Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

Drake Theatre Arts presents Silent Sky

Drake Theatre Arts proudly presents their final production of the fall semester, Silent Sky by Lauren Gunderson, Nov. 17–20 in the Performing Arts Hall (PAH); Directed by Drake Senior Morgan Erwin. Silent Sky tells the story of 19th century astronomer Henrietta Leavitt and her fellow female researchers – or “computers” – in the Harvard University observatory, who set the standard still used today for measuring distances in space while discovering thousands of stars. Tickets can be purchased through the following link: or at the Fine Arts Box Office.

— Jacob Lemons, Fine Arts

First Generation Student Day celebrations

Nov. 8 is National First Generation Student Day. Drake defines a first-generation student is a college student whose parents/legal guardians have not received a bachelor’s degree from a four-year university. At Drake, about 20% of our incoming students are first generation students. The Office of New Student and Family Programs and Drake First Gen Student Organization are partnering to celebrate Drake first generation students, staff, and faculty.

On Nov. 8, we will be tabling on Helmick Commons or Olmsted Breezeway (depending on weather) from 1–4 p.m. passing out snacks and First Gen Bulldog stickers. We hope you can stop by for a sticker and some snacks!

We will cap off the week with a Brunch and Learn on Friday, Nov. 10, from 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m. in the Courtside Club at the Shivers Basketball Practice Facility. The Brunch and Learn will feature a session on “From Community to Career.” Renee Sedlacek Lee, director of Community Engaged Learning, will share her story as a first-generation college student and how students too can use community engagement opportunities to prepare for life after college.  Click here to rsvp for the Brunch and Learn!

We encourage First Generation students, staff and faculty to join our Facebook group and follow on Instagram.

We look forward to seeing you at some of the First-Generation Student Day events!

— Marina Verlengia, New Student and Parent Programs

Scheduled power outage Nov. 25

On Friday, Nov. 25, Facilities Planning and Management will conduct annual cleaning, maintenance, and testing on a series of high voltage electrical vaults on campus.  In addition to our annual work, contractors will work on high voltage electrical improvements as part of the Meredith Hall Renovation project.  Below is a tentative schedule of the expected outages on Nov. 25.

6 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Cowles Library
Meredith Hall

6 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Old Main

9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Studio Arts
Hubbell Dinning
Goodwin Kirk

11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Harmon Fine Arts North

1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Knapp – NE corner

If your office is in one of the buildings being impacted, please turn off your computers, electronic devices, and clean out anything that you have in a refrigerator before leaving for the Thanksgiving Holiday. 

— Aaron Edwards, Facilities Planning and Management

An Evening with Charlie Cook, renowned political analyst, Dec. 8 – free event

Join The Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement on Thursday, Dec. 8, at 7 p.m. in Sheslow Auditorium or virtually, for our event An Evening with Charlie Cook. Click here to register.

This event is open to Drake University undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff, as well as the larger Des Moines community. This event is free, but registration is required. American sign language (ASL) and real time captioning (CART) will be provided, please contact to request other accommodations.

An Evening with Charlie Cook is an opportunity to hear insight and analysis on the state of American politics by one of the leading authorities on the U.S. political scene. This year Cook will also share important insights about the midterm election. Cook is a political analyst for National Journal magazine, editor and publisher of the Cook Political Report, co-author of the 2020 and 2022 editions of the Almanac of American Politics and a National Advisory Council member for The Harkin Institute.

More information about this event can be found on The Harkin Institute website.

— Lila Johnson, The Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement

Campus safety walk

On Thursday, Nov. 3, at 8:30 p.m., members of the campus community partnered together to conduct a campus safety walk.  Members of Student Affairs, Residence Life, Facilities, Environmental Health and Safety, and Public Safety were joined by over a dozen student representatives from the Student Senate and Residence Hall Association.

Split into two teams, the group covered the campus to look at safety issues that may present themselves at night to members of the community walking on campus.  The two groups located various safety concerns, and took the steps to document them so that corrective actions can be taken.  All of the concerns were directed to either Public Safety, Facilities, or Environmental Health and Safety to work on resolving.

As we all know campus safety is a shared responsibility.  The campus looks and feels a lot different after-hours and a safety walk with various members of the campus community allows for items that might not be seen during the day to standout.  Although Public Safety and Facilities conduct regular monthly lighting surveys, this walk looked not only at lighting, but several other issues.

Special thank you to Douglass Robinett, assistant director of Residence Life, for proposing this idea and working with RHA to join the effort and to Connor Oetzmann, student body president, for getting the Student Senate involved.

In order to continue this effort, there will be a Spring Campus Safety Walk held in early April.  If you have any questions about the fall walk or would like to participate in the spring walk, please send an email to

— Scott Law, Public Safety & Operational Services

Bright College welcomes co-associate deans

Megan Brown, professor of English, and Stacy Gnacisnki, assistant professor of health sciences, have joined the John Dee Bright College staff as associate deans. Their experience as teachers, researchers, and citizens of Bright College and University will help us advance our mission in crucial ways, including recruiting excellent faculty to lead the College’s seminars and attracting future cohorts of amazing students to our program.

Professor Brown is a member of the Bright College founding faculty and has co-led two JDBC courses. She also serves as Drake’s director of writing and as faculty athletics representative. She is the author of two books and many peer-reviewed journal articles. 

Professor Gnacinski came to Drake in 2017. In addition to teaching various courses in the health sciences program, she co-taught a Bright College seminar in Spring 2022. She also serves as a mental performance consultant for the Olympic Winter Institute of Australia’s ski and snowboard teams.

Beyond their professional accomplishments, Professors Brown and Gnacinski bring optimism, energy, and a deep and shared commitment to the College’s mission: Affordable access to innovative excellence.

— Craig Owens, Dean, John Dee Bright College

First Generation Student Day Nov. 8

Nov. 8 is National First Generation Student Day. Drake defines a first-generation student is a college student whose parents/legal guardians have not received a bachelor’s degree from a four-year university. At Drake, about 20% of our incoming students are first generation students. The Office of New Student and Family Programs and Drake First Gen Student Organization are partnering to celebrate Drake first generation students, staff, and faculty.

We are looking for first-generation students, staff, and faculty to fill out a short questionnaire to capture your experiences as a first gen student. The survey results will be used to generate profiles to showcase the first-generation college experience on social media leading up to Nov. 8.

On Nov. 8, we will be tabling on Helmick Commons or Olmsted Breezeway (depending on weather) from 1–4 p.m. passing out snacks and First Gen Bulldog stickers. We hope you can stop by for a sticker and some snacks!

We will cap off the week with a Brunch and Learn on Friday, Nov. 10, from 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m. in Shivers Hospitality Suite. The Brunch and Learn will feature a session on “From Community to Career.” Renee Sedlacek Lee, director of Community Engaged Learning, will share her story as a first-generation college student and how students too can use community engagement opportunities to prepare for life after college.  Click here to rsvp for the Brunch and Learn!

We encourage First Generation students, staff and faculty to join our Facebook group and follow on Instagram.

We look forward to seeing you at some of the First-Generation Student Day events!

— Marina Verlengia, New Student and Parent Programs

Payroll deadlines moved up for holiday breaks

Due to the holidays, several payroll deadlines will be moved up.

Instructions to set up a proxy to approve time sheets in your absence are at under Online Time reporting.

The deadline for monthly direct pays for payroll will be changed to:

Dec. 12, 2022, for payroll direct pays for the December monthly payroll

The deadlines for the biweekly time sheets and direct pays will be:

12/5–12/18/22 hours paid 12/22, 9:00 AM Friday, 12/16, for employees and 10:00 AM that day for approvers. Employees will need to estimate hours for 12/16-12/18.

12/19-1/1/23 hours paid 1/6/23, 9:00 AM Tuesday, 1/3/23, for employees and 10:00 AM that day for approvers.

The deadline for student time sheets and direct pays will be unchanged:

12/1-12/31/22 hours paid 1/12/23, noon on Sunday, 1/01, for students and 11:59 PM 01/04 for approvers.

— Korrine Jackson, Payroll Coordinator

International Education Week is Nov. 14–18

Join Global Engagement in celebrating International Education Week, November 14–18.

There will be events hosted throughout the week for students, faculty, and staff. Join in to discover all the ways Drake is global. Check out the full calendar of events at

Featured events:

Global Scholar-in-Residence, Inés Rojas
Presentation and reception for faculty and staff
Monday, Nov. 14, at 2:30–4 p.m.
Reading Room, Cowles Library
Learn More >>

Fulbright U.S. Student Program Information Session
Presentation by Professor Karen Leroux and Karen Williams, Education Abroad Advisor
Tuesday, Nov. 15, from 12:30–1:45 p.m.
Medbury Honors Lounge
Learn More >>

The European Union in 2022: Key Challenges of Our Time
Visiting scholar lecture by Dr. Robert Pichler (Austria). Part of the Principal Center for Global Citizenship fall speaker series.
Tuesday, Nov. 15, from 2-3:15 p.m.
Sussman Theater
Learn More >>

U.S.-China Symposium
Hosted by Ambassador-in-Residence Terry Branstad, featuring sessions on relevant topics including education, politics and foreign affairs
Thursday, Nov. 17 – Sessions all day
Olmsted Center
Learn More >>

— Hannah Sappenfield, Global Engagement

Federal loan cancellation application available

The application for one-time federal student loan debt relief has been made available here. Borrowers are encouraged to complete the application as soon as possible.

The debt relief plan offers up to $10,000 of loan cancellation for borrowers meeting income requirements, and up to $20,000 for eligible borrowers who received a Pell Grant. More information about the Biden-Harris Administration’s student debt relief plan is available here.

— Ryan Zantingh, Director of Financial Aid