Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

New online room request system available

This system, the Virtual Events Management System or VEMS, allows you to browse for space, look up room capacities, view pictures of certain spaces, plus many more easy-to-use functions—all online 24/7. It also streamlines the room-scheduling process for those who manage Drake’s spaces.

To access this system and for more information, click the “Room Scheduler (EMS)” link on the Faculty & Staff home page or go to

—Submitted by:
Matt Miller, University Office of Events
Kevin Moenkhaus, Office of Student Records and Academic Information

Register today for global service-learning webinar

What: Service Through Learning: Ethics, Partnerships, and Best Practices webinar
When: Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2–3:30 p.m.
Where: Meredith 207

What is an ethical partnership? How can we create ethical partnerships that support communities and the students who serve or train in them? How can students and institutions, through their work and learning paradigms, empower these communities?

Share in discussion about the answers to these questions and learn best practices during this webinar, which will feature the editor of Developing Global Health Programming: A Guidebook for Medical and Professional Schools.

Throughout the conversation, presenters and participants will:

  • Explore questions about ethics related to service-learning and how to develop ethical partnerships
  • Examine how service-learning programs can provide global learning experiences and empower communities
  • Share experiences and best practices with global service-learning in the fields of health care and applicable disciplines

Please RSVP to Maria Rohach, global learning program coordinator, at

—Submitted by Maria Rohach

Applications open for faculty and staff travel seminar

The Office of Community Engagement and Service Learning is pleased to offer a new professional development opportunity for the first time in 2015–2016, “Best Practices in Global Service-Learning: A learning community and travel seminar for faculty and staff.” The cohort will consist of faculty and staff from a variety of disciplines and departments.

Who should apply:

  • Faculty or staff who have developed a global service-learning course (on campus, as a travel seminar, or at a partner institution)
  • Faculty or staff interested in developing a global service-learning course
  • Faculty or staff involved with experiential learning at Drake

Find more information on learning goals, program components, what’s included, and the application here. 

Questions? Contact Maria Rohach, global learning program coordinator at

—Submitted by Maria Rohach, Global Learning Program Coordinator

New, mandatory sexual and interpersonal and violence prevention course for students

Drake University takes acts of sexual and interpersonal misconduct seriously and is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment. In keeping with this goal, Drake is requiring all students to complete an online educational program on sexual and interpersonal violence prevention. This effort also complies with the Violence Against Women Act and the Office for Civil Rights federal guidelines.

Student advisers and other faculty or staff who assist students with registering for classes should be aware that a hold will be placed on each student’s account until he or she has completed the online program—called Haven—which will prevent course registration for the subsequent semester. The mandatory portion, Part 1, must be completed by Oct. 15.

Using an online format to educate is the most efficient way to disseminate important regulatory information to college students. A Drake committee reviewed several online programs to make a final decision on utilizing Haven. Haven has also been the product of choice in many Iowa institutions of higher education—delivering positive student user feedback—which will position us for uniformity across the state.

Haven promotes student health and safety by educating students about the elements of healthy relationships, the importance of sexual consent, and the role of bystanders in creating safe, healthy communities. This science-based prevention program offers a confidential, personalized experience for each student, educating them on the issues associated with sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking while also taking into account their unique perspectives and experiences. It will also cover campus-specific policies, procedures, and resources.

—Submitted by Alysa Mozak, Coordinator for Sexual Violence Response and Healthy Relationship Promotion

Parking at Drake University 2015–2016

New Parking Regulations for 2015–2016:

  • Lot 16–Olmsted Lot—is now a commuter parking lot.
  • Residential permits are now allowed in Lots 1 and 4 from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.
  • Commuter permits are now allowed in Lots 18n and 24 from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.
  • The east side of 27th Street between Carpenter Avenue and Forest Avenue is available for commuter parking. The west side of 27th Street is now a fire lane, and no parking is permitted.

Vehicle Registration and Permits
All students, faculty, and staff may register up to two vehicles to park on campus. An official parking decal must be properly affixed to the inside of the bottom left corner of the rear window. Vehicles without a visible, valid decal are considered unregistered and are subject to ticketing and/or towing.

Possession of a valid, University-issued parking permit does not guarantee a parking space.

Faculty, staff, and student vehicles with state-issued handicap license plates or permits must still display a valid Drake University parking decal or permit to park on Drake property.

Permits are non-transferable. It is a violation of University policy and parking regulations to resell or give away a permit to another person and may subject both parties to tickets and disciplinary referral.

