Category Archives: HR Information Archive

HR presents a new benefits guide for plan year 2022

Human Resources is proud to present a new resource to prospective, new, and existing Drake employees—a beautiful and detailed digital benefits guide. The idea behind this guide dates back well over a year and it has been a work in progress since then. Updated with plan year 2022 information—including details about the new partnership with Broadlawns Medical Center—the guide is now ready for distribution. The guide will be attached to tomorrow’s HR Monthly email. You can also access it online.

This guide represents a considerable investment of time and effort, and it is unlike any benefits resource previously offered to Drake employees. Our hope is that this guide will be truly helpful to prospective and new employees who are digesting Drake’s wide range of benefits for the first time. Additionally, many existing employees—even those well-acquainted with our benefits—will likely learn a thing or two after reviewing the guide.

As you navigate the Annual Open Enrollment Period for plan year 2022, we encourage you to spend some time with this new resource. It will provide a wealth of information and answers, and better illustrate the generous benefits offered to Drake employees.

Navigation Tips: See “Features” and “What’s Inside” on page 2 for topics covered in the guide. However, you can always “Control F” to search for specific terms. Hover your mouse over text with a dotted red underline to access additional, pop-up information. Dark blue text represents terms embedded with hyperlinks that will take you to right to the page or resource being discussed.

As always, if you have questions about your benefits, do not hesitate to contact Human Resources at or Marlene directly at

— Marlene Heuertz and Maureen De Armond, Human Resources

Find out your type 2 diabetes risk in this one-minute survey

November is American Diabetes Month. One in three American adults is prediabetic, which puts them at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Of those at risk, over 84% don’t know it. 

The only way to know for certain whether you are diabetic or pre-diabetic is through a blood test. But anyone can take this quick one minute survey from the American Diabetes Association to find out if you’re at risk. By understanding your risk, you can take the necessary steps to help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.  

Check out the American Diabetes Association and CDC websites to learn more about this disease, how to prevent it and how to fight back to help transform your life.   

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Explore Broadlawns clinics and services

We are looking forward to Jan. 1, 2022, for a number of reasons, including the start of the new partnership with Broadlawns Medical Center. If you have not sought care from Broadlawns in the past, they support an impressively long list of specialty areas, clinics, and services. Below are just a few examples:

Virtual Care Visits: Broadlawns providers from primary care, mental health, and many specialty clinics are now offering virtual care services. Virtual care provides a safe and convenient way for you to access care through your existing provider or to establish care with a new health care provider. During your virtual care visit, Broadlawns providers can review your medical history, discuss any chronic diseases, medications, acute concerns, symptoms of illness, mental health, and prevention. Learn more about Broadlawns virtual care visits here.

Primary Care Clinic: Broadlawns Primary Care Clinic provides comprehensive individual and family health care to meet your needs. Broadlawns focuses on developing long-term relationships between patients and providers. Board-certified family medicine physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners deliver acute, chronic, and preventive care services. The clinic provides a permanent medical home for family members of all ages to see the same doctor on a continuing basis. Learn more and meet Broadlawns primary care providers here.

Psychiatric Urgent Care: The Broadlawns Psychiatric Urgent Care accepts walk-in appointments for individuals 18 years of age or older who are experiencing a mental health crisis. The psychiatric Urgent Care is staffed with psychiatric nurse practitioners, licensed therapists, nursing staff, service coordinators, and psychiatric technicians. The Psychiatric Urgent Care is located on Broadlawns’ Main Campus, Center Building, First Floor, 1801 Hickman Road. As noted above, Broadlawns also offers psychiatric urgent care virtual visits. Learn more about Broadlawns psychiatric in-person and virtual visits here.

Maternity Care: Broadlawns offers an experienced and compassionate team to help you welcome your newest addition. Your OB/GYN or midwife also serve in the Broadlawns Birthing Center, ensuring continuity of care. Broadlawns new Birthing Center, completed in August 2020, offers single room maternity care where women can labor, deliver and recover—with their new baby—all in the same comfortable, private suite. Learn more and check out photos of the new Broadlawns Birthing Center here.

More information about the partnership with Broadlawns Medical Center, including special pricing for employees and dependents on Drake’s Health Plan, will be shared during the annual open enrollment period, which starts this coming Monday. Please monitor all open enrollment communications throughout the month of November.

— Maureen De Armond, Human Resources

Yoga, movie, mini golf: Participate in Stress Relief Week Nov. 1

Are you stressed out just thinking about managing your stress? You’re not alone. COVID-19 and other events surrounding 2020 and 2021 have contributed to our increased stress and anxiety.

Although we may not be able to eliminate life’s stressors, Drake’s DU Well program is inviting faculty and staff to join us for a few stress-relief activities the first week in November.

Start the week off attending a yoga flow or meditation class in the Bell Center on Nov. 1.  Then take a break and enjoy the following events, being held in the Olmsted Center:

Nov. 2 – Watch the movie Inside Out showing in Sussman Theater from 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Nov. 3 – Play 9 holes of mini golf in Parent’s Hall North from 11 am.–1 p.m.

Nov. 4 – Attend the Benefits and Wellness Fair in Parent’s Hall South from 9–11 a.m.

Details on this and other DU Well programs can be found in the Employee Wellness section on myDrake.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Mark your calendar: Open enrollment and benefits fair

Open Enrollment is the time of year when faculty and staff have an opportunity to elect or change their benefits for the upcoming plan year, which will begin on Jan. 1, 2022. We want every eligible employee to be aware of this opportunity to review the generous benefits offered by Drake and elect benefits which best support them and their eligible dependents.

