All posts by Carol Spaulding-Kruse

Writing internships for Fall 2019

Looking to pick up 1–3 credits this term? Want to put your strong writing skills to work in the community? Register for ENG 199 Writing Internships (3–5 hours per week, 1–3 academic credits).

The College of Arts and Sciences serves a variety of human/social service, arts & culture, government/civic, and environmental organizations in the Des Moines metro area. Internships offer students the opportunity to develop workplace writing skills in a professional setting, build their resumés, and give back to the community. Internship orientation is scheduled for: Friday, Sept. 6, from 1–2:30 p.m. in Howard Hall 309. 

—Carol Spaulding-Kruse, College of Arts and Sciences

Updated check printing schedule

With improvements and efficiencies come change, and this is where we find ourselves with check printing. The addition of Paymerang, earlier this spring, was the first step to better efficiency, reducing the time and costly supplies required for the check printing process. With the implementation of Paymerang, the quantity of checks printed ‘in house’ has drastically reduced. With this level of success we find ourselves at the next step of efficiency.

Starting Sept. 1, 2019, checks will only be printed ‘in house’ on Wednesdays of each week. These checks include; checks for individuals or vendors that have attachments to be mailed with their check or checks that need to be picked up. Paymerang payments will continue to be processed every Friday for the rest of our business vendors.

We are excited to be moving forward with this in an effort to be better stewards of our time and resources. Please make sure that you are planning ahead for your events so that the proper documentation is presented to Accounting with enough time for us to process payments accordingly. Drake printed checks will be processed within seven business days from the time we receive the completed paperwork.

For any questions, please call Jeni Baugher at extension 4509.

–Jeni Baugher, Accounting

Kelly Foster named to new role in Risk and Insurance Services

Effective Aug. 1, Kelly Foster will transition to the role of business & insurance manager, Kelly will be the key campus contact for all risk and insurance-related matters, including insurance claims and coverage, contracts, proof of insurance, foreign and domestic travel, experiential programs and coverage or claim questions. Kelly will continue to perform some project support for Facilities, Planning & Management and Administration. Please welcome Kelly to her new role and visit the Risk and Insurance Services website.

–Venessa Macro, Finance & Administration

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)—Putting account control in your hands 

What if there were a way to know every time someone attempted to access your account? Even better, wouldn’t it be terrific if stolen passwords were completely useless to attackers? Many phishing scams would be completely ineffective. That’s the power and control that multi-factor authentication (MFA)—sometimes known as two-step verification—can provide. 

As faculty and staff, you’re probably already using MFA to access your Drake email or Banner, and these benefits are part of the reason why ITS implemented Duo MFA last year. Attackers know that accounts only protected by passwords are easily compromised and stealing or modifying information undetected can be done quickly and easily. 

If you aren’t already using MFA on your personal accounts, why not start now? Here are some key accounts where you should consider adding MFA:  

  • Email accounts: “Forgot password” reset requests from websites send instructions and links via email, so protecting your email ensures you are in control of resetting account passwords. 
    • Financial accounts: Protect your finances and credit. 
    • Social media and website management: Protect your online presence and personal brand. 
  • Online shopping: Protect your credit cards. 

MFA is becoming more widely available and easier to use. Typically, you’ll install a mobile app or use text/phone call functionality. Most MFA mobile apps also generate codes to use while traveling or when cell service is unavailable. 

Depending on the type of website and/or data you’re protecting, you may want to adjust the frequency of the prompts. For example, you may want extra verification every time you sign into your retirement accounts but may only need that extra step occasionally or if you’re using a new device when signing into your personal email. 

The phishing attacks that we see at Drake often attempt to bypass account security, even those that are MFA-enabled. ITS will continue to provide phishing education in August using simulations of common attack methods. 

—Peter Lundstedt, ITS 

Register now for Drake Learning Symposium

Jeremy Gudauskas and Whitney Roberts of North Central College in Napeville, Ill., will present the keynote address at the Faculty and Staff Learning Symposium, Friday, Aug. 16. This year’s symposium begins at 9 a.m., in the Olmsted Center.

The keynote presentation is entitled Navigating the Seas(ons) of Change: Lessons Learned From Those Still Swimming, and it will be presented just before lunch, beginning at 10:45 a.m.

Please visit the Learning Symposium webpage to learn more. You will also find a complete list of breakout sessions and a link to registration on Eventbrite.

Schedule of Events

Time Agenda
9:00 – 9:30  Continental Breakfast and Registration
9:30 – 10:30 Breakout Session 1
10:45 – 11:45 Keynote Address
12:00 – 1:00 Luncheon
1:15 – 2:15 Breakout Session 2
2:30 – 3:30 Closing Session
4:00 – 5:30 Provost’s Drake Social

–Drinda Williams, Office of the Provost

Vision boards for campus success

Welcome Week this year will include a new activity for the Class of 2023 – Vision Boards for Campus Success! We are in need of magazines in order to make this event happen. If you have any old magazines you are willing to part with, you can drop donations off at or interoffice to the mail room in lower level Olmsted. The magazines will be cut up and glued to a collage of goals, inspiration, and motivation for the new college students to look at and use throughout their future. We will be collecting magazines until Tuesday, Aug. 27.

Thank you for your contributions to this new program!

–Marina Verlengia, New Student Programs

Announcing eduroam, a new campus wireless network

ITS is excited to announce eduroam (education roaming), a new wireless network at Drake. Students, faculty, and staff at any eduroam-participating institution can access the eduroam wireless network at all other participating institutions worldwide. This means that by logging into eduroam on campus using your Drake email address and password, you will then be able to connect to eduroam networks wherever you travel, whether you’re visiting friends at Iowa State, University of Iowa, and University of Northern Iowa, or traveling the world. Currently eduroam is available in over 1,000 locations in 100 countries, so if you travel for J-Term or study a semester abroad, you can take your wireless network with you.

The eduroam network is replacing DUStudent on September 13. The only change from the current DUStudent network is that you must log into eduroam using your Drake email address, rather than your Drake ID number. This ensures that your credentials are passed securely anywhere you connect to eduroam.

The new eduroam network is also key to wirelessly connect gaming and streaming devices in the residence halls. Instructions can be found here.

If you want a wired connection in the residence halls, you can request one by going to this address.

Learn more about eduroam at our FAQ page  and make the switch today.

–Carla Herling, ITS

Drake Social is August 16; family-friendly

The Provost’s Drake Social will be Friday, Aug. 16, beginning at 4 p.m. in the Reading Room, Cowles Library. Please join colleagues for a little relaxation, conversation, and reconnecting. There will be light snacks, beer, wine, and soft drinks.

Those who have childcare responsibilities right after work may bring their children to the event. Soft drinks will be provided.

–Drinda Williams, Office of the Provost