Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

New classroom technology emergency number

In an attempt to improve response time for classroom emergencies, we have created a new classroom emergency phone number, ext. 3002. Calls to this number will receive top priority. Calls to the old classroom emergency line (ext. 3001, option 1) will still work, but we hope, this new system will help faculty return to teaching and learning with technology more quickly.

—Drake Technology Services

Levitt Mentor of the Year Award


To Drake faculty, staff, and students:

In 1994, the Madelyn Levitt Mentor Award was created in honor of Madelyn Levitt’s commitment to Drake and her ongoing interest in faculty and staff achievement and academic excellence. Each year this award recognizes commitment to student success on the Drake campus by honoring a member of the Drake University faculty or staff for excellence in advising and mentoring of students.

You are invited this year to nominate a faculty or staff member for this prestigious award.


  1. A letter of nomination should be submitted recommending an individual for the award and explaining the context and manner in which the nominator has come to know the faculty or staff member. This letter should speak to the following qualifications:
    • An outstanding commitment to student success in and out of the classroom in support of the Drake mission
    • Integrity in personal relationships
    • Typifying the ideal student mentor by providing for students the support they need to graduate and move forward to live productive, fulfilling lives.

    The nominee must be a faculty or staff member in at least her/his fourth year of service at the University. The nominee cannot have won this award within the past five years.

    The letter is due to Associate Provost Art Sanders, no later than Feb. 15. The letter should be sent as an attachment to

  2. The nominated individual is notified by the Provost’s Office of her/his nomination and asked of her/his willingness to be considered.
  3.  At the nominee’s acceptance, the nominator is asked to collect the following supporting material and submit it to the Provost’s Office by March 11: a curriculum vitae or resume, a minimum of one other letter supporting the nomination, and a description by the nominee of activities which illustrate her/his mentoring/advising involvement. At least one of the letters must be from a current student and there may be no more than five letters supporting the nomination. Electronic submission of materials is required. Send all documents to
  4. A screening committee, appointed by the provost, will review all nominations and make appropriate recommendations to the provost.

Any individual who was initially nominated for the award in 2014 or 2015 may be re-nominated if the nominator resubmits a letter offering the individual for consideration this year. Files of previous nominees are maintained for two years. In the case of re-nomination, the nominator will be invited to review the file to ensure that the nomination is as current as possible. The limit of five letters of support, including one from a current student, also applies to re-nominations.

The 2016 recipient of the Madelyn Levitt Mentor Award will be announced at one of the spring 2016 commencements.

Additional information is available here.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Levitt Teacher of the Year Award


Drake faculty, staff, and students:

In 1994, the Madelyn Levitt Teacher of the Year Award was created in honor of Madelyn Levitt’s commitment to Drake and her ongoing interest in faculty achievement and academic excellence. Each year a member of the Drake University faculty is honored with this award for his or her teaching excellence.

You are invited at this time to nominate a faculty member for this prestigious award.


  1. A letter of nomination should be submitted recommending an individual faculty member for the award and explaining the context and manner in which the nominator has come to know the faculty member. This letter should speak to the following qualifications:• An informed mind in inspirational dialogue with students
    • Integrity in personal relationships
    • Rigor in intellectual endeavors
    • Contagious enthusiasm for her/his subject matterA nominee must be a faculty member holding the rank of instructor or above and in at least her/his fourth academic year of service and cannot have won this award within the past five years.

    The letter should be sent as an attachment to Associate Provost Arthur Sanders at no later than Feb. 15.

  2. The nominated individual is notified by the Provost’s Office of her/his nomination and asked of her/his willingness to be considered.
  3. At the nominee’s acceptance, the nominator is asked to collect the following supporting material and submit them electronically to the Provost’s Office by March 11: a curriculum vitae; a short statement, by the nominee, of educational philosophy or about methods of teaching; and teaching evaluations for the nominee for the previous two semesters. In addition to these items, a minimum of one additional letter supporting the nomination must be submitted. At least one letter of support must be from a current student and at least one letter of support must come from a faculty member, and there may be no more than five letters including the nomination letter and letters supporting the nomination. Electronic submission of materials is required. Send all documents to
  4. A screening committee, appointed by the provost, will review all nominations and make appropriate recommendations to the provost. The committee will include previous recipients of the award.

Any individual who was nominated for the award in 2014 or 2015 may be re-nominated if the nominator resubmits a letter offering the individual for consideration this year. Files of previous nominees are maintained for two years. If a faculty member is re-nominated, the nominator will be invited to review the file from the previous year to ensure that the nomination is as current as possible. The limit of five letters of support, including one from a current student, also applies to re-nominations.

The 2016 recipient of the Madelyn Levitt Teacher of the Year Award will be announced at one of the spring 2016 commencements.

Additional information is available here.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

CNN Town Hall today

Today, Jan. 25, Drake will host the CNN Democratic Presidential Candidate Town Hall in Sheslow Auditorium, which will be broadcast live. This event provides an excellent opportunity for Drake to once again be featured as a leading center of political discourse and deliberation.

As a campus community, we will be in the national spotlight, offering us a chance to demonstrate our collective commitment to respectful and civil discussion of current events and public policy issues. In addition to CNN, we will have hundreds of national and international media outlets on campus. Please be aware that your words and actions reflect on the Drake community as a whole.

The Town Hall will affect a number of spaces on campus, as detailed below.

Today, Lot 16 (Olmsted parking lot) will be reserved for those attending the forum. In addition, a few parking spaces in Lot 13 (just south of Forest Avenue by Wifvat Plaza) will be reserved for satellite trucks.

Street Closures
From 2 p.m. today until midnight, the following streets will be closed to traffic:

  • 25th Street, between University Avenue and Carpenter Avenue (including the west sidewalk, which will be closed to pedestrians)
  • Carpenter Avenue between 25th and 27th

Building Access
Beginning at 2 p.m. today a number of buildings will be accessible only to those with approved credentials:

  • Old Main will require credentials beginning at 2 p.m. All personnel will be required to leave the building by this time.
  • Sheslow Auditorium will require credentials all day on Monday.
  • Howard Hall will be closed at 2 p.m. on Monday.

We apologize for any inconvenience and urge you to plan accordingly.

—Joe Lenz, Interim Provost

Purchasing printer paper

Paper for printing and copying is included in the per impression charges for the multi-functional devices (MFD) and printers on Drake’s campus. So when you order paper from OfficeMax/Depot for these machines, please use FOAPAL 100000-4820-70000-206, rather than your individual department number. We have included common white paper sizes as well as popular 20# colored paper on the Sustainable Print Program Shopping List for Drake, found on the OfficeMax site (see instructions below). If you require special paper that is not on this list, please use your department budget FOAPAL number.

To order paper from the approved list, go to and click on:

  1. “Create New Office Product Order”
  2. “Continue”
  3. “Shopping Lists” (should just pop up but if not, click on “Shopping Lists”)
  4.  “Sustainable Print Program Paper”
  5.  Triangle on the “FOAPAL 21 Digits for this Order” drop down
  6. Choose FOAPAL 100000-4820-70000-206, or type it in

Please review these processes with others in your area who order paper. Thank you.

—Submitted by Caron Findlay, Director, Purchasing and Business Services

Temporary campus ban on hoverboards

As we have all been made aware in recent weeks there are numerous reports of hoverboards overheating and catching fire. Many U.S. airlines have now prohibited the transport of hoverboards, and Amazon has decided to stop shipping many models. Until a time that the safety standards of these devices are improved, Drake has decided to institute a temporary ban on the use, possession, and storage of hoverboards. The ban applies to campus as well as Drake-owned real estate properties.

Thank you for your understanding as we work to keep our campus safe. If you would like additional product safety information on hove boards, view this statement from the Chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

—Submitted by Venessa Macro, Chief Administration Officer

Update to Drake email

Attention: The look of the Drake email log on page is changing! Shortly after 10 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 16, the new look will take effect. An exact screenshot of what the new log on page will look like is below (first photo: horizontal mobile log on page; second: vertical mobile long on page; third: desktop mobile long on page). Drake Technology Services is responsible for this change in an effort to provide secure email authentication. Please contact the Drake Support Center at x3001 for email authentication issues.

Here is the link access your Drake email:

Mobile email page
Mobile Log on Page (vertical)
Desktop Log On Page






























—Submitted by Chris Mielke, Lead—ISS Infrastructure Services

Prudent purchasing

It is always a good idea to attempt to negotiate shipments to be Free on Board (FOB) Destination, freight paid by the vendor, and not charged back to Drake. This equates to free shipping. You can let them know that we are a nonprofit, typically do not pay for shipping, and cannot have the responsibility for the shipment while in transit. This works particularly well for capital equipment purchases. I can help you to negotiate with any of your vendors on this aspect. You may be surprised how much you can save on shipping costs simply by asking.

—Submitted by Caron Findlay, Director, Purchasing and Business Services

Changes to mileage reimbursement

Drake reimburses mileage for use of personal automobile by employees for actual miles driven during business travel. The reimbursement rate is based on the current standard mileage rate issued by the Internal Revenue Service.

Please note that the IRS has recently issued the 2016 standard mileage rate. Effective Jan. 1, 2016, the standard mileage rate is $0.54 per business mile driven, down from 57.5 cents in 2015.
The standard mileage rate is evaluated annually by the IRS and is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile.

If you have any questions regarding the reimbursable mileage rate, please visit the IRS website at or contact accounting at

—Submitted by Andrea McDonough, Senior Administrative Services Specialist