All posts by Ashton Hockman

‘Did U Know’ course to highlight campus departments and services

This past year, Drake held a series of Did U Know classes that highlighted University departments and campus services. Based on positive feedback, Human Resources will be offering the class again with new topics.

The first presentation will be held Wednesday, Oct. 18, at 2 p.m. in Olmsted Center, Room 310/311. It will cover Public Safety, Event Management, Campus Mail Operations, and Card Operations.

Participants will earn BUILD (Bulldogs United in Learning Drake) credits and be entered into a drawing at the end of the semester.

Additional BUILD information, including an online registration form, is accessible under the blueView Employee tab, in the Learning & Development section of Human Resources, or click here to access the form.

Email Linda Feiden at for more information.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Branding next steps

On Friday, Oct. 6, Drake’s branding agency, 160over90, revealed a first look at Drake’s refreshed and re-energized brand platform. Over the next several weeks, University Communications will be updating its toolkit to reflect new brand tools, as we finalize them. You will also begin to see the new brand reflected in marketing and communication materials, such as OnCampus.

Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm for our new brand platform; we will continue to keep you updated and informed as the new strategy is rolled out. Questions? You may find the answers in the Brand Elevation FAQ, or email

—Alyssa Young, University Communications

Fall Break Immersion Trip

Explore hunger and its impact on refugees in Des Moines Oct. 16–17 with the Fall Break Immersion Trip. Participants will learn about hunger at the Iowa Hunger Summit, volunteer at the LSI Global Greens Farm and Bidwell Riverside Center, and take a driving tour of key spots in Des Moines. Apply for the trip. The application deadline is Oct. 12 by 9 p.m. Limited space is available. For questions, contact Chamindi Wijesinghe at

—Chamindi Wijesinghe

Help clothe our neighbors in need

The Winter Warmth Drive is back at Drake and will be held Oct. 18 through Nov. 2.  The drive collects winter clothing for local young people in need, as well as homeless and refugees. Fall break is the perfect time to clean out your closet and donate items you no longer wear. New or gently used winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, blankets, snow pants, and snow boots are welcome in infant through adult sizes.

Clothing donation collection boxes will be located throughout campus beginning Oct. 18. The drive is sponsored by the Christian Legal Society. For more information, please visit or contact

Matthew Lepke

Travel to Uganda this summer

Spend three weeks on a May Term learning about sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study-abroad opportunity is open to all undergraduate students and fulfills AOI: Engaged Citizen or Global and Cultural Understanding. It is six credit hours.

Information sessions:

  • Tuesday, Oct. 10, 7 p.m., Meredith Hall, Room 124C
  • Wednesday, Oct. 11, 6 p.m., Aliber Hall, Room 103

Register at: There is a $500 non-refundable deposit to reserve a spot.

For more information, contact one of the following professors:

—Stephanie Cardwell, Buchanan Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership

Interested in becoming a peer facilitator for MVP?

Are you passionate about violence prevention and making a more inclusive, safe Drake community? If this is you, join the Mentors in Violence Prevention team. The program is a great opportunity for students to develop skills in presenting, networking, and community outreach. Drake’s MVP program inspires leadership by empowering individuals with tools to lead and with concrete options to effect change in their peer cultures and across campus. Peer facilitators receive 12 hours of training, serve on our full MVP team, and present the curriculum on campus. Applications are due Wednesday, Oct. 25.

The MVP team is hosting a train the trainer event the evening of Friday, Nov. 3, and during the day Saturday, Nov. 4. Can’t attend the full training but still interested in learning about MVP or being a supporter? There is an option for supporters to attend part of the training. Supporters can be anyone: faculty, staff, or students. Supporters help open doors and make connections to further the MVP program. To attend a portion of the training as a supporter, send Tess Cody an email at  Faculty and staff are encouraged to complete the training and be a part of the implementation discussion on the second day. Faculty and staff who are interested should also email Tess Cody.

—Tess Cody, Violence Prevention Coordinator

First-generation student session and lunch

Did you know that approximately 10­–14 percent of Drake’s student body consist of first-generation college students? The Office of New Student Programs is inviting this ambitious and driven student group to share their college experience at upcoming discussion sessions. The sessions will help the Office of New Student Programs to grow and develop its support and resources for first-generation students.

Monday, Oct. 23: First-year students and sophomores who are first-generation students are invited to a discussion session from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Upper Olmsted Conference Room. Coffee and snacks will be provided. RSVP by Oct. 18 at 5 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 25: Juniors and seniors who are first-generation students are invited to a discussion session from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Drake Room of Olmsted. Coffee and snacks will be provided. RSVP by Oct. 18 at 5 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 27, pizza lunch: first-generation students, faculty, and staff are invited to a lunch discussion at 11:30 a.m. in Cowles Library, Room 201. Pizza will be provided.

During these sessions, participants will have an opportunity to share their college experience and connect with other first-generation students. For questions or more information on the meetings, email

ICYMI: Watch a video in which faculty, staff, and students share stories and advice on the first-generation experience, and read about the University’s efforts to support this student group.

—Marina Verlengia, New Student Programs