coping with COVID-19, Stress and Resiliency, and Navigating Change in Times of Uncertainty. Access past recorded webinars  and view upcoming webinars.

EFR has also created a series of podcasts called Emotion Well Podcast.  They can be found on their website, as well as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

If life is weighing you down, EFR offers a variety of Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) resources to help you now, or anytime. You can reach EAP by phone (800-327-4692) or visit their website at All EAP benefits are confidential and available 24/7/365.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources