Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

Tips to avoid workplace injuries

While some hazards are more obvious, such as slip, trip, and fall hazards—which was covered in the OnCampus piece last week—some hazards are not as noticeable because the effects they have on our bodies are not immediate. There are tasks in nearly every workplace that put stress on our bodies, and while most people tend to associate workplace injuries with physically demanding jobs, numerous injuries can occur from working in an office setting. It is important to understand what these injuries are, how these injuries occur, and what can be done to prevent them.

One way to prevent or reduce workplace injuries is with good ergonomics practices. The goal of ergonomics is to identify potentially dangerous tasks and change the way you perform those tasks to help prevent injuries. Ergonomics has a wide range of benefits and can be applied to most job tasks. Something as simple as adjusting the height of your chair or moving your computer screen to a different position can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing neck or back soreness or a serious long-term injury.
These types of injuries, often referred to as repetitive strain or overuse injuries, can be a serious problem because they are often written off as stiffness or mild soreness when they can actually be much worse—especially left untreated.

Some of the most common causes of ergonomic related injuries in office settings are:

  • Sitting or standing in the same position for too long
  • Sitting in awkward positions (slouching in your chair or having your head constantly turned to look at a computer screen)
  • Picking up or moving heavy items (boxes of papers, printers, or file cabinets)
  • Typing for long periods of time without a break or typing with your hands in a poor position
  • Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time or reading in poor lighting

The severity of any potential injury depends on the duration, frequency, and intensity of exposure to the hazard. While most people don’t suffer severe back pain on a daily basis from sitting at a desk all day, long-term exposure to a sedentary work day can lead to chronic pain in the back, neck, and joints. Below are some easy steps to help avoid injuries in office settings:

  • Get up and move around: Not only will getting up from your desk help reduce stiffness and soreness, it can also increase productivity by giving you a chance to refocus on your work.
  • Stretch throughout the day: It is also a good idea to do some light stretching to help alleviate muscle soreness and tightness.
  • Ask for help with lifting: Attempting to lift or move heavy objects, such as file cabinets or printers, can very easily lead to injuries, especially if you’ve been inactive for a majority of the day.
  • Adjust the setup of your work station: Having your chair at the proper height so that your head is level or tilted slightly forward and positioning your monitor directly in front of you can reduce neck and back strain. Make sure your keyboard is not too far away and at a height that minimizes bending in the wrist.
  • Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated can help reduce joint pain and inflammation.
  • Live an active and healthy lifestyle outside of work: Being active and healthy outside of the office can help combat some of the damage we do to our bodies sitting at a desk all day. Even something as simple as taking a walk around your neighborhood after work can have a significant impact on your long-term health.

Using one or more of the suggestions above can help reduce or eliminate injuries that might occur from working in an office setting. As always, it is important to relay concerns you may have to a supervisor or the head of your department. Always report any symptoms early; what seems like something minor could turn out to be something much worse if left untreated.

Many resources are available to Drake employees to help maintain a healthy lifestyle including free use of the Bell Center fitness areas, a wellness incentive program, and the SHAPE program. We in the Environmental Health and Safety department encourage everyone to take advantage of these great programs and to live a healthy lifestyle.

—Submitted by Chris Nickell, Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Construction update

In anticipation of the construction of the School of Education and Math and Computer Science facility and the new Science Connector building between Olin and Fitch Halls, several pre-construction steps are underway. You will start to see activity near the future construction site as work begins to relocate electrical and communication infrastructure. This will require digging and trench work, which will be noticeable to those in and around the area. We are focused on safety and security as well as minimizing disruption. With a project this size we know there will be a variety of things to work through, including significant digging, construction noise, and altered pathways. Watch OnCampus and blueView for announcements about work schedules and locations. If at any time you have questions or concerns please contact Venessa Macro at 271-3962 or Jolene Schmidt at 271-3957.

Later this fall, there will be additional opportunities to learn more about the project through in-person meetings and online resources.

—Submitted by Venessa Macro, Chief Administration Officer

Protect your devices for free

Drake Public Safety, Student Life, and Technology Services are happy to offer all Drake faculty and staff electronic device security software free of charge. This patented program—FrontDoorSoftware Loss, Recovery, and Personal Safety—is designed to help you to prevent theft, protect information, and recover lost or stolen devices.

We strongly encourage you to register your devices as soon as possible—you can register your professional and personal laptops, cell phones, and/or tablets. Once registered, you are covered for four years. To register, visit You will need to use your Drake email to register a computer or tablet and the code “drake” to register a cell phone. The software is completely free and installs in seconds.

Once you register your device(s), the program does the following:

  • Collects ownership information and the unique MAC address of the machine
  • Turns the monitor into a information screen, so when someone starts your computer or connects to the Internet, the first screen seen displays the owner/contact information you provide
  • Installs a tracking feature so you can see where your computer or device is at any time via your web account with FrontDoorSoftware

For a full overview of how the software works and the different features available, visit

While this software is a great tool to help protect your property, no software can guarantee the safety of your electronics. Do not leave your devices unattended in public spaces, and be sure to lock your office door, car, home, or wherever your devices may be when you are not there.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Scott Law, director of Drake Public Safety, at or 515-271-3860.

—Submitted by:
Scott Law, Director of Drake Public Safety
Jerry Parker, Acting Dean of Students
Jeff Sabin, Head of Infrastructure and Security, Drake Technology Services

Slips, trips, and falls in the workplace

Slip, trip, and fall hazards are everywhere in the workplace. Regardless of job function, most people are exposed to these risks on a daily basis. It is important to recognize the hazards around you even if your job doesn’t require going 15 feet in the air on a lift or climbing and descending ladders. Serious injuries can happen because of things we least expect.

During the last four years, slips, trips, and falls have accounted for 38 percent of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recordable injuries at Drake; however, in the last two years, that has gone up to 46 percent. During this time, these incidents have resulted in 71 lost work days and 125 restricted work days.

If you were to take a look around your work area or areas you frequent during the day chances are you would find multiple slip, trip, or fall perils. Some of the most common causes of these accidents are:

  • Wet or slippery working surfaces
  • Climbing or descending stairs
  • Walking while carrying objects that obstruct your view
  • Keeping a cluttered work area
  • Not paying attention or lack of focus

It is important to eliminate or minimize the slip, trip, and fall hazards in the workplace to prevent injuries from happening. Some general guidelines to help reduce the risk of injuries are:

  • Keep work areas clean and organized: Books, bags, and other items left lying around create trip hazards not only for the person whose items they are but for others as well. Maintaining clear walkways and aisles can significantly reduce trip hazards in the workplace. It is also important to clean up spills as soon as possible to help prevent slippery surfaces.
  • Use hand rails when climbing or descending stairs: Using stairs is a common part of most of our work days but it only takes one trip to cause a serious injury.
  • Pay attention to warning signs: Wet floor signs, safety cones, and caution tape are just a few of the common ways to alert people to hazards, and these signs should be taken seriously.
  • Use the proper equipment: Whether you need to prop open a door or grab something off a tall shelf it is important to use the proper equipment for the job. Using trash cans, rugs, or chairs to prop open doors creates trip and fall hazards and utilizing anything other than a sturdy step stool to reach an elevated area creates a serious fall hazard. Using what we have readily available seems like a time saver, but if it is not the right equipment for the job it puts you at risk for injury.
  • Maintain adequate lighting: Keeping the work area well lit can help prevent people from tripping, slipping, or falling; it is hard to avoid a hazard that you cannot see. Report any lighting issues to a superior or contact Facilities Services to get the issue resolved.

Following these guidelines can help reduce the slip, trip, and fall hazards that we all face every day. However, these recommendations are not a comprehensive list of all the ways to reduce these problems in the workplace, and the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department encourages everyone to actively seek ways to make the workplace safer.

We would also like to emphasize that certain jobs require special training and certifications, and only those employees with the proper qualifications should attempt to perform jobs that require them to operate aerial lifts or work on elevated surfaces. If you have any questions or concerns about workplace safety please feel free to contact EHS.

—Submitted by EHS

Staffing changes in Drake Wellness

Earlier this year, several open positions in Drake Athletics and Recreational Services, including the assistant director, wellness, prompted an evaluation of interrelated functions and duties, including wellness programming and support. The result was a realignment of staffing to reflect both duties of the position and constituencies served with one position focused on student wellness and one on employee wellness and engagement.

This summer, Ellen Lowe was hired as assistant director of recreational services, wellness. Ellen is responsible for supporting student wellness programming and services, managing group exercise, and supporting Recreational Services in related programming. Ellen reports to Lisa Murphy, director of recreational services.

The other wellness position vacated by Jana Peterson will be part of the Human Resources team. This alignment reflects the close working relationship between wellness staff and human resources since the inception of the wellness program and also provides the opportunity for cross-collaboration on issues of work/life balance and employee engagement.

Both positions will continue to work collaboratively on programs that can be offered to both students and employees. A variety of wellness related programming is available to faculty and staff this fall, including:

  • Group Exercise Classes—A list and schedule can be found at
  • Workshops and Learning—Various programs will be offered throughout the year. The first session, “Unplugged,” is scheduled for Sept. 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Olmsted Room 312-313.
  • Flu Shots and Blood Pressure Checks—Watch for information about upcoming flu shots and blood pressure checks for faculty and staff.
  • Life Coaching—Drake contracts with EFR to offer confidential life coaching to help you set goals in wellness, communication, time management, job performance, work-life balance, and other areas in which you wish to make progress. For more information, contact EFR at 800-327-4692.

