All posts by Aaron Jaco

Spring break book club meeting

The next book club selection is available for checkout at Cowles!  We will be reading the 2017 All Iowa Reads bookBottomland, by Michelle Hoover. Cowles Library has books available for checkout on a weekly basis (hint: ask for the book on reserve at the circulation desk).

Please see the attached flyer for additional information. Contact Sara Heijerman at if you have any questions, would like to receive future book club info directly to your email, or would like to RSVP for the discussion. Our spring break discussion will be Tuesday, March 14, at 4:45 p.m. (Mars Cafe); we’ve had a lot of fun at these, please feel free to join us!

We hope you’ll enjoy the book recommendation—we’ve also pre-selected our summer book, if you want to get a jump start on the next great read. We’ll be reading Lab Girl by Hope Jahren. Have a great Spring semester, and happy reading.

Drake Book Club – previous selections:

  • The Kind Worth Killing – Peter Swanson
  • Thirteen Ways of Looking – Colum McCann
  • The Boys in the Boat – Daniel James Brown
  • The Nest – Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney
  • Hidden Figures – Margo Lee Shetterly
  • Bottomland – Michelle Hoover (current selection)
  • Lab Girl – Hope Jahren (summer break selection)

—Sara Heijerman & Dan Chinball, current book club contacts

Recipes from Home lunch in Hubbell Dining

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.: Recipes from Home Lunch in Hubbell Dining

Please share with us your favorite recipes from home. We will choose several to feature during our lunch on Feb. 21! If your recipe is selected, you will also receive two meal tickets to lunch that day to share with family! Please email your recipe by Feb. 3 to, along with the  following information: Recipe name, recipe (ingredients, directions), a little about this recipe.

—Jennifer Bowersox, Sodexo

IMPORTANT: Reports of burglaries near campus

To all students, faculty, and staff:

As part of our continuing effort to keep the campus community informed about safety matters, we are notifying you that Drake Public Safety has received reports of three burglaries in Drake-owned real estate properties and two incidents of suspicious activity that have occurred since November—with three occurrences during J-Term. All of these incidents involved doors that were broken or found open. These incidents have also been reported to the Des Moines Police Department, which is investigating.

While it is true that most crimes on and around our campus involving members of the Drake community are crimes of opportunity, in these recent cases we have had break-ins to unoccupied—i.e. the tenants were not home—or vacant homes. As a reminder, if you arrive at home and suspect someone has broken in, do not enter the premises, but call the Des Moines Police Department and Public Safety and wait for assistance.

If you or friends are the victim of a crime, please immediately make a  report to Drake Public Safety (271-2222) and the Des Moines Police Department (911).

In addition, here are some links to helpful safety tips:

Personal Safety
Protecting Your Stuff

As a reminder, we strongly suggest that you download the Drake Guardian App and use the Safe Ride Bus for additional safety on and around campus.

—Scott Law, Public Safety

Website publish freeze, Feb. 2–4

University Communications, ITS, and the Office of Admission have been preparing new templates for top-level content management system (CMS) web pages (mainly those that can be reached directly from Drake’s homepage), including a new homepage design for

The new designs are scheduled to go live on Feb.  4. In preparation for this launch, a publishing freeze will be put in place the prior day to prepare the templates and migrate data. The CMS will still be available to make edits and prepare content as normal, but during this period, changes will not get pushed out to the live site. There will not be any downtime for the public website, only in having updates published.

This will only affect web content that is managed in the Terminal Four (T4) CMS. Other Drake sites that utilize alternate systems such as WordPress will not be effected.

The publishing freeze will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 2, through 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 4.

If you have any questions please contact Jeremy Sievers at (x2795).

—Jeremy Sievers, University Communications

New Faculty Athletics Representative announced

At the January Board of Trustees meeting, President Martin announced that Steve Scullen, professor of management and international business, will serve as Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) beginning in the Spring 2017 term.

Steve has been a member of the College of Business faculty since 2004. He is a three-year letterman in football and track & field. He served as a coach on the track-and-field team in the late 1980’s to early 1990’s.

The role of the FAR is to serve as the liaison between the institution and the athletic department, maintaining the appropriate balance between academics and intercollegiate athletics. As FAR, Steve will serve on the Intercollegiate Athletic Council, represent Drake on the Missouri Valley Conference Joint Committee, and represent the institution on NCAA matters.

As we welcome Steve to this new role, we want to acknowledge how grateful we are to Dean Renae Chesnut for her 17 years of service as Faculty Athletic Representative.

—Megan Franklin, Drake Athletics

Join the House Party!

Des Moines-based hip hop artist MarKaus is hosting the first-ever House Party at Lefty’s Live Music on Friday, Jan. 27, from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m., presented by Station 1 Records and JMC 99, The Recorded Music Industry J-Term course.

House Party is the first step for Station 1 Records and MarKaus in building a community around the philosophy of conscious hip-hop. As a class, they aimed to create an event where people can have fun, share ideas, and be entertained.

Though the event is hip-hop oriented, there will be a diversity of talent across all artistic forms and musical genres, including the spoken word talents of Drake students Anthony Pawnell and Sam Fathallah.

At the end of the day, though, it’s a party, so come ready to dance and have fun!

—Maggie Dickman


New online add/drop form

A revised add/drop form is now available for students to download online. This form replaces the half-sheet, carbon-copy add/drop form, which is considered obsolete as of the Spring 2017 semester.

Like the previous form, the revised form may be used for students to request and receive permission to add or drop a class after the semester has begun. Students must use the form to obtain signatures from various officials, including the instructor of the class, and submit the form to their college/school dean’s office.

Please be aware that dean’s offices and academic departments may no longer have hard-copy versions of this form available in their offices now that the form is available online.

Best wishes to all of you as we begin the spring semester.

—Kevin Moenkhaus, Student Records and Academic Information

Spring meal plan conversion dates

Students on the 335- and 195- block meal plans can convert up to 100 meals this spring semester to flex dollars. Spring semester conversion dates are as follows:

  • Feb. 13–24
  • March 20–24

To convert meals, you can stop at the Student Services Center during these conversion periods and fill out a form to indicate how many meals (maximum of 100 meals per semester) you would like to convert. You can also visit the Student Services website to find the form at the bottom of the page titled “Meal Plan Conversions.”

—Jerry Parker, Interim Dean of Students