During the annual open enrollment period, employees can review and make changes to their current participation for the following Drake benefits:

  • Health insurance (which includes vision care)
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Dental insurance
  • Flexible Spending Accounts (health care and dependent care)
  • Voluntary Life Insurance

Drake’s annual open enrollment period for the 2022 Plan Year begins Nov. 1 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 30, 2021. All benefit elections made during the enrollment period will become effective Jan. 1, 2022.

While we are not able to share benefit changes until Nov. 1, we can remind you of the new Broadlawns partnership, which will create special pricing for employees participating in Drake’s health insurance effective Jan. 1, 2022. This new partnership will supplement the choices already available to eligible employees and their dependents.

We are also excited to announce we will soon have a beautiful, informative digital benefits guide to share with you. It will contain Plan Year 2022 information and provide a detailed and easy-to-digest overview of the core benefits offered to Drake employees and their eligible dependents. We can’t wait to share it with you!

SAVE THE DATE for the Benefits Fair on Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Olmsted Center, Parents Hall South. More information about the Benefits Fair and open enrollment will be coming soon.

— Marlene Heuertz, Benefits Specialist, HR; Maureen De Armond, Executive Director, HR

Deadline approaching to receive 2022 Wellness Premium Discount

Important Reminder: Employee’s on Drake’s health plan who wish to receive a wellness health insurance premium discount in 2022, need to complete a physical with their designated Primary Care Physician (PCP) between Dec. 1, 2020, and Nov. 30, 2021, and submit a Physician Exam Completion Form by Dec. 2, 2021.  This is the only option to receive the discount in 2022.

Besides receiving a premium discount, an annual physical is a great way to receive important health information through age and gender specific examinations, schedule recommended preventative screenings, and create a doctor-patient relationship.

If you have not scheduled your annual physical yet with your PCP, you are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.

Please send an email to with questions.

Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Last chance to join the Eat Right for Life challenge

There is a vast amount of information on nutrition, but healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated.  To help sort it all out, we have brought back the Eat Right for Life challenge.

This five-week program began Monday, Oct. 11, but you can still join. It works well as both a starter program for our first timers and a refresher program for those tackling it again.

During the challenge you will read a chapter a week from the book Eat Right for Life by Ann G. Kulze, M.D., assess your current eating habits, select a weekly nutrition goal from a list provided, and track your progress. Along the way you will receive additional resources and tips.

To register for this challenge, email

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Yoga, movie, mini golf: Participate in Stress Relief Week Nov. 1

Are you stressed out just thinking about managing your stress? You’re not alone. COVID-19 and other events surrounding 2020 and 2021 have contributed to our increased stress and anxiety.

Although we may not be able to eliminate life’s stressors, Drake’s DU Well program is inviting faculty and staff to join us for a few stress-relief activities the first week in November.

Start the week off attending a yoga flow or meditation class in the Bell Center on Nov. 1. Then take a break and enjoy the following events, being held in the Olmsted Center:

Nov. 2 – Watch the movie Inside Out showing in Sussman Theater from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Nov. 3 – Play 9 holes of mini golf in Parent’s Hall North from 11 am. to 1 p.m.

Nov. 4 – Attend the Benefits and Wellness Fair in Parent’s Hall South from 9 to 11 a.m.

Details on this and other DU Well programs can be found in the Employee Wellness section on myDrake.

Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Broadlawns Medical Center to offer reduced medical costs for employees

On Sept. 21, President Martin announced that Broadlawns plans to construct a 12,000 sq. ft. medical clinic at 29th Street and University Avenue. The clinic will be open to employees, students, and the public.

In addition to providing accessible, quality healthcare, the Broadlawns partnership will allow employees participating in Drake’s health plan to realize significant savings when they utilize Broadlawns providers.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2022, employees and their covered dependents will experience lower co-pays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums for Broadlawns services.

It is important to note that the option to seek care through Broadlawns is simply that: an option. Drake’s Wellmark plan and benefits will be unimpacted by the Broadlawns partnership. This new partnership provides another layer of options and choice which you and your covered family members are empowered to consider. We know that choice in healthcare is important to Drake employees, and while we are looking forward to the new clinic, the additional options this partnership will create for Drake employees is news we are proud to share.

If you have not recently driven by Broadlawns Medical Center or one of their community clinics, you might be surprised to learn of many of the new facilities in the Broadlawns network of providers. Broadlawns facilities have undergone significant renovations and enhancements, as Broadlawns continues to invest in cutting-edge technology to provide state-of-the-art medical care. Soon, we’ll have Broadlawns resources within walking distance of campus.

Between now and open enrollment, we will be sharing additional information about the expertise, services, and resources Broadlawns offers. In the meantime, you can click here to learn more about Broadlawns clinics & services or medical staff. Please watch for additional updates and, as always, please be sure to review open enrollment information as it is shared. It will be November before we know it!

— Marlene Heuertz and Maureen De Armond, Human Resources

Join the Eat Right for Life challenge

There is a vast amount of information on nutrition, and it is easy to get confused by all the related studies and theories. But, healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. To help sort it all out, we are bringing back the Eat Right for Life challenge.

This five-week program begins Monday, Oct. 11. It works well as both a starter program for our first timers and a refresher program for those tackling it again.

During the challenge you will read a chapter a week from the book Eat Right for Life by Ann G. Kulze, M.D., assess your current eating habits, select a weekly nutrition goal from a list provided, and track your progress. Along the way you will receive additional resources and tips.

To register, send an email to

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources