Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

Scheduled Power Outage – November 27

Facilities Planning and Management has scheduled an electrical outage for Wednesday November 27 that will affect all of campus, including the residential buildings. This outage is necessary to complete required annual preventative maintenance on the main switchgear which supplies power to a majority of the campus.

The outage is currently scheduled from 6:30am – 3:00pm and will affect all of campus.

As a result of this outage, there will be NO POWER, including the following:

  • There will be no lighting, except emergency building lighting
  • There will be no Wifi or Internet access
  • Elevators will not run
  • Booster pumps which supply hot water to showers will not function, meaning there may be no hot water for showers during this outage.

During this outage, campus dining facilities (including Hubbell and Olmsted Starbucks) will remain closed.

Facilities Planning and Management will have several staff members on campus during and after the outage to ensure power is restored, elevators are functional, and all HVAC systems are operational.

Colin Atkinson, Facilities Planning and Management

Blood Drive for Drake Theatre’s Production of DRACULA

Donate blood & get a free ticket to Drake Theatre’s Production of Dracula 

We ‘vant your BLOOD! To celebrate our upcoming production of Dracula, Drake University’s Theatre Department will be hosting a mobile blood drive in partnership with the LifeServe Blood Center on Friday, November 15th from 11-3 p.m. in parking lot 1A behind the Harmon Fine Arts Center. If you choose to donate blood, you will receive a voucher that is redeemable for ONE FREE TICKET to Drake Theatre’s Production of Dracula that runs from November 21-24 in the Performing Arts Hall. You can pre-register online using this link or just show up!

Can’t make it to the drive? That’s okay! We hope to see you at one of our performances of Dracula running from Nov. 21-24 at the Performing Arts Hall located in the Harmon Fine Arts Center.

Camryn Caruso

Drake Law Hosts 47th Annual General Practice Review

Drake University Law School is hosting its annual General Practice Review virtually on Nov. 22, Dec. 6, and Dec. 13. On demand options for each session are also available. This event serves to provide updates on current case law and a variety of other topics. All practicing or retired attorneys are invited to attend.

Topics that will be covered during the event include criminal law, real estate, family law, ethics, artificial intelligence, employment law, insurance law, and more.

Highlights include:

Drake Law’s Sease Research Scholar and professor of intellectual property, Sayoko Blodgett-Ford, will lead a session on various intellectual property laws—covering copyright, patent, and trade secrets—focusing on their implications in artificial intelligence. She will also provide an in-depth analysis of the “fair use” defense in recent high-profile copyright cases, such as the New York Times lawsuit against OpenAI.

Additionally, Caleb Brus, LW’14, sponsored by the Recent Alumni Engagement Board, will cover the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Brus will discuss ERISA’s origins, its fiduciary duties, common issues, recent trends, and notable litigation. “These topics are essential for attorney practitioners, as ERISA is nuanced and high-stakes legislation that demands an understanding of complex regulatory standards,” Brus stated. “Attorneys need to be able to spot potential ERISA issues and recognize when to consult an expert.”

Tickets for the ethics only day on Nov. 22 are $120, and $200 for each December date. The cost for all three sessions is $440. This pricing is consistent for all ticket options. Participants can attend all three sessions to earn a total of 15 CLE credit hours, including 3 ethics hours, or attend any combination of sessions to earn 3-12 credits. Participants who register for live stream sessions will also receive the on-demand sessions automatically at no extra charge.

To register or find more information, click here. For questions, contact Amy Cutler at or 515-271-3361.

Taylor Johnson, Law School

Thanksgiving Meal in Hubbell 11/21

Kick off your Thanksgiving holiday with friends and a feast full of fun! Celebrate at Hubbell Dining Hall on Thursday, Nov. 21, from 11 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. We’re serving all your holiday favorites, including roasted turkey, hickory smoked ham, candied sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and more. We will also have a Simple Servings station set up for allergen free dining.

All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend. Price is $8.18 plus tax (or $8.75 total.) Students can use a meal swipe.

Samantha Matt

In Memoriam: Retired Assistant Dean Charles Greenwood

With heavy hearts, we share that beloved figure and retired Assistant Dean Charles Greenwood passed away on November 2.

From his start as an associate professor in 1974 to his role as assistant dean of the graduate school of education, he left an indelible mark on our institution. His 20-year dedication to the Drake Relays, honored on the Relays’ Wall of Honor, exemplifies his commitment to the Drake community.

Professor Greenwood’s legacy and commitment to alternative education will continue to inspire future generations at Drake.

Read Chuck’s full obituary.

Annie Matte, School of Education

Help Us With Our Senior Capstone Project!

We’re exploring how the media you consume influences your decisions to volunteer or donate to nonprofits. Take our short survey and contribute to a senior research project at Drake University that can help nonprofits better understand how to engage with their supporters. It only takes a few minutes, and you can opt in to enter the raffle for a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Know others who volunteer or donate? Share this survey with them too! 

Keira Coady

Stories of Healing: Mental Health Poetry Slam

Poetry can be a useful and impactful way to share hope through story telling. In collaboration with Broadlawns Drake Student Counseling Center, NAMI Iowa, and NAMI on Campus, we are hosting our 2nd Sharing Hope Poetry Slam. If you are a poet and interested in sharing your poetry, centered on our theme of “Healing,” please contact We hope to see you there!

If you’re interested in sharing your poetry, register here.

Kayla Bell-Consolver, School of Education

An Evening With Charlie Cook

An Evening with Charlie Cook will take place on Monday, November 11, 2024. The event is an opportunity to hear insight and analysis on the state of American politics by one of the leading authorities on the U.S. political scene. This year, Cook will also share important insights from the 2024 General Election.

Cook is a political analyst for National Journal magazine, founder of the Cook Political Report, co-author of the 2020 and 2022 editions of the Almanac of American Politics, and a National Advisory Council member for The Harkin Institute.

What: An Evening With Charlie Cook

When: Monday, November 11, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

Where: Sheslow Auditorium (2507 University Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50311)

YouTube Live Stream on The Harkin Institute’s YouTube Channel

Registration: This event is free and open to the public but registration is required.

Accommodations: American Sign Language (ASL) and live captioning (CART) will be provided for in-person and virtual attendees. Any additional accommodation requests can be made by emailing

Click here to register for the event!

—Kathryn Kuckelman, Harkin Institute

Navigating Medicare Enrollment with Iowa SHIIP Counselors

Join The Harkin Institute for a free webinar featuring the results from a qualitative study with Iowa SHIIP counselors, who provide retirees with advice about Medicare enrollment. The Harkin Institute partnered with the Iowa SHIIP-SMP program and AARP for this project, focused on understanding the main challenges faced by retirees in navigating the Medicare enrollment process. The SHIP program provides unbiased advice about Medicare options to retirees through in-person counseling, including telephone, virtual, and face-to-face appointments. It is a particularly important source of information for those who face technological, physical, or language barriers. We sought to understand barriers for vulnerable groups, such as dual-eligible, low-income, and limited English proficiency retirees, in addition to the overall counselor experience with the program. This research is part of a larger research project focused on the financial impact of health insurance on retirees.

Date: October 30, 2024

Time: 1:00–2:00 p.m. CT

Location: Zoom Webinar (link will be sent to attendees closer to the event)

Cost: Free

Accommodations: Live-captioning in English will be provided for attendees. American Sign Language interpretation is only available upon request due to interpreter shortages throughout Iowa. ASL and other accommodation requests can be made by emailing

Register here! 

—Kathryn Kuckelman, Harkin Institute