Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

Attend the CLAC Consortium Conference

Faculty and students are invited to attend the 10th conference of the Cultures and Languages Across Curriculum (CLAC) Consortium on Friday, Oct. 21, and Saturday, Oct. 22, sponsored by World Languages and Cultures. The conference will explore definitions and comprehensive strategies for infusing foreign language, as well as intercultural skill sets and competencies for developing a global mindset, throughout the curriculum. The 2016 theme—Developing Responsible Global Citizenship Through CLAC—emerges from Drake’s longstanding commitment to provide “an exceptional learning environment that prepares students for meaningful personal lives, professional accomplishments, and responsible global citizenship.”

For more information about the workshops, schedule, and registration, please visit

Drake students can attend the conference at a special rate. If you would like to attend but have financial limitations, please contact Marc Pinheiro-Cadd directly at

The primary purpose of CLAC is to provide students with opportunities to use their linguistic and cultural competencies outside of the language classroom. To show our commitment to CLAC, 25 Drake professors now include CLAC options for their students as a result of CLAC workshop participation the past two summers.

—Dorothy Pisarski, Global Communications Liaison

New furniture arriving in Olmsted Thursday

During the summer we worked with a student representative team along with a professional furniture design team to modify current furniture settings and create spaces to match student needs and preferences. We are excited to announce the selected furniture will be arriving on Thursday, Oct. 13. Please expect some disruptions during this time. Thank you for your patience during the Book Store transition and everyone’s willingness to make this a success.

—Kelly Foster, Finance & Administration

Need a new headshot?

Get your professional headshot taken for free on Friday, Oct. 7, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. in the Pomerantz Stage area of Olmsted Center. Sponsored by University Communications and open to faculty, staff, and students, you’ll have access to the photos we take, and you may even see your photo in a marketing piece for the University!

Questions? Contact Justice Simpson at

—Justice Simpson, University Communications


RefWorks—New version

Cowles Library encourage users to check out the “new” version of Refworks. This bibliographic citation manager is already in use by many at Drake, so this new version offers a seamless transition and importing of your existing citations. There is an extensive YouTube site if you want to watch some short videos to understand the advantages of the new version.

RefWorks allows users to create, import, and update bibliographic information in all required and standard academic styles in use at Drake. Create a personal account with your Drake email address on first use and use RefWorks to track citations and create bibliographies. This account remains active even after you leave Drake. More information and training can be found at

—Claudia Frazer, Cowles Library

Global Scholars/Practitioners for 2017–2018

The Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship (PFGCGC) at Drake invites nominations for the Global Scholars/Practitioners-in-Residence program, which seeks to attract talented individuals from academia or the professions who have outstanding international expertise to teach part-time while also serving as mentors to our students and resources for our faculty and the community. Global Scholars/Practitioners will engage with the campus and community through teaching, public lectures, and joint research projects while drawing upon their professional networks to help our faculty, students, and the institution as a whole develop new and fruitful external collaborations.

Directions for Nominations

Global Scholar/Practitioner candidates should be nominated by the academic unit to which they will be attached. Nominations must be accompanied by appropriate supporting materials, which include:

  • A nomination letter that discusses the qualification of the candidate and the expected contributions that they would make to the life of the University
  • Biographical information about the candidate
  • A letter of interest from the candidate
  • A letter of support from the dean

Nominations should be directed to Annique Kiel, executive director of global engagement and international programs, who will review nomination packages in consultation with Global/International Programs Advisory Council. Upon the executive director’s recommendation, the University president will send a letter of invitation to successful candidates. Units considering a nomination are encouraged to consult with PFGCGC Director David Skidmore.

Among the criteria to be considered are the following:

  • A record of recognized international leadership and distinguished professional accomplishment in any field
  • A documented commitment to international understanding and global citizenship
  • An ability to bring unique perspectives and experiences to bear in relating to Drake faculty, staff, students, and members of the local community
  • A willingness and ability to offer courses that complement the existing curriculum and meet rigorous academic standards

In recognition and in support of their contributions, Global Scholars/Practitioners will receive a stipend, travel allotment, appropriate workspace, computer, and access to all University facilities. Global Scholars/Practitioners will be affiliated with an appropriate academic unit for one semester and will offer at least one course. PFGCGC and the relevant department chair will jointly be responsible for facilitating opportunities for the visiting Global Scholar/Practitioner to mentor students and engage in other outreach activities or research collaborations with members of the Drake and central Iowa communities.

—Denise Ganpat, Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship

Library space study

Cowles Library is undertaking a review and analysis of library space utilization. The outcome of the project will be a revised Master Facility Plan. This document will guide future functional arrangements and renovations and in the facility. The University and the library have retained the services of FEH Design for the planning project and the development of a concept layout for library. This project will have an initial report available during early 2017.

A Facility Steering Committee has been established for the project. Members of the committee include: Rod Henshaw (Chair), Bart Schmidt, John Edwards, Dennis Sharp (FEH), Jolene Schmidt, Maura Lyons (Faculty), Clayton Mitchell, and a student representative. Preparations are underway for an extensive set of inputs from the campus community.

—Claudia Frazer, Cowles Library

Fire drill Oct. 12

Drake will hold a campus-wide building evacuation/fire drill on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 9:15 a.m. in compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act and in conjunction with National Fire Prevention month. Fire alarms will be activated in all campus buildings to signal the start of the drill. All buildings will be locked down during the fire alarms. During lock down, buildings can be evacuated, but cannot be re-entered. Members and guests of the campus community will need to evacuate all Drake buildings at this time. Please dress according to weather.

This drill will be coordinated through the Office of Public Safety (271-2222) working with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (271-3804) and Facilities Planning and Management (271-3955). Please report any fire alarm malfunctions or evacuation problems to Facilities or Public Safety. Your cooperation in this very important campus safety exercise regarding the Drake Emergency Response Plan is appreciated and required by law.

As a reminder:

  • Please evacuate when the alarms sound.
  • If it is cold, please wear a coat.
  • Buildings will be locked down during alarms.
  • Buildings can be evacuated but cannot be re-entered until the drill ends.
     —Chris Nickell, Environmental Health & Safety

Annual Open Enrollment Period

As the Annual Open Enrollment Period for employee benefits approaches, the University Benefits Committee (UBC) is working diligently to review the Drake health and dental plans. Chaired by Matt Dore, the Richard M. and Anita Calkins Distinguished Professor of Law, the committee reviews plan information and compares Drake offerings to those of other employers and universities in an effort to ensure Drake plans are both responsive and competitive. Minutes from the UBC are posted on the Employee Tab in blueView. During the open enrollment period, the committee and Human Resources will sponsor town hall style discussions of the Drake plans.

—Marlene Heuertz, Associate Director, Benefits

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

We lead internet-connected, digital lives at work, at home, and just about everywhere else. Even if we’re not online, it supports nearly everything we do. When we use the internet safely, we help keep it safer for everyone. This is the main message of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM).

Started in 2003, NCSAM is dedicated to providing everyone with the tools they need to stay safe online. To celebrate NCSAM, ITS will be sharing cyber security tips on our Information Security blog, in OnCampus, and on Twitter (follow us @DrakeOIT) starting in October. Watch these spaces to learn how to keep your data safe and find out how to become more cyber aware!

—Peter Lundstedt, Information Security Manager