Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

Back to Class: Antibiotic Resistance with Andrew Miesner

Hear from Andrew Miesner, PH’07, about his research related to antibiotic resistance on Monday, April 11, at 6:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. Anyone is welcome to attend, regardless of their affiliation to Drake. Register.

Andrew Miesner, PH’07, serves as an associate professor of pharmacy practice at Drake University and as a clinical pharmacist at Broadlawns Medical Center in the Department of Internal Medicine. Andrew Miesner graduated with his Doctor of Pharmacy degree at Drake University in 2007. His research interests include internal medicine, infectious diseases, antimicrobial stewardship, clinical teaching methods and interprofessional education.

— Courtney Conrad, Alumni Relations

Teams calling update and maintenance

On Friday, April 8, at 4:30 p.m., ITS and our service provider, Lumen/CenturyLink will complete the move of campus telephone numbers to voice over IP (VOIP) service. The migration process could last up to four hours during which brief voice outages could occur on each number as it is moved to the new service.

This is the last major milestone in migrating away from Drake’s outdated phone systems to Microsoft Teams Calling. ITS acknowledges the transition to Teams for voice services has been difficult and caused frustration across campus due to poor call quality and dropped connections. We are optimistic that completing migration will address these issues by eliminating the need to route calls through old voice equipment. A pilot group of numbers was moved to the new voice trunk lines late last year and we have seen a marked improvement in voice quality and reliability in that group.

Additionally, ITS staff have been working with a third party vendor over the past several weeks to ensure Drake’s configuration of Teams Calling adheres to Microsoft’s best practices, prepare for the migration on Friday, and facilitate a smooth changeover to the new service. ITS is committed to improving Teams voice quality and trusts this investment will be another factor in improving the reliability of the system.

Thank you for your patience and support during this long transitional period away from our legacy voice system to Teams Calling.

Chris Mielke, ITS

Spring 2022 edition of DUSSJ is online

The Spring 2022 edition of the Drake University Social Science Journal (DUSSJ) is now online. See this year’s excellent lineup of papers:

DUSSJ would like to extend a special thank you to this year’s student editorial board who did an excellent job administering the 2022 edition. The board members are:

  • Samantha Byrnes
  • Molly Green
  • Stephanie Kiel
  • Jacob Lish
  • Ariel Merritt
  • Gabby Neddermeyer

Thank you all for your excellent work!

— Heath Hendersen, Associate Professor of Economics, CBPA

Civic Action Week list of events

Happy Civic Action Week! The Office of Community Engaged Learning is excited to partner with many departments and organizations to raise awareness of community and global issues, and to have the opportunity to participate in service. Please join for whatever events and initiatives you’re able to and share how you’re engaging with the week by tagging @drakeservice on social media. Together we can have a collective impact!

Tuesday, April 5

  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action, 9am-3pm, Olmsted and/or Helmick Commons. Sign a pledge to support survivors, learn about Drake prevention response and resources around campus, and grab some swag. Wear Teal and get free food! (9am Donuts, 11:30am Jimmy Johns, 1:30pm Ice Cream). Sponsored by Drake Prevention Ambassadors.  (Pathway- Community Organizing & Activism). 
  • Careers in Social Change Virtual Panel: Direct Service4-5pm on Zoom. Panelists include Cecily Robinson from Easter Seals Iowa, Michelle Raymer from Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service, and Johnathan Preston from Community Youth Concepts. Register on Handshake. Contact Sponsored by Office of Community Engaged Learning and Professional and Career Development Services. (Pathway – Direct Service)
  • Las Cafeteras Concert7:30pm, Turner Jazz Center. Las Cafeteras combine music with social justice and higher education. Songs and themes range from the Civic Rights Movement to immigration reform. Sponsored by the Office of Equity and Inclusion. (Pathway – Community Organizing & Activism)

Wednesday, April 6

  • Sprout Garden Volunteer Day, 2-4pm. Help prepare the garden for Spring planting by sprucing up the area, amending soil, and other projects as needed. Come and go as you are able. People are welcome to just come out and visit the space, as well! Contact Sponsored by the Sprout Garden through the Office of Community Engaged Learning. (Pathway – Direct Service)

Thursday, April 7

  • Disability Services and Advocacy Event, 4-6pm, Harkin Institute. Representatives from Drake, Harkin Institute, and local non-profits will share information about their services. You’ll have the chance to participate in simulated activities and a roundtable discussion on topics related to disability services. The goal of the event is to create a space for people to bravely learn about and discuss disability experiences. Our hope is every participant will walk away with the tools to be a better advocate and ally for people experiencing disabilities. RSVP here.  Contact Kiley Kahler ( and Mel Sadecki ( for more information or to request accommodations. Sponsored by the Office of Community Engaged Learning. (Pathway – Community Organizing & Activism) 

Friday, April 8

  • Civic Action Academy, 10am-2pm.  This event is free and will happen virtually. All Drake students are welcome to attend. Participants can choose the sessions they want to attend and are not required to attend the whole thing. Topics range from Demystifying Advocacy to Reflective Practice for a Just Society to information on School Boards and more. Learn more and register. Sponsored by Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact.
  • Drake Neighborhood Community Walk: 11:30am-12:30pm, Join Brian Orellana, Community Outreach Senator and Community Engagement Peer for Equity and Inclusion, for a walk around the Drake Neighborhood. Meet outside Olmsted. You are not required to sign up but it can be helpful – email (Learn about the Drake Neighborhood Association!) Sponsored by the Office of Community Engaged Learning and Student Senate. (Pathway – Community Organizing and Activism)
  • APO & Phi Delta Chi Blood Drive – 11am-2:30pm. In partnership with LifeServe Blood Center. Appointments are required – sign up for a time.  (Pathway – Philanthropy)
  • Free Movie Friday, 9pm, Sussman Theater – Join for the film “Just Mercy,” the thought-provoking true story of young lawyer Bryan Stevenson and his history-making battle for justice. Sponsored by the Office of Community Engaged Learning and the Student Activities Board (SAB). (Pathway – Community Organizing and Activism)

Saturday, April 9

All Week –

Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Drive – drop off donations of first aid kits, socks, winter gloves, thermal underwear or sanitary and hygienic sets to various locations in Cowles Library, including the Global Engagement Office across from Midnight Hall and the Office of Community Engaged Learning in the lower level. Donations will go through Iowa Sister States to our Sister State of Cherkasy Oblast and will be collected until April 15.

Donate to the Little Free Pantries in the Drake Neighborhood – Drop off your donations of non-perishable goods and personal hygiene items. (Pathway – Philanthropy)

Donate Adult Dog and Cat food to the Griff Gives Back project. (Pathway – Philanthropy)

Visit for other volunteer opportunities.

— Amanda Martin, Community Engaged Learning

Support Ukraine humanitarian relief efforts

Global Engagement and Community Engaged Learning are partnering with Iowa Sister States to support Ukraine humanitarian relief efforts through a supply drive.

The State of Iowa and Iowa Sister States have been working diligently to provide support to Ukraine, in particular working with partners in Iowa’s Ukrainian sister state located just south of the capital Kyiv. Iowa has a 26-year sister state relationship with Cherkasy Oblast that has been sustained through various people-to-people exchanges. Iowa Sister States has been coordinating directly with the regional government of Cherkasy Oblast to procure a list of supplies needed to support their citizens during this crisis.

We are calling on the Drake community to contribute to this humanitarian relief effort by collecting and donating supplies from the following list now through April 15. Supplies will be shipped in batches by Iowa Sister States directly to their partners in Ukraine.

Supplies needed:

  • Sleeping mats
  • Sleeping bags
  • First aid kits
  • Individual wound dressing wraps
  • Individual medical packs
  • Thermal underwear
  • Socks
  • Gloves (for warmth, not medical purposes)

How to contribute:
Supplies will be collected through April 15 at two locations in Cowles Library:

  • Global Engagement, located just inside the South/University Ave entrance across from Midnight Hall.
  • Community Engaged Learning is located on the ground floor, east side. From the north/main entrance, go down the stairs and through the doors on your left.

Monetary donations are also being accepted and will be used expressly for the purpose of purchasing and shipping the requested items. Individuals and groups can make monetary donations online at Click the blue “Donate” button at the top of the page and select “Cherkasy, Ukraine Fundraiser” from the campaign drop-down menu.

Contact Hannah Sappenfield, Global Partnerships Coordinator, with any questions.

