Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

SDS—Requesting exam accommodations for registered students

What is my responsibility as a faculty member when a student in my class requires exam accommodations?

  1. A student should present their Student Academic Accommodation Request form to the faculty member in advance to discuss the accommodations.
  2. The faculty member/department and student need to work together initially to determine if the department can provide the accommodations required at least a week in advance before an exam.
  3. If you are unable to find a solution, please contact Leah at Student Disability Services (SDS) within 2–3 business days to coordinate the exams. If a request is not made in the time frame requested above, the SDS office will not be able to proctor the exam. There is a form that needs to be filled out that gives our office the following information:
  • Dates of Exams
  • Delivery and return method of exams
  • Time frame that exam needs to be taken
  • Exam accommodations for student

When utilizing the SDS office, flexibility is encouraged and appreciated. The office works with the library staff, exam taker’s schedule, and proctor to ensure the exam accommodations are being met.

Please note: Makeup exams and/or entrance exams for graduate school are not coordinated through the Student Disability Services office.

If you have questions regarding exam accommodations, please contact:

Leah Berte
Coordinator, Student Support Case Management
Student Disability Services
107 Old Main

—Leah Berte

Attend The Way Up Conference

Make plans to attend the 30th annual The Way Up Conference on Nov. 3–4 in Coralville. With the theme of “30 Years of Inspiring Excellence for Women in Higher Education,” this conference will inspire, motivate, and energize as you join other women on their way up in higher education. Whether you participate in formal or informal conversations about excellence in higher education leadership and administration, this conference is for you!

Chrystal Stanley from Professional Career Development Services and Bengu Erguner-Tekinalp from the School of Education will present.

This conference will give you two days of concurrent sessions and keynote speakers dedicated to providing you with ideas and strategies to chart your course for success today.

The Way Up Planning Council, comprising women leaders and administrators in higher education across Iowa, continues to sponsor this conference and has a special celebration planned for the 30th anniversary of the conference. Plan to attend the conference, and you will return to your institution feeling re-energized and inspired as you continue on your Way Up to excellence in higher education!


Reserve your room directly through the Marriott: Use the group code wyuwyua to make your reservation by Oct. 19.

—Office of the Provost

The new, new Blue is here!

The Fall 2016 issue of Blue arrives on campus today. Using feedback from our online reader survey, the alumni magazine has a new look and feel to increase engagement while reducing cost. As usual, hard copies will be dropped off in Kinne, the Alumni House, Cole Hall, Cowles Library, The Point, and all academic units. A digital version of Blue can be viewed online at

—Beth Wilson, University Communications

Advisor Resource Network (ARN) October session

Hello Student Organization Advisors! The Advisor Resource Network (ARN) is back for its second session. The ARN is a time for those who advise student organizations—or those who are interested—to come together and talk about various topics pertinent to advising student organizations. The October session will focus on student development theory. Sessions will be held at various times to accommodate varying schedules. You need only register for one. You can register for a session by clicking on the links below. Registration is not required, but greatly appreciated. Questions? Contact Kodee Wright at

Session 2—All sessions held in the Drake Room, Olmsted Center
Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2–2:50 p.m.  
Thursday, Oct. 20, 12–12:50 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 28, 10–10:50 a.m.

—Kodee Wright, Office of Student Involvement and Leadership

Faculty/staff social this Thursday

The next social, open to all faculty and staff, will be on Thursday, Oct. 6, 4–6 p.m. in Shivers Hospitality Suite, adjacent to The Knapp Center. Attendees will receive one complimentary ticket for beer or wine, and water, soda, etc., are also on the house. Nearby parking is available in Lot 2 east of Shivers at the northeast corner of Forest Avenue and 25th Street.

Mark your calendar for future socials (revised):

  • Dec. 15
  • April 6, 2017
  • May 11, 2017

Sponsored by the Office of the Provost

IMPORTANT: Course materials requests due Oct. 28

It’s time to submit your course material requests for J-Term and Spring. The deadline for submitting your materials is Oct. 28. Receiving your list of materials as soon as possible allows us to source the most affordable books for your students and provide top dollar for students selling books back at the end of this term. With our Online Adoption Tool, selecting your course materials is fast and easy.

Access the Online Adoption Tool 

  1. Visit
  2.  Go to “Books” in the top navigation and under the Information heading, click “Online Adoptions.”
  3. If you need additional training to use the Online Adoption Tool, please contact me.

Are You a New User? 

  1. Follow the steps listed above.
  2. Click on “New? Register Here” and complete the required fields.
  3. Enter 1623 in the Bookstore Supplied Password field.

Download the 6 Ways to Help Students Save on Textbooks to learn about Follett’s course material purchasing options. If you have any questions about the Online Adoption Tool or how to save students money, please contact me anytime:

Donna Hallstrom, Course Materials Manager or 

—Donna Hallstrom, Drake Bookstore

Tuition Guarantee announcement

After more than a year of research, discussion, and financial modeling, I’m excited today to share that Drake will be undertaking a new approach to pricing tuition for next year’s incoming undergraduate class—we’re calling it the Drake Tuition Guarantee.

I encourage you to watch this video to learn more about the Tuition Guarantee, which fixes tuition for full-time, undergraduate students’ four years at Drake. This has several benefits to prospective students and their families—chief among them enhanced financial clarity—and enables us to stabilize tuition and financial aid distribution. This new tuition price still keeps us lower priced than a majority of our out-of-state peer institutions and five Iowa private colleges and universities. You’ll  find more about how we compare to our peers and other answers to common questions in the FAQ.

I wish to extend my gratitude to our colleagues who have been hard at work to make this new approach a reality. Paired with the great value of a Drake education—outlined in The Drake Commitment—the Tuition Guarantee positions us strongly in the marketplace and reflects our ongoing dedication to delivering an exceptional experience to our students.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions after reviewing the video and FAQ document.

 —President Marty Martin






Call for nominations

The executive director for global engagement and international programs is accepting nominations (including self-nominations) of individuals to serve as acting director of both the Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship (PFGCGC) and the Nelson Institute for Diplomacy and International Affairs. The successful candidate will initially serve as assistant director (for both programs) with one course reassignment during the Spring 2017 semester, and then as acting director from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, filling in as a sabbatical replacement for the permanent director. For the 2017–2018 academic year, the position carries three course reassignments and a summer stipend. The acting director will report to the executive director for global engagement and international programs.

Responsibilities include:

  • Serving on Global/International Programs Academic Council (GIPAC), International Advisory Council, and International Grants committees
  • Implementing PFGCGC projects, including campus events, directing global and comparative public health concentration, assisting with recruitment of Global Practitioners, oversight of Global Ambassador program, and supervision of Global Citizenship Award selection process
  • Chairing Nelson Institute Advisory Group and implementing Nelson Institute projects, including simulation funding, Global Pressing Issues Grants, Visiting Diplomats, Student Travel Grants, and Nelson Undergraduate Conference on Global Affairs
  • Supervising administrative assistant
  • Assisting executive director of global engagement and international programs on related initiatives as needed

Nominees should be full-time faculty members with five or more years of experience at Drake at the start of the 2017–2018 academic year, demonstrated leadership capacity, and engagement with global/international initiatives at Drake.

Nominations should include a statement summarizing the qualifications of the nominee, the nominee’s letter of acceptance, and the nominee’s CV. Self-nominations should include a statement of interest and qualifications and a CV. Nominations and self-nominations also should include a letter of support from the nominee’s dean. The deadline for nominations and self-nominations is Oct. 21. Please send materials to Hannah Bildstein (

—Denise Ganpat, Administrative Assistant 2