All posts by Aaron Jaco

2017 Baby Bowl

Drake women’s basketball will host the 3rd Annual Baby Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 12, during halftime of its game versus Bradley. Children 12 months and younger are eligible to compete. This is a crawling-only competition. We invite you to register your baby or encourage friends and family to do so. Be sure to sign up early as space is limited. Registration is open now until all slots are filled. Racers will receive two complimentary tickets to the game for parents/guardians. All contestants will receive a Drake Bulldogs baby bib for their efforts.

Register by clicking here or by visiting

Questions? Please contact Tom Florian, assistant director of ticket sales, at 515-271-4949 or

—Tom Florian, Drake Athletics

2017 Bulldog Bus Trip—women’s basketball

Join Drake Athletics on a bus trip to Cedar Falls to cheer on the Bulldogs as they face off against in-state rival Northern Iowa! Each package includes transportation and a ticket to the game. Seats will be located in the section behind the Drake bench. Please note that the bus will depart from the Knapp Center at 4 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 27, and return to Des Moines immediately following the game. A full itinerary will be provided in advance of the trip. Space is limited and filled on a first come, first served basis.

Reserve your spot by calling Tom Florian at 515-271-4949. You can also visit the Drake Athletics Ticket Office. Deadline to order is Friday, Jan. 20!

Questions? Please contact Tom Florian, assistant director of ticket sales, at 515-271-4949 or

—Tom Florian, Drake Athletics

SJMC news: Jan. 9

Two SJMC students finished in the top 10 in the recent national Hearst contest feature-writing competition.

May graduate Cole Norum finished second and senior Molly Longman finished 10th. There were 140 entries submitted to the contest from 74 JMC programs nationwide. The only other institution that had two top-10 winners was Indiana University; Drake was the only private institution in the top 10.

—Kathleen Richardson, Dean, School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Faculty Accomplishments: Jan. 9

David Skidmore, professor of political science, is co-author of a new textbook, International Political Economy: The Struggle for Power and Wealth in a Globalizing World. The 522-page work, published by Routledge, was co-written by Thomas D. Lairson, visiting professor of political science at Jindal Global University and emeritus professor of political science at Rollins College. Read more about David in the Drake Newsroom.

Kieran Williams, visiting professor in the Department of Political Science, recently spoke at two events in the Czech Republic in connection with the publication of his biography of the Czech writer and statesman, Václav Havel (1936-2011). On Dec. 16, Williams and Professor David Danaher (University of Wisconsin-Madison) were interviewed at the Václav Havel Library in Prague by the Library’s director, Michael Žantovský, who previously served as Havel’s press secretary and later ambassador to the United States, Israel and United Kingdom. The discussion, conducted entirely in Czech, touched on the ways in which Havel’s life and work can be framed and presented, especially for non-Czech readers. The event was livestreamed on Czech Television’s website.

While in Prague, Williams also delivered a paper in Czech to a conference held at the Czech Academy of Sciences to mark the fifth anniversary of Havel’s death. He spoke on the influence of psychologist Erich Fromm and philosopher Josef Šafařík on Havel in the 1970s, when Havel was writing some of his most famous dissident essays, such as “The Power of the Powerless”. Williams’s biography of Havel was published in London by Reaktion Books and is distributed in the United States by the University of Chicago Press.

“The Night Before [Insert Holiday]” art exhibit

“The Night Before [Insert Holliday]” is an exhibition of books and objects globally contextualizing Clement C. Moore’s 1823 poem “A Visit From St. Nicholas,” more popularly known as “Twas the Night Before Christmas.”

A patron lent the Department of Art more than 200 distinct copies of the poem, all illustrated by different artists. Lenore Metrick-Chen’s class, Art and Public Interfaces, rose to the challenge to find a way to deconstruct and re- contextualize this collection—turning a predominantly white heteronormative col, including Santa Claus himself, into an inclusive, diverse exhibition. Students reached out to Drake’s multicultural student organizations, and with their assistance, this exhibition attempts to interpret the celebration of Christmas in the context of people of different backgrounds.

The exhibit extends beyond the glass display cases, using the walls of this area to contextualize the Christmas book within the religions and holidays of the world. The exhibit will run through mid-February.

—Lenore Metrick-Chen, Department of Art

Another phishing simulation for faculty & staff

Last month we sent out phishing simulation emails to 500 random faculty and staff members. We’re happy to say 95.5 percent of those who received a phishing simulation email either didn’t open the email, or didn’t click the link. Good work, everyone!

Later this week, we’ll be sending out the next phishing simulation email to another random 500 faculty and staff members. Again, if you receive the email and open the attachment, you’ll be sent to an informational page. If you receive an email you suspect is phishing, simulated or not, please forward it as an attachment to

Participating in training like this is an effective and risk-free way to learn about the dangers of phishing and help protect individual and campus data. If you have questions or concerns, please contact

Learn even more about how to secure your digital life by visiting our blog at

—Peter Lundstedt, Information Security Manager

Faculty/staff Spring 2017 wellness opportunities

Faculty/Staff Fitness Assessments
Recreational Services will be conducting fitness assessments for interested faculty and staff in January. A fitness assessment is a valuable tool for evaluating your health and fitness, including cardiovascular, strength endurance, and flexibility. Tests include the YMCA Step Test, push-ups, curl-ups (sit-ups), and sit-and-reach test. A body composition is included with this assessment as well. For more information please contact Linda Feiden, assistant director wellness & engagement, at or 271-1880.

Weight Watchers at Work
Weight Watchers at Work’s unique mix of face to face interaction with a trained leader, group support, accountability, digital tools, and the convenience of meetings in the workplace has been a winning combination for many. Weekly meetings include a confidential weigh-in followed by a 30-minute class. Class dates, times, and locations TBD. If interested in more information please contact Linda Feiden.

Get Up: Stand Up* 
Feb. 8, 10–11 a.m., Olmsted 310/311
How much time do you spend sitting at your desk, commuting, and relaxing at home? Excessive sitting is directly related to heart disease, Type II Diabetes, and various cancers. Learn how to get moving throughout the day to boost your physical and emotional health. You will identify health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle, learn ways to ‘accidentally’ exercise throughout the day, and set S.M.A.R.T. goals and strategies to increase physical activity. Join Traci Stumbo, EFR, for this “moving” presentation!

Healthy4U – Small Changes, Big Impact (Part 3) *
Feb. 15, 10–11 a.m., Olmsted 312/313
If you have ever tried to read a food nutrition label, determine how big a serving of meat really is, or wondered how to eat healthy at a restaurant, this class is for you.  Dietitian Lucas Flaherty along with Ellen Lowe will cover exercise and protein + water in the third class of this four-part series. Attendance at prior Healthy4U sessions is not required.

Club Ped 10,000 Step Program
Feb. 13–April 23
Walking is one of the easiest ways to get active and stay active. This 10-week program is designed to help you get moving. The ultimate goal is 10,000 steps a day and Club Ped can get you there! Be on the lookout for more information in OnCampus soon!

Couch to 5K
Feb. 20–April 23
If you would like an extra challenge this spring, then the Couch to 5K (also known as C25K) may be for you. This program is designed to take almost anyone from the couch to completing a 5K (3.1 miles) with an easy-to-follow, nine-week program. Our goal is to form a team and complete the Drake Relays 5K Road Race in April. Join Ellen Lowe and Linda Feiden on this journey!

CPR/AED/First Aid Course
Feb. 28 and March 1, 1–3 p.m., Olmsted 310
This FREE instructor-led course will teach you how to respond to first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies. Includes hands on practice of lifesaving skills and certification for those who successfully complete the course. The four-hour course is taught over two days by Chris Nickell, director, environmental health & safety. Minimum of four and maximum of 10 per class. Please email Linda Feiden to register.

Profile Weight Loss Plan by Sanford Health
March 7, 10–11 a.m., Olmsted 310/311
Whether you are just beginning your weight loss journey or have been struggling for years, Profile may be able to help you meet your goals. A weight loss coach will help you develop a plan to not only lose weight, but also incorporate positive nutrition, activity, and lifestyle behaviors, enabling you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition, you will be given a scale that electronically transmits your weight to your Profile coach from the privacy of your home! If interested in learning more, please contact Linda Feiden to attend this presentation.

Chair Massages
Step away from your work and take a 10 or 20-minute vacation with a relaxing chair massage from licensed massage therapist Anne Boal.

Cost is $10 for 10 minutes (correct change cash or check). One name will be drawn from each month’s event, and that person will receive a free 10-minute chair massage! Please contact Linda Feiden for more information.

Healthy4U – Small Changes, Big Impact (Part 4) *
April 11, 10–11 a.m., Olmsted 312/313
If you have ever tried to read a food nutrition label, determine how big a serving of meat really is, or wondered how to eat healthy at a restaurant, this class is for you. Dietitian Lucas Flaherty will cover labels, menu planning, grocery shopping, and dining out in the final class of this four-part series. Attendance at prior Healthy4U sessions is not required.

Other Wellness Offerings

  • Bone density testing, health coaching, Rx reviews, and blood pressure checks by the CPHS
  • 1-on-1 nutritional sessions with Lucas Flaherty (Sodexo Dietitian)
  • Healthy BINGO this spring or summer

Wellness Screenings
Details about the 2017 wellness screenings and online assessment will be announced in early 2017.

denotes a class pre-approved for BUILD credit. More information can be found in blueView.

For more information on any of these programs please contact Linda Feiden at

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources