Audition for the Drake Opera Theater

Have you ever wanted to sing or be involved in an opera? The Drake Opera Theater announces auditions on Friday, Oct. 21, in Sheslow Auditorium for the upcoming one-act productions of The Old Maid and the Thief by Menotti, and Alice Ryley by Michael Ching. Casting for lead roles and understudies is open to any student on campus.

Sign up for an audition time by Oct. 18 in the Harmon Fine Arts Center ( 2nd floor vocal board). Performance dates are April 7–9, 2017. Rehearsals are every Wednesday, 4–6 p.m., and Friday, 3–5 p.m. Some additional rehearsals are scheduled throughout the semester. Productions are performed with a chamber orchestra directed by Maestro Stefano Vignati. For more information contact the director at

—Ann Cravero, Department of Music