All posts by Aaron Jaco

Coming soon: Peerceive

So what is Peerceive? Peerceive is an online peer-to-peer recognition program where co-workers and managers come together to recognize each other for their great work. Employees will be given a user name and password to access their dashboard.

The Peerceive dashboard includes easy-to-use tools to send electronic kudos or e-cards. Kudos are a way for co-workers to express gratitude for a unique contribution to the workplace. You can send them as often as you deem worthy and to any employee in any department. E-cards are an electronic version of a hand-written note. Use these to wish another employee a happy birthday, a general “congratulations,” or even a get well soon.

Everyone will have the ability to modify their personal settings so you can decide if you wish to receive an email notification when you have a kudos and/or e-card and whether you wish to be notified immediately or only on certain days at a particular time.

The Peerceive program is scheduled to be rolled out in March so be on the lookout for more information soon!

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Learn more about long-term care

At one time or another, nearly everyone is touched by the need for long-term care; whether through an aging parent confined to a nursing home, a disabled friend, or a chronically ill relative receiving care at home. Although more than 40 percent of people require care in a nursing home, most long-term care provided in a nursing home is not covered by Medicare.

To learn more about long-term care insurance, plan to attend this presentation provided by Ronda Vry-Bills of Long Term Care Strategies. Registration is not required.

Date: March 2
Time: 2–3 p.m.
Location: Olmsted Center, Room 310

—Marlene Heuertz, Human Resources

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning lunch

The second of our spring semester Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lunches is Friday, March 10, at noon in TMR 133 (lower level of Olmsted). These discussions are opportunities for those engaged in SoTL projects at any level—from just thinking about starting one, to almost complete—or those simply curious about SoTL to share ideas, seek advice, or ask questions of colleagues engaged in this process. If you would like us to provide lunch for you, please register by Wednesday, March 8, at 10 a.m. at:  For more information, contact

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Staff drawing winners

Congratulations to the winners of our staff member drawing, which took place following the Feb. 14 $5 Sodexo Faculty/Staff Appreciation Lunch:

  • Octavio Alvarado, Facilities Planning & Management
  • Umihana Omerhodzic, Facilities Planning & Management
  • Mitchell Stearns, Institutional Research
  • Shannon Saunders, Athletics

Recipients received selected Drake-branded items including a stainless-steel water bottle, T-shirt, plush bulldog, and playing cards. Join us for the next appreciation lunch on March 21, and find the All Staff Council table to put your name in for more prizes donated by campus partners.

—All Staff Council Recognition Committee

Global service-learning grant available

Three grants are available for global service-learning program development. Funding is awarded on a rolling basis until  June 30.

  1. Fellow Grant to develop global service-learning (GSL) programming. Funding to develop GSL partnerships or develop innovative GSL experiences. Faculty and staff can apply. Up to $9,000 for travel and $750 for release time.
  2. Match Grant for GSL project/course. Faculty, staff, and students can apply. Up to $500 toward project implementation resource needs.
  3. Mini Grants for GSL courses and cocurricular experiences. Faculty, staff, and students can apply. Up to $200 toward GSL resource needs.

Please visit this site for more information on each opportunity and how to apply.

—Amanda Martin, Community Engagement and Service-Learning

Instructors: Submit course materials requests for summer

It’s time to submit your course material requests for summer. The deadline for submitting your materials is March 15. Receiving your list of materials as soon as possible allows us to source the most affordable books for your students and provide top dollar for students selling books back at the end of this term. With our Online Adoption Tool, selecting your course materials is fast and easy.

Access the Online Adoption Tool

  1. Visit
  2. Go to Books in the top navigation, and under the Information heading, click Online Adoptions.
  3. If you need additional training to use the Online Adoption Tool, please contact me.

Are You a New User?

  1. Follow the steps listed above.
  2. Click on New? Register Here and complete the required fields.
  3. Enter 1623 in the Bookstore Supplied Password field.

Download the 6 Ways to Help Students Save on Textbooks to learn about Follett’s different types of course material purchasing options. If you have any questions about the Online Adoption Tool or how to save students money, please contact me anytime.

—Donna Hallstrom, Drake Bookstore

Faculty development breakfast

On March 22, 7:45–9 a.m., in Medbury Honors Lounge, hear from Sheila Smith, senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of Intimate Rivals: Japanese Domestic Politics and a Rising China, as she discusses Asian nationalisms. Breakfast will be served. If interested in participating, please contact Mary McCarthy ( by March 3.

—Mary McCarthy, Department of Political Science

Maintaining Drake’s trees

Drake was awarded the Tree Campus Award again for 2016. To be honored with this prestigious award requires a plan to maintain healthy trees and remove trees that are damaged by storms, have health concerns, are at the end of life, or present potential hazards to students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the Drake campus.

The Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) team is implementing the tree work plan to remove 12 trees and prune many others. The majority of the tree pruning work planned for the next couple of days is taking place from Jewett Hall to University Avenue and 25th Street to 28th Street. However, there are a few trees outside this area. The work began on Feb. 16 south of Old Main with several tree removals. On Feb. 27, removal work will continue near the crosswalk over Forest Avenue between Harvey Ingham Hall and the stadium as well as a tree repair between Stalnaker and Hubbell.

To see a full schedule of the tree work, please visit the FPM website.

If you have any questions or concerns about the work being completed or concerns related to noise, please contact Aaron Edwards, building and grounds manager, at 515-271-2959 or Facilities Planning and Management at 515-271-3955.

—Kevin Moran, Facilities Planning & Management

Women’s basketball MVC Tournament all-session tickets

Cheer on the Bulldogs in Moline, Ill., March 9–12 at the MVC Tournament by reserving your All-Session tickets today through the Drake Athletics Ticket Office. A limited number remain in the Drake section for $64 each. Call 515-271-3467, or visit the Drake Athletics Ticket Office Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Questions? Please contact the Drake Athletics Ticket Office at 515-271-3647 or

—Tom Florian, Drake Athletics