Category Archives: Campus Announcements Archive

Baum Chair of Ethics in the Professions Symposium Oct. 18

Professor Melissa Weresh, Herb and Karen Baum Chair of Ethics in the Professions, is pleased to announce the 2024 Baum Chair of Ethics in the Professions Symposium: Ethics in the Legal Profession. The symposium will be held on Friday, Oct. 18, 2024, from 9 a.m.- noon at Drake University Law School, Cartwright Hall, room 213.  

 The symposium will feature two panel presentations. The first panel will address ethical issues associated with areas of the country with sparse attorney populations, also known as “rural deserts.” The second panel focuses on ethical issues associated with generative artificial intelligence (GAI) in the practice of law.

Space is limited and registration is required. Please click here to reserve your spot at the symposium.

 Please direct any questions regarding the symposium to Melissa H. Weresh, Herb and Karen Baum Chair of Ethics in the Professions, Drake University Law School,

The Herb and Karen Baum Chair of Ethics in the Professions was established by Herb Baum and his wife, Karen, in 2010. Herb graduated from Drake’s College of Business and Public Administration in 1958 and served on the Drake University Board of Trustees from 2011 to 2014. He spent the bulk of his career promoting business ethics. This prestigious faculty position guides students across the University in developing a firmly grounded personal commitment to the highest standards of ethics and ethical decision making.

— Terri Howard, Drake Law

Rec Services Hours Aug. 26–Sept. 2

Rec Services will be open the following hours from Aug. 26–Sept. 2. Please note that all rec facilities will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2 in observance of Labor Day.

Bell Center
Monday–Thursday: 6:30 a.m.–10 p.m.
Friday: 6:30–9 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 12–4 p.m.


Underground Fitness & Roger Knapp Tennis Center

Get to Know Drake’s Leadership

Friendly reminder that this organizational view of institutional leadership is a great way to get to know the leadership here at Drake. Instead of just boring text, you will find photos of each person. This can always be found on the Office of the President page and is maintained by the President’s Office. Bonus: if you click on a person’s image, you will be directed to their corresponding web page to learn more.  It is a handy tool, especially if you are new to Drake.

— Nate Reagen, Office of the President

Johansen Student Center Update

Renovations to Johansen Student Center are proceeding on schedule and we wanted to share some progress that has been happening over the summer:

  • Elevator construction is moving along.
  • All the new exterior windows are almost complete.
  • Considerable amount of plumbing, mechanical, and electrical work continues.
  • Interior finishes are underway.
  • The new underground storm water system is in place.
  • The courtyard work will start very soon.
  • The access in and around the Olmsted parking lot is going to be reopened.

We will continue to share monthly updates.

— Heather Winslow, Capital Projects, Facilities Planning & Management

Parking Announcement

Navigating Parking on Campus 

As the semester starts, we will see a surge in campus activity.  Here’s a closer look at how heightened campus activity may impact parking and some strategies for managing parking during high use times.  

The Impact of Increased Campus Activity 

  1. Mediacom Stadium and Expanded Campus Events

This year we will see increased activity at Mediacom stadium.  The increased Mediacom stadium activity will largely be focused on Thursday and Friday evenings from August 29th – October 25th.  The events in Mediacom are likely to increase demand for the FAC lot (lot1) and Tennis Center lot (lot 4) after 3pm on Thursday and Fridays for visitors.  

Many of these events will occur after 4:30 p.m. so it is good to remember that parking is allowed in all commuter lots after 4:30 pm with a valid 2024–2025 parking permit displayed. 

This map (link) shows where all commuter lots are located. 

  1. Olmsted Lot (lot 16)

The office of Career Services offers several opportunities during the fall semester for students to interact and interview with local and national businesses on the Drake Campus in the Olmsted Center.  On the following dates, the Olmsted lot may be closed or near capacity because of events.  Any individual with an Olmsted pass may park in any other Drake Commuter lot except for the Ray Promenade Lot (lot 13) on these dates. 

  • Thursday, Sept. 19  
  • Friday, Sept. 13, 20, 27 (7 a.m. – 10 a.m.), Friday, Nov. 1 

 Also, as we complete work on the Johansen Student Center (formerly Morehouse Hall), we may at times see increased construction vehicle activity to accommodate the project 

 Strategies for Managing Parking Challenges 

  1. Plan Ahead and Adjust Timing

To navigate the parking crunch, plan your arrival times strategically on the dates listed above which may impact parking.  

  1. Utilize Alternative Transportation

Explore alternative modes of transportation to reduce reliance on parking.   The DART bus is free for all Drake ID holders.   

  1. Stay Informed About Parking Updates

Keep up to date with campus parking policies, construction updates, and event schedules. Make note of the dates listed in this message if you park in any of the impacted lots.  Read Oncampus regularly for other parking announcements.   

Increased activity on campus can amplify parking challenges, but with thoughtful planning and the use of alternative transportation options, you can mitigate any inconvenience that it poses. By adjusting schedules, staying informed, and utilizing campus resources, you can navigate any potential parking issue more effectively.  

For more information on university parking, policies and procedures, please visit our parking website.   

— Scott Law, Public Safety & Operational Services

Supply and Textbook Swap

Due to popular demand, the Office of Sustainability will be hosting another supply and textbook swap. It will be a two-day event taking place Sept. 16 from 12–5 p.m. and Sept. 17 from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. on Pomerantz Stage in Olmsted.

Staff, faculty, and students are welcome to stop by to drop off and pick up free gently used office supplies. You do not need to bring an item to take something. All gently used office items are accepted; please do not bring junk. Possible items to bring:

  • Textbooks
  • Post-it notes
  • Pens/markers
  • Note/legal pads
  • Desk organizers
  • Paper
  • Binders
  • Envelopes
  • Tape
  • Paper clips/fasteners
  • Staplers/staples

This event will take place Monday and Tuesday. All items left over will be donated. Reach out to with any questions and follow @drakeu.sustainability on Instagram for more information.

Please no broken or dirty items.

— Hannah Remke, Facilities Planning & Management 

Welcome Week Hours for ITS Support Center

Need some extra assistance during move-in and Welcome Week? ITS staff are here to help. The Support Center will be open the following hours in August.

  • Monday 8/19 through Thursday 8/22, 8 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday 8/23, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday 8/24 & Sunday 8/25, 2–6 p.m.

Regular hours for the fall semester begin on Monday 8/26 and are as follows:

  • Mondays through Thursdays, 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.
  • Fridays, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturdays, closed
  • Sundays, 3 – 8 p.m.

You can also contact us 24×7 by submitting a ticket though the ITS service portal ( or by calling the Support Center at 515-271-3001 and leaving a voicemail if a Student Tech isn’t available to answer your call.

— Becky Klein, ITS

ITS Laptop Kiosk Updates

The ITS laptop checkout kiosk has been updated with 12 brand new computers for the new academic year. Additionally, the kiosk has moved to a new location in Midnight Hall at Cowles Library. Current students, faculty, and staff have 24-hour access to the kiosk to checkout and return laptops for free and use up to twelve hours at a time. 

For additional information and instructions on how to check out a laptop, read the following knowledge base articles: 

If you have questions or need to report an issue with using the kiosk or laptops, contact us by submitting a ticket though the service portal at or by calling the Support Center at 515-271-3001.

— Becky Klein, ITS