Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

Apply for a Faculty Development and Enrichment Grant today

Applications are now open for 2016–2017 Faculty Development and Enrichment Grants. Please visit the Faculty Development & Support Programs page, and scroll down to see the link for the information about Development and Enrichment Grants. They are available for activities to be undertaken in the next fiscal year, beginning July 1, ending June 30, 2017. Proposals are evaluated on a rolling basis until all money has been exhausted. On that page you will also find a link to an FAQ document that you might find helpful, and the Uniform Cover Page and Budget Forms that you will need should you decide to apply for one of these grants.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Faculty proactive advising project

Drake University maintains a consistently high one-year retention rate for entering first-year students. Over the past four years, the one-year retention rate averaged 88 percent. While the overall one-year retention rate is high, there are several student groups that experience lower retention rates. The faculty proactive advising project will implement and assess the practice of proactive advising to support success for identified populations of students at Drake in order to improve retention rates for those populations.

The proactive advising project is now in its third year and served close to 100 students in Fall 2015. The project has demonstrated significant impact on student success. For the 2014 cohort of students who participated in the project, 80 percent returned for their second year compared to 88.8 percent for all other first-year students. Given the high level of retention risk represented in the proactive advising group, this is an excellent outcome. Faculty participants have also reported positive results from participation, most notably a change in approach to advising for all of their students.

Students will be identified for participation in the project based on analysis of several combined risk factors:  high school GPA and ACT score, failure to attend summer orientation, commuter status, and scores on the non-cognitive factors section of the Foundations of Learning assessment that will be administered at summer orientation.

Faculty advisers who participate in this project will have a one-semester commitment that will include:

  • Attend two half-day workshops for all participants in the program: Thursday, May 19, and Friday, May 20, 1–4 p.m.
  • Work with project coordinator Wade Leuwerke, associate professor of education, to develop an advising plan for assigned advisees.
  • Advise 3–5 students identified to participate in the project for Fall 2016 semester; assigned students may be outside of faculty adviser’s discipline.
  • Submit a final report.
  • Optional group meeting and individual consultation and support will be available throughout the project.

After the first two workshops, participants will receive a stipend of $500. After completing the project and submitting a final report, participants will receive an additional $500.

Participation will be limited to 10 individuals.

If you are interested in participating, please respond to Sandra Harris ( by Monday, April 11, at 4:30.

If you have questions about the project, contact either Melissa Sturm-Smith ( or Wade Leuwerke (

—Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Student Success

Ron and Jane Olson Outstanding Global Service-Learning Student Award

Nominations are now being accepted for the Ron and Jane Olson Outstanding Global Service-Learning Student Award. Nominations are due Friday, April 8, at 5 p.m. The selected awardee will receive $500 and will be recognized at the Adams Leadership Convocation April 22 at 12:15 p.m. in Sheslow Auditorium.

A letter of nomination should be submitted speaking to the award criteria.

Ron and Jane Olson established the Outstanding Global Service-Learning Award to recognize outstanding participation in global-service learning initiatives. Criteria for the award include:

  • Engaged in intentional global service-learning opportunities
  • Demonstrated an on-going commitment to global service-learning
  • Exhibited values that encourage global service-learning
  • Supported continuation of global service-learning efforts

The nominee must be a current student at Drake.

Nomination Process

The letter of nomination is due to Global Service-Learning Coordinator Maria Rohach no later than April 8. The letter should be sent as an attachment to A committee of faculty and staff will review all nominations and make recommendations to the vice provost for international programs.

—Maria Rohach

RSVP for inauguration today!

Today, March 21, is the last day to order your academic regalia for the lowest price if you plan to participate in the procession during Inauguration. (You can order after today, but the price will go up.) Any faculty or staff member can participate in the procession (must wear academic regalia). Whether you plan to participate in the procession or simply attend and sit in general seating, please RSVP to More information can be found at

Learn how to manage change

Continue your professional development, work towards the ELD Certificate, and learn how to manage change!

Change is constant. However, findings show that people don’t mind changes so much; they mind “being” changed. Take charge of the changes you find yourself in and learn tools to navigate through the “Four Step Change” process. Join Jul Bruns, Employee and Family Resources’ workplace services consultant, to learn how to respond positively to resistance and apply resiliency to grow and adapt. This will be held Thursday, March 24, 9–11 a.m., in Olmsted Center, Room 310-311.

Participants will receive two credits toward the Excellence in Learning & Development certificate. For the list of remaining programs, visit the Learning and Development site, accessible through blueView.

—Marlene Heuertz, Assistant Director, Benefits

Ron and Jane Olson Outstanding Service-Learning Faculty/Staff award

Nominations are now being accepted for the Ron and Jane Olson Outstanding Global Service-Learning Faculty/Staff Award. Nominations are due Friday, April 8, at 5 p.m. The selected awardee will receive a $500 award and will be recognized at the Faculty Awards and Honors Luncheon in May.

Ron and Jane Olson established the Outstanding Global Service-Learning Award to recognize outstanding work guiding and participating in global-service learning initiatives.

A letter of nomination should be submitted recommending an individual for the award speaking to the award criteria:

  • Developed intentional global service-learning opportunities
  • Went above and beyond to coordinate global service-learning
  • Demonstrated an ongoing commitment to global service-learning
  • Exhibited values that encourage global service-learning
  • Supported continuation of global service-learning efforts

The nominee must be a current faculty or staff member at Drake.

Nomination Process
The letter of nomination is due to the Global Service-Learning Coordinator Maria Rohach no later than April 8. The letter should be sent as an attachment to A committee of faculty and staff will review all nominations and make recommendations to the vice provost for international programs.

—Submitted by Maria Rohach

At-large senators for Faculty Senate elected

By majority vote, the following individuals have been elected to serve a two-year term on Faculty Senate as an at-large senator beginning with the 2016–2017 academic year: Klaus Bartschat, Maria Clapham, Renee Cramer, Deb DeLaet, Jerrid Kruse, and Craig Owens. Now the units needing to select senators will begin their selection process. The full roster of 2016–2017 Faculty Senate membership is expected by the end of March.

—Nancy Geiger, Student Information Analyst