— Hannah Sappenfield, Global Engagement

Constitutional Law Symposium April 9, registration open

The Drake Constitutional Law Center will host the 2022 Constitutional Law Symposium on Saturday, April 9, from 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. The program will be delivered virtually via Zoom. The speakers will examine the role the Constitution may play in stemming or facilitating democratic erosion.

The symposium will feature a slate of nationally renowned scholars discussing these important topics:

Reflections on Congressional Abdication
Jeffrey K. Tulis, Professor of Government and Professor of Law, University of Texas at Austin

The Constitution and Condorcet: Democracy Protection through Electoral Reform
Edward B. Foley, Charles W. Ebersold and Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Chair in Constitutional Law; Director, Election Law, The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law

Was the Constitution Meant to be Democratic
James R. Stoner Jr., Hermann Moyse, Jr. Professor of Political Science; Director, Eric Vogelin Institute, Louisiana State University

Two Models for Protecting Democracy
David Landau, Mason Ladd Professor; Associate Dean for International Programs, Florida State University School of Law

Revisiting America’s Guardrails
Andrea Katz, Associate Professor of Law, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

The program will be moderated by Miguel Schor, Professor of Law and Associate Director of the Constitutional Law Center at Drake University.

The symposium is approved for 2.5 hours of Iowa Continuing Legal Education credit.

Registration is free and open to the public. Register online. Registrants may pre-order a copy of the Drake Law Review Symposium issue for $12.

Contact Sara Hughes, 515-271-3985,, for more information.

The Constitutional Law Symposium is dedicated to the memory of Congressman Neal Smith, LW’50, who passed away last fall at the age of 101. Congressman Smith’s efforts provided foundational support for the Center and he continued to be a loyal supporter his entire life.

The Constitutional Law Center gratefully acknowledges key support for this symposium from the Nathan S. McCay (LW ’80) Endowment and the Drake Constitutional Law Fund.

— Terri Howard, Law School

FAFSA Simplification Act

On March 15, Mark Wiederspan, executive director of Iowa College Aid, sent a letter to Senator Chuck Grassley highlighting concerns about how future changes to the FAFSA will impact students whose families own family farms and/or small businesses.

Specifically, the FAFSA Simplification Act will require the net worth of a family farm or small business to be reported as an asset on the FAFSA, beginning with the 2024–2025 FAFSA. Family farms and small businesses (100 or fewer full-time employees) are currently excluded from reportable assets on the FAFSA.

If you share Dr. Wiederspan’s concerns, you can contact your legislators in congress. To lookup your legislators, click here.

— Ryan Zantingh, Director of Financial Aid

Hall of fame television executive Ray Cole to discuss book ‘Hangin’ with Winners’ April 13

Drake’s chapter of the American Marketing Association is hosting a special guest speaker, hall of fame television broadcasting executive Ray Cole, at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 13. Mr. Cole will be discussing his book, Hangin’ with Winners: A Lifetime of Connections, Anecdotes and Lessons Learned. All Drake students, alumni, faculty, staff, and supporters are welcome to join the AMA chapter members to hear the president and CEO of Citadel Communications share his experiences engaging with iconic leaders and changemakers in television, politics, and philanthropy including Jimmy Kimmel, Diane Sawyer, Robin Roberts, Michael J. Fox, and more.

Mr. Cole, a native of Iowa, will be speaking and taking questions at the April 13 meeting which will take place at Aliber Hall, Room 101, at 9 p.m. The event is free and audience members will receive a free copy of Hangin’ with Winners while supplies last.

— Alejandro Hernandez, Dean, CBPA

Baum Symposium: Preparing students for a world in flux

The 2022 Baum Symposium will be comprised of a series of workshops focused on helping Drake faculty and staff respond ethically and compassionately to the shifts in higher education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and demographic trends in our student body.

Featured speaker Cathy Davidson, the author of The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux, will speak virtually, on Wednesday, May 4, at 7 pm. This keynote will kick off an entire month of programming meant to help our faculty and staff address the ethical imperative of meeting our students where they are—emotionally, intellectually, and socially.

Register at Eventbrite. Zoom links will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.

Renée Cramer, Deputy Provost

Policy review: Student Pronouns Policy

The proposed Student Pronouns Policy is now available for public review and comment on the Policies Under Review webpage.  In summary, any student may select their pronouns for use within the University community, consistent wit the student’s gender and/or gender identity. The policy will be posted for 20 days.

— Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Student Success