Category Archives: HR Information Archive

Healthiest State Walk and 5-2-1-0 program

Grab your walking shoes and join this year’s Healthiest State Walk on Wednesday, Oct. 7.

To maintain social distancing, we are not going to meet as a group at a specific time to start the walk. Instead, we are asking everyone to take a break at any time during the day on Oct. 7 and go for a walk—at home or on campus.

If you are working on campus, try out the new Bulldog Mile path. Follow the signs and giant blue paw prints on the sidewalks around campus. A map is posted east of the Olmsted Center. You may also view the route at under Points of Interest.

Once you finish the Healthiest State Walk, send an email to to enter a drawing for a chance at prizes.

The Iowa Healthiest State walk is celebrated in October as part of Iowa’s Healthiest State Month initiative. In addition to the walk, the initiative is focusing on its 5-2-1-0 program throughout the month. The daily goal is to eat five fruits or vegetables, spend two hours or less of screen time outside of work, get at least one hour of physical activity, and consume zero sugary beverages.

Let’s begin our road to better health with the Healthiest State Walk!

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Drake joins additional tuition exchange program

Drake is now a participating member of the Council of Independent Colleges and Universities’ Tuition Exchange Program (CIC–TEP), which consists of around 440 member colleges and universities. This change broadens the opportunities for Drake employees and their eligible dependents to attend another institution of higher education tuition-free.

Drake also participates in the tuition exchange program offered through Tuition Exchange, Inc., which has over 670 participating institutions. More information about each of these tuition exchange programs may be found on HR’s Tuition Benefits webpage.

— Mary Alice Hill, Human Resources

Employee and Family Resources fall webinars

Employee and Family Resources is continuing its series of COVID-19 related webinars through the fall and early winter months. The September webinar is:

COVID Recovery: Emotional Support for Those Impacted By COVID-19
Wednesday, Sept. 30 at 2 p.m. 
The current Pandemic and Derecho are disasters that have disrupted day-to-day activities and increased anxiety and depression for many.  The impact of compounding stress affects every aspect of a person’s life.  Learn what you can do to support yourself during these times. Register here.

Visit Employee & Family Resources’ website for a full list of upcoming webinars. View past webinars here.

EFR offers a variety of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) resources to help you now or anytime.  Reach EAP by phone (800-327-4692) or visit its website at  All EAP benefits are confidential and available 24/7/365.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Walktober Step Challenge

Last year, Drake won the Walktober Step Challenge with Des Moines University (DMU) and Wesley Life, and took temporary ownership of the traveling trophy. To keep the trophy on campus another year, we need to defend our title.

Join the Drake team and help us retain our championship status. You will receive a journal and instructions to track your daily steps both on and off campus during the month of October. Any movement that records steps counts, including walking, working in the yard, and fitness classes. Along the way, you will receive fun facts and have a chance to win individual prizes. 

This event is open to all faculty, staff, and students. To register, send an email to The registration deadline is Friday, Sept. 25.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Faculty and staff flu shot clinics

Human Resources has purchased 300 doses of flu vaccine to be provided at no cost to faculty and staff and administered by Drake CPHS student pharmacists and pharmacist faculty members.

Flu shot clinics will be held during morning hours on Oct. 5, 7, 9, and 12. Those who wish to participate must register for an appointment online.

New this year, the employee flu clinic will be held in a “drive-up” format in Lot 2 across from Shivers Basketball Practice Facility. Those participating will drive their car to the lot during their appointment time, receive a vaccination, and then wait in their car in the parking lot for the 15-minute, post-vaccination safety waiting period.

If you have any questions regarding the flu shots, please contact Nora Stelter, associate professor of pharmacy practice, at

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Employee and Family Resources fall webinars

Employee & Family Resources is continuing its series of COVID-19 related webinars through the fall and early winter months. The September and October webinars are listed below. You may also register by visiting

Rural Communities & Farm Families-Mental Health First Aid as a Health Literacy Tool
Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 2 p.m. 
Explore the emotional and physical cost of stress and the importance of resiliency as it relates to farmers and agriculture-related business sectors in rural Midwest.  Register.

COVID Recovery: Emotional Support For Those Impacted By COVID-19
Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 2 p.m. 
The current pandemic and derecho are disasters that have disrupted day-to-day activities and increased anxiety and depression for many.  The impact of compounding stress affects every aspect of a person’s life.  Learn what you can do to support yourself during these times.  Register.