Parking Regulations Overview
Vehicles may only be parked in clearly designated, legal parking spaces. Areas posted with signs restricting parking (handicap, service vehicles, loading zones, fire lanes, etc.) must be observed and complied with. Parking in any travel lane, taking more than one parking space, blocking another vehicle, or parking on the lawn are all prohibited. Vehicles are prohibited from all lawns, except when specifically authorized. Driving or parking on sidewalks or pedestrian ways is strictly prohibited. Parking regulations are in effect year-round, including breaks in the academic calendar.

Drake has two types of parking lots, designated by signage:

  • Commuter lots: Open seven days a week, 6 to 2 a.m.
  • Residential lots: Open 24/7

View this map for an overview of parking areas on campus, including lot numbers.

For questions on parking rules and detailed regulations please review the Drake University Parking Regulations 2015–2016 or contact Drake Public Safety at 515-271-2222.

—Submitted by Drake Public Safety

New self-service password reset system

Today, Drake Technology Services will introduce a new self-service password reset (SSPR) system for campus, allowing you to change your own password without the assistance of the Support Center. The SSPR system makes changing campus passwords and setting security questions more intuitive; resetting forgotten passwords is also straightforward.

You don’t need to change your password immediately once the new password reset system is introduced. You can wait until your password is about to expire before accessing SSPR. Passwords will continue to expire one year after being changed, and you will continue to be notified as expiration approaches. However, notices from SSPR will be better identified making it clear that the notification is sent from Drake.

Using the SSPR
Upon logging in to SSPR for the first time, users will be asked to choose and answer three security questions, which you will need to answer if you forget your password. The three security questions are private and cannot be accessed by anyone other than you.

SSPR also introduces a fourth security question that Support Center staff can see. If you need to call in for assistance, Support Center staff can ask this fourth question to verify identity.

You will also be asked to add a personal (non-Drake) email address and mobile phone number, which can be used for additional validation if a password is forgotten.

The new system incorporates characteristics of other online password management systems, such as those for online banking, Apple’s iTunes, and Microsoft’s Live.

When you need to change your password, or to utilize the new system, visit and try Drake’s Self-Service Password Reset!

—Submitted by Drake Technology Services

Iowa Private College Week recap

A total of 455 prospective students and their families visited Drake Aug. 3–7 for Iowa Private College Week. They enjoyed beautiful weather, and the giant blow-up Spike out on the lawn by Cole Hall was a fun photo op.

The Office of Admission would like to extend a thank you to all who helped make the week a success, including 25 faculty members, 40 Drake students, and 50 staff members and administrators. Additionally, the Office of Alumni Relations welcomed graduates and legacies back to campus daily at the Alumni House.

Due to the impressive number of Drake students who assisted with tours, tour size remained small, which is imperative for a quality tour experience.

“We received many positive comments from prospective students and families about how much they appreciated the opportunity to learn about a specific area of study through a visit with a faculty member. Hosting nine academic breakout sessions and small campus tour sizes for ten visit programs in five days is a reflection of the campus-wide team approach to recruitment that is a hallmark of Drake University,” said Deneen Dygert, associate director of admission.

The Office of Admission will continue to welcome prospective students and their families on an individual basis, Monday–Friday, throughout the rest of the year. The next visit programs are Campus Preview Days (Oct. 12 and Nov. 9) and Campus Preview Half-Days (Oct. 15 and Oct. 16).

—Submitted by Lilianna Bernstein, assistant director, admission

Parking changes on 27th Street effective today

Drake has assumed ownership of 27th Street (between Carpenter and Forest avenues) and Carpenter Avenue (between 25th and 27th streets). Effective today, Aug. 17, there will be significant changes to parking on 27th Street. Parking on the east side of the street will be considered commuter lot parking, requiring a commuter permit. The west side of the street will be treated as a fire lane and no parking will be permitted.

Parking and traffic flow on Carpenter Avenue will remain unchanged; however speed bumps will be installed to slow traffic and enhance safety. The speed bumps will help regulate traffic speed on streets that are no longer regulated by city ordinance or patrolled by Des Moines police.

The purchase of these two streets was approved by the board of trustees in preparation for the next phase of the STEM@DRAKE project. Construction of the School of Education and Math and Computer Science facility and the new science connector building between Olin and Fitch Halls will require that 27th Street be available for construction access and equipment. Thus, once construction begins, it is likely that 27th Street will close. In the long term, 27th Street and Carpenter Avenue will become an integrated part of campus, with plans for a pedestrian-orientated plaza and enhanced green space.

Gates will also be installed along 27th Street to allow for street closure when work begins. Access to the Jewett parking lot will continue for at least the fall semester.

For more information about the changes affecting Carpenter and 27th Street please see our frequently asked questions.

If you have any questions or concerns about this information, please contact Venessa Macro, chief administration officer, at

Sponsored Programs: Grant opportunities

Full information on listed grants can be found here: Grant Opportunities 8.17.15.


NSF Discovery Research Pre-K–12 (DRK-12)
Agency: National Science Foundation
Deadline: Dec. 7
Purpose: This program seeks to significantly enhance the learning and teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by pre-K–12 students and teachers, through research and development of innovative resources, models, and tools.

Minority STEM Professionals
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding: $45.6 million for 38 awards
Deadline: Nov. 20
Purpose: Grantees use these funds to improve the number of minorities graduating with (STEM) degrees.

Early Career Researchers
Agency: Office of Science (Energy Dept.)
Funding: $18 million for 30 awards
Deadline: Nov. 19
Purpose: The program supports research programs led by outstanding scientists early in their careers. Research areas of interest include advanced scientific computing and biological and environmental research.

STEM Learning
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding: $38 million for 71 awards ranging from $150,000 to $6 million each
Deadline: Nov. 4
Purpose: The program focuses on improving STEM learning in informal environments.

Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
Agency: National Science Foundation
Deadline: Oct. 8
Award Amount: $25,000–$4 million (depending on project type)
Funding: $64 million for 40–55 awards
Summary: The ATE program focuses on the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive our nation’s economy.

Advancing Informal STEM Learning
Agency: National Science Foundation
Deadline: Nov. 4
Award Amount: Varies
Total Program Funding: $28 million–$38 million
Summary: The Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program seeks to advance new approaches to and evidence-based understanding of the design and development of STEM learning opportunities for the public in informal environments; provide multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences; and advance innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments.


Competitions to Strengthen Regional Economies
Agency: Economic Development Administration (Commerce Dept.)
Funding: $10 million for multiple awards up to $500,000 each
Deadline: Oct. 5
Purpose: The program fosters the development of regional centers to improve commercialization and entrepreneurship.

Educating Young Women
Foundation: Lalor Foundation
Funding Focus: Women, health
Funding: Multiple awards up to $50,000 each
Deadline: Nov. 1
Purpose: The foundation educates young women about human reproduction in order to broaden and enhance their options in life.

Footwear Company to Support Outdoor Projects
Opportunity: 2016 KEEN Effect Grant Program
Funding Focus: Environment, community development
Funding: $100,000 for 10 awards of $10,000 each
2016 Nomination Deadlines: March 1 and Aug. 1
Purpose: The program supports organizations inspiring responsible outdoor participation as a way to build strong communities, promote creative and sustainable thinking, and introduce new audiences to the outdoors.

Best Buy Launches National Partnership Competition
Private Funder: Best Buy Foundation
Funding Focus: Education and youth
Funding: Multiple awards, up to $200,000 each
Deadline: Nov. 1
Summary: The Best Buy Foundation offers an array of support. The community grants promote programs that give teenagers access to opportunities through technology to help them excel in school and develop 21st century skills.

NEH, Enduring Questions
Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities
Deadline: Sept. 10
Award Amount: Up to $38,000 for 18–36 months, 21 awards
Summary: The NEH Enduring Questions program supports grant faculty members in the preparation of a new course on a fundamental concern of human life as addressed by the humanities.

Children’s Obesity
Private Funder: Children’s Obesity Fund
Funding Focus: Childhood nutrition
Funding: Varies
Deadline: Rolling
Summary: To win funding, projects must educate parents, teachers, and other caregivers about the rising obesity rates in America.

Promoting Economic Literacy
Agency: Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation
Deadline: Sept. 15
Summary: As part of the effort to broaden the understanding of modern day economic systems, the Foundation offers grants to help improve financial literacy, especially for disadvantaged children and youth.

Programs for Literacy, Social Services
Foundation: Women Helping Others (WHO) Foundation
Funding Focus: Social services, women and children (education–literacy programs get priority)
Funding: Awards vary
Deadline: Sept. 8
Summary: The foundation supports nonprofits serving the overlooked needs of women and children.

—Submitted by Jayne Smith, director of sponsored programs and grants management

Back to school information for University Bookstore

Some helpful tips for working with the University Bookstore as classes resume:

  • Fall 2015 Course Materials Listings can be accessed via the Bookstore website. Once on the homepage, select “Textbooks & Course Materials” from the “Books” menu (under the logo).
  • Donna Hallstrom, textbook manager, can be reached at her new email:
  • If you need to submit an adoption OR re-submit an adoption, the online form is near the bottom of the bookstore homepage. The first time you use the page you will need to register as a new user. You will be asked for a bookstore password, which is our store number, 1623.
  • Katie Wilz, manager, can be now be reached at

Submitted by Nancy Geiger, student information analyst