Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

Fulbright opportunities for students

The Fulbright Scholar Program offers several kinds of grants for students to study, conduct academic research, engage in the creative and performing arts, or teach English in a range of countries after they earn their bachelor’s degree. The most common types of student awards are: 1) Study/research grants, in which graduates design their own projects to conduct abroad; and 2) English Language Teaching Assistant (ETA) programs, which place graduates in classrooms abroad to assist in teaching English while serving as cultural ambassadors for the United States.

I seek faculty help in identifying potential applicants and encouraging them to contact me for further information.

Who might be a promising potential Fulbright applicant? Generally, it’s a student …

  • With the interests and the personal suitability/temperament to serve as a cultural ambassador representing the United States
  • Who is prepared to adapt to living outside the country for up to one year and actively seeking to immerse him or herself in the host country
  • With a strong academic or artistic record of achievement and persistence
  • Who is actively engaged in the community or their chosen profession

For study/research grants, the student must also:

  • Be able to develop a feasible, interesting, and appropriate project for the proposed country, in terms of accessible resources, time, and the student’s academic and linguistic preparation. The project might involve graduate study, research, or the creative and performing arts.
  • Demonstrate talent and potential for growth
    For the English Teaching Assistant Program, the student must also:
  • Be able to develop and carry out a variety of learning activities under some supervision
  • Possess good facility with English usage and grammar in spoken and written forms, (e.g. clear, precise diction)
  • Be able to make presentations on U.S. culture and society

If a promising student comes to mind, please suggest the Fulbright program and encourage him or her to contact me at to learn more about available opportunities. You can also find more information at

If you have further questions about the Fulbright program for students, please contact me as well.

—Karen Leroux, Associate Professor of History and Coordinator, Post-Graduate Scholarships–Drake International

Oreon E. Scott Award nominations request

Nominations are being accepted from the University community for the prestigious Oreon E. Scott Award. Given annually since 1949, the Oreon E. Scott Award recipient is considered to be the outstanding senior student at Drake. The Oreon E. Scott Award winner will speak at Commencement.

Scholarship, leadership, service, and involvement are the criteria used by the selection committee. All letters of nomination should discuss in detail the reasons you believe the student, when judged by these criteria, should receive the award. To help in the selection process, please include the student’s résumé with your nomination letter.

The nominated student must receive a baccalaureate degree this spring or summer and have attended Drake for at least four semesters. Pharmacy students with the academic classification of P2 are also eligible for this award.

Visit for more information.

Letters of nomination are to be sent to Meghan Blancas, director of student leadership programs, in the Student Life Center by Wednesday, March 30.

—Meghan Blancas

Seeking former Peace Corps volunteers

Following the recent announcement that Drake is a top producer of Peace Corps volunteers, Drake International wishes to reach out to former Peace Corps volunteers who are Drake employees. You may be a valuable resource for current students considering volunteering. Any staff or faculty who have served in the Peace Corps, please contact Karen Leroux, associate professor of history and coordinator, post-graduate scholarships, at

—Submitted by Drake International

Iowa Network for Women in Higher Education conference

The Iowa Network for Women in Higher Education (IowaWHE) Annual Leadership Conference brings women together from all corners of the state to network and discuss the issues facing leaders in higher education today. The theme of the 2016 conference is “Preparing for Leadership Challenges.” What are some of the major challenges confronting higher education today? How do women leaders prepare themselves to meet those challenges? An outstanding panel of women leaders will share their insights and experiences on some of the issues so relevant for current and aspiring leaders. This year’s conference is being hosted by Iowa State University on April 8. More information can be found online.


—Submitted by Maria Bohorquez, Professor of Chemistry, Department Chair

Global Learning Scholarships now available

Global Learning Scholarships are available for students who are studying abroad, participating in global service-learning, or participating in experiential learning abroad. These scholarships are designed to enable students to reach their full potential as responsible global citizens. Scholarships are open to students studying abroad Summer 2016, Fall 2016, or J-Term 2017. These are need-based scholarships. The application deadline is Tuesday, March 22. For more information, or to apply, visit this link. If you have any questions please contact Maria Rohach, global learning program coordinator, at

— Submitted by Maria Rohach

Midterm grading open March 1

Midterm grading for non-Law School courses will open on March 1 and will be due at 10 a.m. on March 21. Students will be able to view their midterm grades as soon as instructors submit them. My sincere thanks to all instructors who submit their grades on time.

—Submitted by Kevin Moenkhaus, Director, Student Records and Academic Information

Faculty Senate recap

Faculty Senate met in regular session on Feb. 17. Senate voted to create the position of immediate past president within Senate, confirmed the 2017–2018 academic calendar, and passed a motion urging University leadership to establish a minimum per-credit hour salary for part-time, adjunct faculty. Learn more at

—Nancy Geiger, Student Information Analyst

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Spring 2016

The first of our monthly lunch/discussions of the Scholarship of Teaching Learning (SoTL) is on Friday, Feb. 19, in Cowles 201. These lunchtime discussions are opportunities for those engaged in SoTL, thinking about SoTL, or just curious to get together and discuss ideas or concerns about teaching. If you would like us to provide a lunch for you, please go to: to register for the event.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost