All posts by Aaron Jaco

The CSA—Community Supported Agriculture—starts soon!

This is Drake University’s fifth year partnering with Wabi Sabi Farm. Members of the Drake community support a local farm by purchasing a share and, in return, Farmer Ben Saunders brings shares of the week’s produce to campus.

It is a great way to eat healthy and seasonally while supporting sustainable agriculture and the local economy.

Shares will be delivered to Meredith Hall on Wednesday afternoons beginning in May. You may order a full share which is delivered weekly for 20 weeks or a half share which is delivered every two weeks. If you want to split a weekly delivery with someone, let us know and we can look for a match.

For more information, costs, and to sign up please go to

If you have any additional questions, Drake’s student coordinator is Kori Ponder ( She can help answer any questions you have, and she will be the person working with Wabi Sabi Farm and greeting you when you pick up your produce.

Further questions can be directed to Amahia Mallea, History at or Linda Feiden at

Healthy4U – Small Changes, Big Impact

Join dietitian Lucas Flaherty for the final class of this four-part nutrition series on Tuesday, April 18 at 2 p.m. in Olmsted Rooms 312–313. This class will cover nutrition labels, menu planning, grocery shopping, and dining out. Attendance at prior Healthy4U sessions is not required.

Participants will earn BUILD (Bulldogs United in Learning Drake) credits and be entered into a drawing at the end of the semester. Additional BUILD information including an online registration form may be found on blueView. Click here to access the registration form. Please email Linda Feiden at for more information.

Chair and therapeutic massages

We have filled our April 12 chair massage appointments but still have openings on April 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. in Cowles Library Collier Heritage Room.

Cost is $10 for a 10-minute chair massage paid directly to licensed massage therapist Anne Boal at the time of your appointment. Correct change cash or check only. One name will be drawn after the event and that person will receive a gift certificate for a free 10-minute chair massage!

Click the link below to register for the time of your choice. You may register for one or two time slots.

April 13 (Cowles Library Collier Heritage Room)

Additionally, massage therapy is available to Drake faculty, staff, and students. Special Drake rates are offered at $30/30 minutes, $50/60 minutes. Contact massage therapist Anne Boal directly (text 515-988-8760) to schedule an appointment. Morning and afternoon weekday appointment times are available. Payment accepted: cash, check, card. Massages take place in the Bell Center, Room K.

For additional information or questions, please contact Linda Feiden at

2017–2018 Drake Basketball Season Tickets: Secure Your Seats Today!

Men’s Basketball: Interested in becoming a season ticket holder for Men’s Basketball? Fans can now place a $100 deposit per seat to have first priority at season tickets following the renewal period this summer. Don’t miss any of the action at the Knapp Center this year under Head Coach Niko Medved. Call 515-271-3647 or email today!

Women’s Basketball: Existing season ticket holders and interested new fans can take advantage of special ticket pricing starting now until May 12! We have FROZEN season ticket prices at the 2016–2017 rate before they increase for the 2017–2018 season. If you are an existing season ticket holder, be sure to renew your seats before May 12 to lock in your seats at the 2016-2017 rate. If you were not a 2016–2017 season ticket holder, but are interested in season tickets for the 2017–2018 season, you can also lock in tickets at the lower rate before May 12. Simply call 515-271-3647 or email

Go Bulldogs!

Questions? Please contact the Drake Athletics Ticket Office at 515-271-3647 or

Preferred vendor list

Purchasing maintains a Preferred Vendor List on the Finance and Administration website. This spreadsheet has been recently updated and includes many vendors and hotels Drake uses on a regular basis with which we have contracts, consortium memberships, or special discounting. It is a good practice to check first when looking for goods or services for your needs. If you have questions on how to connect with any of the vendors, please contact to find out how to be set up as a user for that particular vendor.

The list is a continual work in progress, so if you have vendor relationships you wish to have added to this list, please send me their contact information. The list of preferred and contracted vendors is accessible on the finance & administration website at

–Caron Findlay, Director, Purchasing & Business Services


Call for participants: Proactive advising project

Drake University maintains a consistently high one-year retention rate for entering first-year students. Over the past four years, the one-year retention rate averaged 88%. While the overall one-year retention rate is high, there are several student groups that experience lower retention rates. The faculty proactive advising project will implement and assess the practice of proactive advising to support success for identified populations of students at Drake in order to improve retention rates for those populations.

The proactive advising project is entering its fifth year, and so far, nearly 40 faculty have participated in the project and about 400 students have been served. Previous faculty participants strongly supported continuing the project. Advisors who used proactive advising strategies had positive impacts on their students based on the data from an advising survey that is distributed every spring term. First year students who were participants in the proactive advising project were significantly more likely to agree that their advisor knew them well and had positively impacted their Drake experience than first-year students whose advisor was not part of the proactive advising project.

Students will be identified for participation in the project based on analysis of several combined risk factors: high school GPA and ACT score (if available due to test flexible admission), failure to attend Summer Orientation, commuter status, and scores on the non-cognitive factors section of the Foundations of Learning assessment that will be administered at Summer Orientation.

Faculty advisors who participate in this project will have a one-semester commitment that will include:

  1. Attend one full-day workshop of all participants in the program on Tuesday, May 16 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  2. Work with project coordinator Wade Leuwerke to develop an advising plan for assigned advisees
  3. Advise 3–5 students identified to participate in the project for Fall 2017 semester
  4. Submit a final report
  5. After the first workshop, participants will receive a stipend of $500. After completing the project and submitting a final report, participants will receive an additional $500.
  6. Optional group meeting and individual consultation and support will be available throughout the project.

Participation will be limited to 10 individuals.

If you are interested in participating, please respond to Sandra Harris ( by Monday, April 17 at 4:30 p.m.

Bulldog Applause Spotlight: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

In March, Drake’s All Staff Council Recognition Committee celebrated staff in Drake’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences with a cookie delivery. Here, we learn more about the staff members behind all of the CPHS success.

Staff members: 20

Mission: to support the College’s mission “Preparing Today’s Learners to be Tomorrow’s Leaders.” CPHS staff supports students, faculty and staff in the college as well as academic and experiential education needs so academic programs, scholarship, and service activities can be delivered.

Longest-time team member: Kathy Schott, director of experiential external affairs (January 2007)

Newest team member: Mikayla Olson, administrative assistant and communication coordinator (January 2017). Other new team members added over the past year include Melissa Rice, Sarah Alexander, Sydni Fenner, Carmalee Woods, Julie Smith, Cory Redman, and Rachel Allen-McHugh.

Where they “live”: Fitch, Cline, Cline Atrium, and the new Occupational Therapy Facility

Recent challenges/accomplishments: CPHS has supported the addition of new programs as well helped plan for the Science Connector Building and Occupational Therapy Facility. These team members embrace the college’s values and demonstrate them each day: Collegiality, Collaboration, Professionalism, Learner-Centered, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Leadership.

Many thanks to the CPHS staff for all they do!

—All Staff Council Recognition Committee

CPHS staff, pictured:

Front row – Sydni Fenner, Assistant Director Student Programs; Marilea Chase, Office Manager; Renae Chesnut, Dean

Second row – Joy Bachman, Animal Care Technician; Julie Smith, Occupational Therapy Administrative Assistant; Anthony Squire, Campus Technician

Third row:  Donna Tuttle, Animal Vivarian; Kate Evans, Professional Career Development Services Coordinator; Melanie Givens, Experiential Education Support Specialist; Jeannie Nielsen, Experiential Education Coordinator

Fourth Row – Melissa Rice, Administrative Assistant; Jill Batten, Interim Assistant Dean for Student Affairs; Sarah Alexander, Compliance Coordinator

Fifth Row– Jessica Lang, Admissions Liaison; Carmalee Woods, Administrative Assistant; Kathy Schott, Director of Experiential Education External Affairs; and Mikayla Olson, Communications Coordinator/Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs

True Blue: Anthony Squire

Anthony Squire, technology support specialist with Drake’s Information Technology Services department, was awarded the Called to be True Blue Award from All Staff Council in March. He was nominated by Kelly Read, administrative assistant in the dean’s office of the School of Education.

In her nomination, Read described the support she and other faculty and staff members in the School of Education receive from Squire, and recounted a recent issue he resolved in his characteristic calm, professional fashion.

“I had a major issue with my password change and 30 iPads in the SOE. The iPads all used my credentials and were pinging my account … which locked me out every half hour. Anthony and I talked all the time—so much so, that he just checked my account on his own, without me having to call every couple of hours to unlock it, for two weeks until we could rectify the iPad situation! It was a huge mess and Anthony remained calm and figured out how to accommodate me so that I could effectively work and didn’t make me feel like I was bothering him. Anthony is a true team player with integrity and did what it took to keep me up and running.”

Make your own nomination!

The Called to be True Blue Award recognizes Drake staff members and teams who epitomize the values of leadership, teamwork, integrity, and commitment to the University. If this sound like someone you know, please nominate them at Recipients are automatically in the running to win a year-end Sapphire Award, the highest staff recognition at Drake.

—All Staff Council Recognition Committee

New University Policy Library to Launch in April

We have an exciting new development in the way Drake will post and share University policies. Drake will soon have a new and enhanced online Policy Library. The new site will make it much easier to find University policies and to ensure that we all have access to the most current version of our policies. You will find below additional information about the Policy Library and its implementation.

What is the Policy Library? 

The Policy Library will house the most current version of these policies in one location. Policies in the Policy Library are the current official statements of University policy across Drake University. The University policies included in the Policy Library have broad impact and their applicability is not limited to a single institutional unit. These university-level policies have been approved by the University President and/or the Board of Trustees when applicable.

How will the Policy Library Work?

Rather than restating policies in multiple locations, our websites, manuals, or documents should provide links or references to the policies in the Policy Library to avoid redundant, inconsistent, or outdated policy statements. Statements of University policy not published or linked through the Policy Library will no longer be official as they may not reflect recent changes. In addition, by connecting to a static web address rather than an Adobe PDF document, we will reduce the risk of outdated policies or dysfunctional links if a PDF document has been changed.

Part of the process will also involve reviewing and updating current policies for formatting and content to make sure they reflect current University statements.  Policy owners should contact Andrea McDonough to set up a schedule for regular policy review.  In addition, all future revisions or adoptions of policy will be implemented according to the Policy Development, Approval and Communication policy so that the policy can be included in the Policy Library.

What about current policies?

The University has communicated with the owners of existing policies to discuss what policies will be moved into the Policy Library. We are in the process of importing (not changing) all University policies into the Policy Library, which will be the only location to find the policy. Rather than posting this policy in various locations, manual, or webpages, all references to your policy will direct the user to the Policy Library.

The policy will still belong to the same office, but it will now be stored and shared through the Policy Library to ensure that we are using the most current version of the policy. Any edits or changes you choose to make will be posted through the Policy Library. The University is simply changing the location of the policies, but is not revising the policies themselves.

What will happen to the current university-wide policies webpage?

When the new Policy Library goes live in April, the former university-wide policies webpage will go dormant to avoid confusion.

Why is the Policy Library necessary?

Currently, University policies are posted in multiple locations. With the current method of sharing and publishing policies, the reality is that outdated versions of the policies continue to exist even after revisions or updates have been made. This causes confusion among our students, prospective students, faculty, staff, and others when we can’t easily decide where the current policy resides. In addition, with the current method of connecting to PDF documents it is common to encounter a dysfunctional link if the PDF document has changed – connecting to a static web address will eliminate that problem.

What will the Policy Library look like?

Drake University policies are organized in eight broad categories, and each has subcategories that will help you find the proper policy. Policies also may be cross-linked if they affect more than one constituent group or subject-matter on campus. Eventually there will be a search function as well.

  • Academics
  • Administration & Operations
  • Financial
  • Human Resources
  • Information & Technology
  • Safety, Health & Security
  • Student Life
  • Governance

What about our College or Unit policies?

The Policy Library contains University policies only. Colleges, departments, and other University units may have additional policies specific to them and for which they are responsible for maintenance and communication. Academic, student, departmental or unit policies must not conflict with University policies; however, they may be more restrictive. Unit policies are adopted in accordance with unit procedures by a dean, director, or chair, as applicable.

Will the Policy Library include guidelines or procedures?

Consistent with the Policy Development, Approval and Communication policy, policies in the Policy Library do not include guidance such as process, procedures, practice, and supplemental information. However, links are provided from policies to such guidance. Guidance may tend to be revised more frequently than policies, and is sometimes considered to be more discretionary than policies.

How does the Policy Library impact the new Policy Development, Approval and Communication policy?

When policies are revised or new policies are created, they will be posted for comment in the Policy Library, consistent with the Policy Development, Approval and Communication policy. In addition, the Policy Library will include a Policy Development Plan to help guide the process.

Whom can I contact with questions?

Venessa Macro, Andrea McDonough, and Katie Overberg serve as the Policy Administrators for Drake University.

Comments about current policies or initial questions about the process for adopting a policy should be directed to:

Andrea McDonough
Senior Administrative Services Specialist
307 Old Main
2507 University Ave
Des Moines, IA 50311-4516

Questions about approval of policies should be directed to:

Venessa Macro
Chief Administration Officer
Old Main
2507 University Ave
Des Moines, IA 50311-4516

Katie Overberg
Title IX Coordinator/Equity and Inclusion Policy Specialist
Old Main
2507 University Ave
Des Moines, IA 50311-4516

—Venessa Macro, Andrea McDonough, Katie Overberg

Oreon E. Scott Nominations Extended

Awarded annually since 1949, the Oreon E. Scott Award recipient is considered to be the exemplary senior student at Drake. The Oreon E. Scott Award winner will represent the graduating class and speak at commencement in May. The student’s depth of scholarship, leadership, service and involvement during their time at Drake will be the criteria used by the selection committee.

The nomination deadline has been extended to noon on Friday, April 7.

More information on requirements can be found here: