Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

Holiday check schedule

Please note the following schedule for check processing to accommodate the holiday break:

  • All check requests are due to Accounts Payable by the end of the business day, Friday, Dec. 16.
  • For requests received by the above deadline, checks will be processed and available after noon on Tuesday, Dec. 20. This will be the last check run before the holiday.
  • The accounting office will be closed during the holiday break. Normal check processing will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 4.

Thank you for your help in coordinating to ensure we meet all needs during the upcoming season.

Please contact Accounting at ext. 2125 with any questions you may have.

—Jeni Baugher, Accounting

Risky Business Week: Nov. 7–11

University Risk Management and Insurance Association (URMIA) has developed a number of free risk management webinars to help bring information about the value of risk management to our campus during Risky Business Week. Drake is a member of URMIA and as such, all faculty, staff, and students can register to take the free risk webinars below. Consider participating on your own or in a group (discussion group, lunch and learn, etc.).

Risk Management Week Webinar Schedule
Visit the links below for times, speaker information, and additional resources for each webinar. To sign up for all five, click “Product Bundles.” To register for the webinar(s) individually, click below.

Monday, Nov. 7, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
Who’s That? Managing Volunteers on Campus

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
 Drones: An Update on the 2016 FAA Regulations and How This Affects Your Institution

Wednesday, Nov. 9, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
Managing Food Allergies in Higher Education

Thursday, Nov. 10, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
ERM: It’s Not a Solo Gig (or How to Use a Risk Committee Effectively)  

Friday, Nov. 11, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
TCO & TCOR: Where Facilities Meets Risk Management

You’ll find full descriptions of each webinar on the register page.

(NOTE: when you register, it will look like you are placing an order, but the webinars are free so $0 will show on the order form.) If you have any problems registering, contact Donna Blunck at x3116.

—Submitted by Donna Blunck, Director, Risk and Insurance

Go Phish

Between Nov. 1 and Dec. 1, ITS is holding a Phishing Derby, a contest where faculty, staff, and students can take a quiz to learn more about how to identify phishing emails and fraudulent websites. Taking the quiz enters you for a chance to win a Bluetooth speaker or headphones. Visit to enter starting tomorrow.

Watch for information in the Nov. 7 OnCampus about the PhishMe phishing simulation scenario we’ll be sending out later that week. Receiving emails that look like phishing but cause no harm is an effective way to educate about the dangers of fraudulent emails without any actual risk.

The goal of these ITS initiatives is to empower campus to be able to keep both their personal data and our institutional data secure.

Learn more about IT Security at our ITS Security blog at

—Carla Herling, ITS

Changes to nondiscrimination statement

The nondiscrimination statement has been modified to include the contact information for inquiries regarding our non-discrimination policies. In addition, although “pregnancy” is included in the legal definition of “sex discrimination,” we added it separately for clarity. Finally, the revised statement explains that our commitment extends to all educational programs and activities as well as employment.

Nondiscrimination Statement as posted:
The principles of equal access and equal opportunity require that all interactions within the University be free from invidious discrimination. Drake University therefore prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information, or veteran status.

Recommended change:
The principles of equal access and equal opportunity require that all interactions within the University be free from invidious discrimination. Drake University therefore prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, disability, sex, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status or any characteristic protected by law in its educational programs and activities, admissions, or employment.  Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, 208 Old Main, 2507 University Ave., Des Moines, IA 50311, (515) 271-2982, or the Director, Human Resources, The Point, 1331 27th Street, Des Moines, IA 50311, (515) 271-4804,

In keeping with the 14-day review policy, please send any comments regarding the changes to by Nov. 13.

—Andrea McDonough, Finance & Administration

Drake’s 2016 Databook

The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) wants to let campus know that while the Databook isn’t available yet, we are working diligently to bring it to you. Drake’s Databooks provide a wide variety of information about the population characteristics of students, faculty, and staff. After many discussions with senior leadership and other campus constituents, OIRA is updating the Databook format so it will be more dynamic and allow you to mine for the data you need. Due to the work on this new, improved Databook, what will be available on OIRA’s Databook page this year will be sparser than in the past.  We still anticipate having the basic information online and available before Nov. 1, with faculty information to be added around Nov. 15. (Faculty data isn’t collected until Nov. 1.) Thank you for your understanding as we work to bring you the best data for your decisions.

—Christine Marchand, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment

Printing with Office Depot

When Drake migrated from the Office Max to the Office Depot platform, the off-site printing program also changed. As this was done this past summer, it is likely that some of you were not able to attend the webinars regarding the changes. Here is what you need to know:

In all cases, we in Finance & Administration would prefer you use on-campus machines unless Office Depot is less costly. Office Depot is the preferred vendor, as an alternative, if you find they are less money for extremely large or complex jobs that cannot be done on campus.

There are two methods to purchase printing from Office Depot:

  1. Online ordering, with a week turnaround as your job will be printed out of state. This is the solution that provides direct billing to A/P via a feed, which is similar to the former Office Max procedure. When you order online, you can build and price your job so you know exactly how much it will cost and compare to the cost of printing on the new machines on campus.
  2. Walk into the Office Depot/Max local store, in which case you must bring the Office Depot Store Card that is on our website, plus your P-Card. We no longer have an option for direct billing from the local store.

If you have questions, please contact

—Caron Findlay, Finance & Administration

Protect your information with the Phishing Derby

Every day, more than 200,000 malicious emails are sent to Drake faculty, staff, and students.

Since July 1, over 18 million malicious emails have sent to email addresses. Most of these have been blocked by our IT security tools, but even the best tools cannot catch every single email.

That’s why ITS works to educate campus about how to detect and avoid being caught by malicious emails that “phish” for personal and campus data.

In celebration of October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), ITS has been sharing tips and tools for keeping yourself safe online and not becoming a cyber-victim.

In November, we’re taking it to the next level:

Between Nov. 1 and Dec. 1, ITS is holding a Phishing Derby, a contest where faculty, staff, and students can take a quiz to learn more about how to identify phishing emails and fraudulent websites. Each person who takes the quiz will be entered for a chance to win a Bluetooth speaker or headphones. Visit starting Nov. 1 to enter for your chance to win.

At the same time, we will be re-launching phishing simulation training with PhishMe for faculty and staff. Receiving emails that look like the real thing but cause no harm is an effective way to educate everyone about the dangers of phishing email without any actual risk.

The goal of these initiatives is to empower campus to be able to keep both their personal data and our institutional data secure. Learn more about IT Security at our ITS Security blog.

It takes a campus working together to keep everyone safe.

—Carla Herling, ITS

Try out new databases with Cowles Library

Cowles Library invites all Drake students, faculty, and staff to try out new databases and to fill out the trial evaluation form letting us know what you think, including if you think it might be useful in any of your classes and research. These databases are on trial through the month of October and can be found here.

Cowles initiates database trials each fall and spring to give our patrons an idea of what new resources are available, and to invite feedback from our user community on how useful these resources might be. This is a crucial step in our overall stewardship process: We strive to provide access to those resources that are most useful in the curriculum and for research. Pending availability of funds in late spring, we consider adding those resources that fill unmet needs and received strong, positive feedback.

—Teresa Koch, Cowles Library