Warming to a Winter Attitude of Health & Gratitude
Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 2 p.m. 
Instead of thinking about the dark days winter brings, consider adopting a fresh perspective on the new season that is around the corner. Calm the shaking snow globe in your head with this webinar which is all about an attitude of health and gratitude. Register.

Staying Connected in a Social Distanced World
Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 10 a.m. 
It takes intention and hard work to stay engaged while navigating the challenges of social distancing, but it can be done. This webinar addresses: how and why it is important to show compassion for others given the struggles that they may be facing and what you can do to stay safely engaged with others at work and home given the COVID-induced restrictions. Register.

To view past webinars, visit:

EFR offers a variety of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) resources to help you now or anytime. Reach EAP by phone (800-327-4692) or visit their website at All EAP benefits are confidential and available 24/7/365.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Happiness challenge: Try one mood-boosting tip each week

This year has created one storm (literally and figuratively) after another.  Every time you think you have your head above water, here comes another big wave. The good news is that you can still find happiness.  Although you cannot control your circumstances, you can take small steps to brighten your outlook. Here are some mood-boosting tips from Mindful by Sodexo that may help. Try one a week and let’s see what happens.

Week One: Start with a smile. Try greeting others with a smile to start your day until you are sharing smiles all day. Start with your family and friends at breakfast. Smile with your co-workers during virtual meetings.  Although it is hard to show your smile behind a face mask, when you smile, your whole face lights up, and that everyone can see.

Week Two: Take it outside. Regardless of your schedule, spend some time each day outside. Being outdoors improves your mood and concentration, and increases Vitamin D levels. Take a break from work and go for a walk, take your lunch outside to eat, or have a virtual visit on your deck.

Week Three: Set a goal. Whether large or small, striving for (and completing) something can make you happier.  Find a task you have procrastinated, like decluttering a room or drawer in your home, and complete it this week.

Week Four: Embrace self-care. This week is all about taking care of yourself and being in the moment. At the start of the week, take 10 minutes for yourself doing something that makes you feel present and at peace. It could be focusing on your breath, meditating, or making a cup of tea. As the week goes on, connect with a friend and share your thoughts. At the end of the week, curl up with a great book or a refreshing drink, and have a quiet moment, leaving your frustration and stress behind.

None of these items alone is guaranteed to change the world, but if we each do our best to find happiness for ourselves and for others, we might just surprise ourselves.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Wellness premium incentive program reminder

This is a reminder that due to COVID-19, Drake University has made the decision to waive the physician exam requirement to qualify for the wellness premium discount in 2021. All participants enrolled in Drake’s medical plan will receive the wellness health insurance premium discount in 2021.

We will return to the physician only option in 2021 to receive the health insurance premium discount in 2022. Employees on Drake’s health plan will need to complete a physical with a PCP between Dec. 1, 2020, and Nov. 30, 2021, and submit a Physician Exam Completion Form by Dec. 2, 2021, to receive the wellness health insurance premium discount in 2022.

Until then, we encourage all employees to participate in the wellness programs offered at Drake University and to utilize the resources available to enhance your health and wellbeing.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Employee and Family Resources August webinar

Join Employee & Family Resources on Aug. 26 at 11 a.m. for the 30-minute webinar: “Stop Beating Yourself Up: Using Mindfulness and Self-Compassion During Difficult Times.”

Register here, and/or listen to past, recorded webinars in the weekly series designed to educate, enlighten, and inspire healthier behaviors and attitudes.

If life is weighing you down, Employee & Family Resources offers a variety of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) resources to help you now or anytime.  Reach EAP by phone (800-327-4692) or visit their website.  All EAP benefits are confidential and available 24/7.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Join a free online tobacco cessation program

The American Lung Association (ALA) is offering a free one-year membership to Freedom from Smoking Plus (FFS Plus). This interactive online program works on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones and includes telephone, chat, and email support.

Freedom from Smoking Plus assesses your readiness to quit and guides you through a three-part process from getting ready to quit, to quit day, and finally, staying smoke free. There are online tips and tools to keep you on track as well as access to ALA tobacco cessation counselors. You may also visit the Freedom from Smoking online community to interact with others who are working to break their tobacco addiction.

To join this program, click on the link: Users can set up a profile to begin the self-paced, nine-module course.  FFS Plus includes 12 months of continuous support.

FFS Plus normally costs $99.95 but the ALA is offering it at no cost for a limited time. So, if you are a tobacco user who is contemplating quitting, now is the time to join.

Should you have any questions, please contact the American Lung Association’s National Tobacco Team at

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources