Category Archives: For Students Archive

On-campus parking for 2016–2017

Parking permits for the 2016–2017 academic year will be available for purchase in the Student Services Center during the month of August.

Current parking forms are available in the Student Services Center or online. You may also register for your pass online in the blueView portal. (Click the My Drake Account tab—you can choose if you want it mailed or if you will pick it up.)

Please note that there is also an option for short-term parking this year, which could be helpful if you have guests or if you have a car here for a short time. These passes are able to be purchased online and printed when needed.

Prices for this year are listed below. Feel free to contact the Student Services Center ( or 515-271-2000) if you have any questions about your parking registration.

Annual Residential: $250
Semester Residential: $165
Annual Commuter: $160
Semester Commuter: $100
Annual Evening/Weekend Commuter: $85
Semester Evening/Weekend Commuter: $50
*Evening/Weekend passes are valid from 4:30pm-2am in commuter lots during the week, all day on the weekends*

—Sara Heijerman, Manager, Campus Card Office

Olmsted Center undergoing changes

We are pleased to announce some exciting changes and initiatives taking place at Olmsted Center.

First, the University Book Store will move operations to Olmsted Center over the summer. The bookstore will be located on the western end of the first floor (west of the Pomerantz stage area). This move presents a great opportunity to bring Drake-branded items, as well as textbooks, closer to students, faculty, and staff.

We are also undertaking a focused effort to enhance student study and gathering spaces. Student feedback will be used to reconfigure various furniture settings within Olmsted Center. The emphasis will be on creating spaces consistent with student needs and preferences. Because the book store move to Olmsted required the space formerly occupied by the D- Lounge and a portion of the Bulldog Lounge to be repurposed, the focus on creating alternative spaces for students throughout Olmsted Center is especially important. Some of the ways we plan to enhance study and gathering spaces include:

  • New seating options—Students will be asked to give input into seating options and configurations. You can start today: Please complete this special survey designed for this purpose. Additional opportunities to provide feedback will be available as students return in August.
  • TMR room availability for studying—The lower level TMR rooms will remain open during designated times when they are not in use. This will allow students to utilize these rooms for collaborative or private study spaces.
  • Pomerantz Stage Area—The Pomerantz Stage Area, when not in use for an event, will be set up for student use. The type of furniture—soft seating or tables—will be assessed based on student feedback.

A frequently asked questions document provides more information on the reasons behind the bookstore move and steps taken thus far to plan for future changes.

We hope you are having a wonderful summer and are excited to unveil and undertake these improvements once you return to campus.

—Sentwali Bakari, Dean of Students

Chill out with the LEAD Relaxation Room

From May 2–6, the LEAD capstone will host events to promote the relaxation room they have initiated in their efforts to enable students to achieve their optimal performance while managing stress. The Relaxation Room is located in the Mezzanine in Upper Olmsted. You will find food, prizes, tea, coloring books, silly putty, Legos, deep breathing exercises, and more.

—Samantha Olea

Thank you for feedback on printing at Drake

Thanks to the 150 students who completed the ITS printing survey. We appreciate your feedback and are making the following changes to improve the overall printing process on campus:

  • Over the summer, all managed printers and copiers (Xerox) will be replaced.
  • The list of printers in PaperCut will be combined into two print queues, one color and one black and white, which will reduce the number of print jobs that are accidentally run in the wrong format.
  • All devices will have Follow Me printing so your document won’t be printed until you release it a printer. This will allow you to print at any device on campus and minimize the number of documents that get stuck in queue and hold up subsequent print jobs.

Watch for regular updates into the fall semester on the progress of this project, and on ITS’ other major projects at and in OnCampus and other media.

—Carla Herling, IT Communications Manager

Picture for the president

Before the inauguration ceremony on April 28, ALL students are invited and encouraged to gather in front of Old Main for a photo of the student body. Wear your Drake gear and join us at 12:15 p.m. for an amazing photo.

—Tony Tyler, Director, Student Engagement, Equity, & Inclusion

“Identities 101: We Are Not What The Media Says We Are”

Join UNITY Roundtable and School of Journalism and Mass Communication Professor Jovan Johnson in a dialogue regarding media representation of identities and how those representations affect the way we view each other. The dialogue will take place in Meredith Hall, Room 106 today, April 18, from 8 to 9:15 p.m. Any questions, comments, or concerns can be referred to or

—Thalia Anguiano

CBPA entrance exam waiver

Drake’s College of Business and Public Administration will begin offering an entrance exam waiver beginning Summer 2016 for current students and alumni. Current CBPA students pursuing the Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) or Master of Financial Management (M.F.M.) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher based upon completion of at least 30 hours at Drake University and 90 or more undergraduate hours completed and in process at date of application will qualify.

The entrance exam will also be waived for applicants to the M.B.A. or M.F.M. who have received an undergraduate degree from Drake’s CBPA within the past five years and whose final cumulative GPA is 3.25 or higher.

—Dianna Gray, Outreach Coordinator

Student Senate general election

Students can now vote in the Student Senate general election. Be sure to log on to blueView and go to the the Campus Life tab to vote for the following positions: at-large senators (8 votes), academic senators, and equity and inclusion senator at-large. Voting is open until 11:59 p.m. on April 12. Results will be announced at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, April 13, at Spike’s Spot in Lower Hubbell.

—Kevin Maisto, Student Body President

Plus/minus grading changes

In March 2013, Faculty Senate passed a motion to change the grading policy in the Faculty Manual: “That Drake University extends to all instructors the ability to assign plus/minus grade modifiers in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs beginning with the Fall 2016 semester.” In order to prepare for the approaching implementation of the plus/minus grading policy, we’re continuing to answer common questions. You can also access a full set of resources on the Student Records website.

Q:  Will transfer credits be affected by the +/- system?
A:   No. The minimum grade that must be earned for Drake to accept transfer credit is a “C-“.

Q:  What about repeating courses?
A:   The policy regarding repeating courses still applies. For example, if you earned a “B” in a Spring 2015 course and then earned a “B-“ when you repeated that same course in Fall 2016, the “B” would remain expressed on your transcript while the “B-“ would be changed to “XX”.

—Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Student Success