If you have an employee wellness related question, please reach out to Cindy Adams, associate director, Human Resources, at 271-3676.

—Submitted by Venessa Macro, Chief Administration Officer

Pending University policy open for 15-day comment period

The Food Services Exclusivity Policy is now available for your review and response. Please send your questions and/or comments to Your comments about the content of the policy help inform our decisions concerning approval and implementation of the policy. Comments will be shared with the owner of the policy for consideration.

The Food Services Exclusivity Policy states that Drake University is under contract with Sodexo to provide exclusive catering on campus paid with University funds. This exclusive contract was entered into on the basis that it is in the best interest of Drake. Sodexo is the sole provider for Drake catering, which includes not only large formal events, but also day-to-day items like staff meetings and box lunches. They provide different pricing and service levels from economical pick-up service to formal dinners. Sodexo catering remains competitive in the marketplace by providing a variety of options including new Simply to Go and A la Carte menus.

Recently, we worked with Sodexo to allow the use of alternate vendors for purchases under $25. Since Sodexo has the first right of refusal for food service on campus by contract, you must receive approval from them to use an alternate vendor for any food purchase over $25. The policy includes a form for this purpose.

The accounts payable guidelines will be altered to delete section 15, “Meeting/Event Where Food/Snacks Allowed.” The decision to serve food or snacks will be determined by each area in accordance with prudent stewardship of University funds.

—Submitted by Andrea McDonough, Senior Administrative Services Specialist

New at Cowles Library: Oxford’s Very Short Introductions

Oxford’s Very Short Introductions are authoritative short books on a wide range of subject areas written by scholars. Each book is around 100 pages long, with a brief bibliography for further reading. There is full-text access online to every book included in the database via Cowles Library. The titles are ideal for students and others to gain a quick but comprehensive overview of a contemporary topic, such as American Immigration, Modern China, Globalization, and even The Meaning of Life.

Find out more on the Cowles Library blog.

—Submitted by Marc Davis, Coordinator, Program Staff Services, Planning & Projects, Cowles Library

New allergens policy affecting campus

As classes get underway, it is important that the Drake community be aware of a new campus-wide policy: In order to accommodate the needs of individuals with severe allergies that rise to the level of a disability, Drake may at times implement restrictions on allergens, including latex, milk, peanuts, and wheat (a full list of allergens can be found in the policy linked below). Such restrictions could include prohibition of certain food and drink in classrooms, residence halls, or other campus spaces.

At this juncture, no widespread restrictions are in place, so students, faculty, and staff may proceed as usual, unless otherwise notified. In the case that you are asked to abide by certain restrictions, we ask that you do so immediately and respectfully. Creating and maintaining a campus community inclusive of all is vital to ensuring every student, faculty member, and staff member feels welcome and safe at Drake.

You may review the policy in its entirety here. For additional questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Laughlin, Coordinator of Student Disabilities Services, at or 271-1835.

—Submitted by Michelle Laughlin

Sentwali Bakari says bon voyage—for now

Dean of Students Sentwali Bakari has been granted a leave of absence for the 2015 fall semester to serve as the Dean of Student Life for Semester at Sea—one of the world’s unique and leading study abroad programs. Sentwali will return to Drake as dean of students for the 2016 spring semester.

In Sentwali’s absence, Jerry Parker, associate dean of student life, will serve as the acting dean. Jerry will assume leadership and management for the Division of Student Life and direct supervisory responsibilities for the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership, Counseling and Health centers, Residence Life, Office for Sexual Violence Prevention and Healthy Relationship Promotion, as well as oversight of student conduct.

Sentwali will lead the Semester at Sea student life team and work collaboratively with faculty, lifelong learners, world leaders, and students from around the world to promote an exceptional comparative global learning experience. This is a tremendous honor for Sentwali and for Drake. We wish Sentwali the very best and look forward to his return to help advance Drake’s mission of preparing our students for responsible global citizenship.

—Submitted by Provost Joe Lenz

Campus researchers: Information you need to know

The Institutional Research Board (IRB) and Institutional Animal Care and use Committee (IACUC) will no longer utilize Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative materials for training. If you need to update your research training—both IRB and IACUC require researchers update every three years in order to have continued approval—or wish to send someone to train, please visit:

Please contact Christine Marchand (x1865 or with any questions or concerns.

—Submitted by Christine Marchand, Institutional Research and Academic Compliance Coordinator